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My Grey Is Avoiding Asphalt

Guest Chefcnam

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Guest Chefcnam

I've had Willy for about 5 days now. Today when went for our walks, she would walk on the grass okay. But when we would walk on the asphalt, she would walk very slowly and not really want to walk. I looked at her pads but didn't see anything unusual, although I guess I really don't know what unusual would be. Until today we would go on hour walks through the neighborhood on the asphalt with no problem. Anybody know what the problem could be?

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I'd bet my bottom dollar she has a corn or two. We've had two dogs like that and that's what it turned out to be. (Gee, I just posted in your other thread about not playing. Our Rita, whom I mentioned there, has the corns!)


PS It may be just lack of being used to on asphalt b/c the pads sometimes have to harden and get accimated to the asphalt. All they ever were on was sand, essentially, so the pads are sensitive.

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Guest Chefcnam

I'd bet my bottom dollar she has a corn or two. We've had two dogs like that and that's what it turned out to be. (Gee, I just posted in your other thread about not playing. Our Rita, whom I mentioned there, has the corns!)


What would they look like?

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Since your grey is new, it's entirely possible that her feet are just a bit sore from not being used to walking on pavement. Rubbing a little Bag Balm into her pads (you can get it at most drugstores) wouldn't hurt.

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Guest Shana

Taken from the OP's other thread


Willy is 7 years old and was a bounce. The previous owner had to return her because he had lost his job and house, and couldn't afford to take care of her anymore.


So technically, she's not new. Well I hope she's not 'new' to asphault/concrete because that would be sad if she didn't get walked at her old home.

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My greys aren't new but I also don't ever walk them on asphalt, so they might react the same way.


I bet her little feeties are sore. Just cut back the walks a bit and get some Bag Balm for her pads. You may or may not see any evidence of corns on the surface of her pad. But developing corns in the time you've had her would be unusual - providing that her previous owners didn't mention any problems. She also may not be used to being walked at all (see my above comment!). We have a big fenced yard and I don't walk my guys for exercise.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

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It could be corns, but I wouldn't mind betting some careless person in the dog's past walked it on hot ashphalt in the summer. That would be just so awful! They never forget something like that. Mine remembers been stung by a wasp on the corner of a path and will statue until I cross to the other side with her.

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Guest johnandheidi

Our boys can be very particular about where they walk. Their #1 favorite surface is concrete. It's cool and smooth. Their #2 favorite surface is fresh cut grass. They do not like asphalt, but will walk on it if they have no alternative. I think some of it has to do with heat, but mostly it's the feel; here in Arizona it's a very rough surface. Same goes for sandy surfaces and loose pebbles. They will walk on these other surfaces, but they instantly become the world's slowest greyhounds.


When we first got them, we thought they needed to toughen up their pads. They have been with us for about 5 months and this has held true since we first got them.


I would definitely check for corns or raw skin on his pads, but don't give up on the walks. Greys love their walks! Try some other different surfaces and see what works.

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Guest MyBoys

Maybe she was never actually walked in her other home and was left out in a yard, some people don't walk their dogs if they have a nice size yard. If you have only had her 5 days could be her pads are just sore from walking on the hard surface and she needs more time to toughen them up. My greyhound who came from Ireland had never walked on any hard surface until we got him, until he passed away he would go out of his way to walk on the grass instead of the sidewalk. I would check her pads again just to make sure there is no corn issues, if there are no corn issues then I would find some type of balm to put on her pads to protect them and allow them to toughen up. After 5 days they are probably just plain sore from not being use to hard surfaces.

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Guest Chefcnam

When she walks on asphalt/concrete, she has a very slight limp like she's trying to keep weight off one of her front legs. But when she walks on grass/carpet she has no limp whatsoever. The first 4 days I had her, we walked at least 2 - 30 minute walks each day on the asphalt and she had no problems at all.


Willy just turned 7 years old a few days ago, and I'm not sure what her life was like with her last owner. I'm very worried now because she is still slightly limping on the asphalt and we took it very easy yesterday.

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When she walks on asphalt/concrete, she has a very slight limp like she's trying to keep weight off one of her front legs. But when she walks on grass/carpet she has no limp whatsoever. The first 4 days I had her, we walked at least 2 - 30 minute walks each day on the asphalt and she had no problems at all.


Willy just turned 7 years old a few days ago, and I'm not sure what her life was like with her last owner. I'm very worried now because she is still slightly limping on the asphalt and we took it very easy yesterday.


Definitely sounds like corns. Our grey girl Celeste has no problems walking on grass or running in our backyard. However, she becomes a 3-legged dog when walking on any hard surface.

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
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Guest Heehoo

My guess is she's never been on concrete or asphalt. a lot of greys NEVER see grass until they go to an adoption kennel. We had one that when we would bring her outside to meet people, she'd lay in the grass, moan & roll all over the place. She had never been on grass. Just sand.

It could also be that because she just came from the track/adoption kennel her pads are still soft & the asphalt hurts her feet. It could also be that the asphalt is hot. I don't know your outside temps right now, but especially in the summer, I never let mine stand on the concrete or asphalt. Imagine if you're standing there barefooted.

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