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Just before Christmas, Rascal broke his tail. We don't know how it happened,,,, no trauma, no scream, just a spot that got very swollen and the skin broke so there was some blood. anyway, it got infected: 10+ days of Cephelaxin and hydro therapy, and a nice supportive wrap on his long swishie tail.


Yesterday, almost a month later, I took Rascal to our regular vet,,,, because the site on his tail is still Warm to touch (infection I assume) red in color, swollen and sore.


X-rays showed along with the break Rascal has a Bone Infection! I have not heard of one doggie who was able to get rid of a bone infection. The ones I know of had to have their leg amputated because the bones would never heal (broken hock dogs)


So, My vet went in to the bone and got a sample of the infection, we are sending it in, so the lab can grow a culture and Rascal will take the specific antibiotic for the infection. Right now he is taking a giant pill called Zeniquin (marbofloxacin) 200 mg, once a day. This is a non-specific Antibiotic until we get the result from the lab.


I'm trying to stay positive, because in many ways Rascal is my miracle dog who always beats the odds! however the reality that i see for Rascal is that he will probably loose most of his Glorious, Long, white tipped tail!!! :( still this is better than the terrible "C" word which shall not be said out loud!



I would love to hear if anyone was successful in getting rid of a bone infection! I forgot to ask my vet about pain,, is a bone infection Painful?

we are only on the 2nd day of antibiotics, and already getting Rascal to eat is a chore. he gets the Antibiotic only when he eats! then usually i give him a pepcid in the afternoon. along with extra food if he'll take it, just to keep his tummy happy!


what are your thoughts? wow,, sorry this got so long :blush

hoping for another miracle for my Rascal! :nod

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14


Me! Wasn't a greyhound, but it was a very serious bone infection.


My dog Kramer, a pit bull/shepherd mix, tore his ACL. He had a TPLO (tibial plateau leveling ostomy (sp?) ), which involves cutting the tibia, repositioning the top and bottom, and plating it all back together.


It didn't heal, didn't heal, didn't heal. Finally after about six months the vet said he was OK to resume normal activity (it's supposed to take about 12 weeks). Almost a year after the surgery, Kramer went from healthy to critically ill over night. He was so ill the doctor didn't even attempt a diagnosis when I brought him in--just rushed him into the emergency area, put him on fluids, and took it from there. It was a bone infection that had apparently been festering all along.


He had surgery to remove the plate and screws, drain the joint, and he was put on two antibiotics for I believe 3 months. He DID recover, but it was rough. He had to be confined AGAIN for months.


While I would not minimize the seriousness of a tail amputation, it might be easier on your hound. That's between you and your vet, but yes, they CAN recover from a bone infection.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck


I remember LynnM having a guy with a severe bone infection in the leg they managed to treat.


Stomach meds: cannot stress them enough. Carafate is very good.


Try EVO canned, 95% meat.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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