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Torn Webbing

Guest trevdog

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Guest trevdog

Ossie tore the webbing between his toes about a week ago. Aside from trying to keep him from licking it, it's healing slowly. I was wondering if it fuses back together eventually as it keeps scabbing over, but then he ends up licking it off again and opening it back up. I've been soaking it in Epsom salts and wrapping it at night to discourage licking and try to keep it open during the day to keep it dry. Just wondering if I am fighting a losing battle with his licking or if I should keep him away from it? It seems to bother him a lot more with the scab and he's none too happy about missing his walks or hanging out in the pool.....

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Guest Jennifer4719

Xena tore a webbing a couple years ago, and no, it did not fuse back together. I kept it wrapped for a week or so, then left it open. I took her to the vet and they cleaned it and shaved all the hair around it, which made it much nicer. I did have her on antibiotics too, just for coverage.

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One of my boys tore his and he had to have a couple of stiches, healed up quickly. It was a bad tear tho, would not stop bleeding.

My other boy just tore his this past week. Not really bleeding so I think it is OK. I have kept an eye on it. Today I will clean it really good to see how it is doing. I think the biggest concern is infection, so gotta really watch out for that.

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One of my boys kept tearing his webbing. it seemed both front feet were constantly wrapped for a while.

His feet healed, it took alon time and he really didn't have webbing anymore. he had individual toes that splayed open when he really dug in to run. buth they never bothered again him once they healed.

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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Guest trevdog

I'm trying not to keep it wrapped too much, it seems to hold the moisture that way. I was giving him some antibotics too. I thought about taking him to the vet but after reading here it didn't seem like much would be done other than cleaning it, and it's in a tough spot to staple or suture. But yes, it did bleed a lot when it happened. We may resort to wearing a muzzle all day as it really does seem to look better when it's kept unwrapped and he doesn't lick at it...all the years we've had greyhounds and this is the first webbing incident, I guess we've been lucky.

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Guest KennelMom

Echo had a small puncture in her webbing this year...it ended up completely splitting the webbing between the two toes and it's obvious it will never grow back. I didn't really do much except keep an eye on it.

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FedX tore the webbing between two toes on his rear foot after an unfortunate encounter with a chain link fence. I did let him lick at it occasionally as it stopped scabbing and kept it clean. However, i also rinsed it after each walk and before bed to get any dirt out. I never wrapped it. His healed up but the webbing never fused back together again, you would never know it though unless you looked closely.

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Guest Energy11

We have had it happen here, too. I use Trypzyme-V liquid or spray http://www4.shopping.com/xGS-Trypzyme~NS-1~linkin_id-8004464 on it, as it helps sluff of the old skin, and promotes healing. Then, I use a toddler sock and a bootie, until it heals. I swear by the Trypzyme, and the toddler sock helps pad the webbing. Good Luck.

Edited by Energy11
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Guest jettcricket

My little man, Duffy, just tore his webbing too a few days ago. ANd yeah it did bleed a bunch. I've been doing basically what you've been doing and it seems to be healing fairly well. I really don't know what a vet could have done as the skin is so thin....hope your boy continues to heal with no problems.

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I've done it both ways with Copper. The first time he ripped a webbing, I took him to the vet who cleaned it and put in some stitches. The webbing healed OK though it was weeks of him limping and trying to keep it dry in an Oregon winter. Second time, I just dealt with it at home. I had some leftover antibioics and soaked it in Epsom salts daily (which he hated!), and tried to keep it clean an dry the rest of the time. It healed faster but the webbing didn't come together. It doesn't seem to bother him to have no webbing there. He wore his muzzle both times to keep him from licking (with duct tape over the bottom in a make-shift stool guard).


I think it depends on how comfortable you are dealing with wounds at home, and how severe the webbing is torn. Good Luck!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest trevdog

I'm not really worried about it growing back together as long as it doesn't bother him. Just curious if it would fuse as it looks as if it's trying to until he licks it open again. In the meantime, just working on keeping it dry and him away from it. It does look much better when he leaves it alone though I'm sure it itches.

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Guest RaspberryRachel

The webbing will not "stitch" itself back together, but this is a very simple heal. Once of the biggest mistakes people make with this issue is wrapping the foot. NEVER wrap a split web. It will only make things worse! Just let the dog lick, rince once daily with peroxide to clean and prevent infection. If the dog starts to lick obsessively and is re-opening the wound, muzzle him with a cap until it is healed. He will probably continue to rub the muzzle against the foot out of habit. That is fine as long as he's not getting it wet.


Clean and DRY = quick heal

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