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Hound Ate 1/2 Stick Of Butter

Guest got2now

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Guest got2now

My husband left the butter - maybe a half or a quarter of a stick - out on the table along with some cheese eggs. We just discovered that one of the hounds (we're not sure which one) came in and scarfed them down. I am worried about it making him/her sick. Does anyone know what we should do, besides keeping food out of their reach?

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In the late 60s I worked on a ranch and one of the other ranch hands had a baby great dane that was having a hard time gaining weight.


his vet told him to add a stick of butter to each bowl of kibble He started gaining weight. when he was full grown and hiked his leg he hit the top of a semi truck tire :eek kinda fun watching him run with our horses B)

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Giggling.gif Aren't you glad it wasn't a ham or a whole apple pie or some other yummy thing? Nuke that pup a sweet potato to go with the butter!

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest elisemg

Giggling.gif Aren't you glad it wasn't a ham or a whole apple pie or some other yummy thing? Nuke that pup a sweet potato to go with the butter!

I can't keep butter away from my knucklehead! :blink:

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Guest got2now

My hounds haven't done that in a long time. A few years ago, I tied a still- wrapped string cheese to some fishing line, which was attached to empty soda cans that had pennies in them. After they dragged that down a few times and the noise scared the bejookers out of them, they left the counters alone. My big guy has the appetite of a bear, though. I guess I need to get those cans out again.

Thanks for the link to pancreatitis. That's what I was win the back of my head after the butter-snatching. Good to know for future reference ;)

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Guest scfilby

We've found tongue prints in the butter a few times.. more than once AFTER eating the morning toast.. :crazy It's always Mickey our resident counter surfer extraordinaire.. She has never had any issues..

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Our first grey, Vanna Black, countersurfed a whole stick of butter when we first got her, and we were used to small not able to countersurf dogs. She had the shiniest coat forever, and we always swore it was from the butter. I was worried about the big D, but it never happened. My son made up a whole piled high plate of hamburgers with wonderful additions, covered it with wax paper, and Vanna Black got half of that too.

Our present guy Khan has some leg issues and never countersurfs, but he is our 3rd, and WE are trained now!!

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Guest vtgreys

Jaxie indulged in a pie crust on Friday when I had to make a quick trip to get more eggs. Luckily it had no filling in it yet, had just gone through the first pre-baking cycle. Since I had 6 of them going, one was too close to the edge of the counter. Watched Jaxie and he was none the worse for wear, not even extra bathroom trips. The hardest part was having to sweep up all the rice which I had used as the pie weight, it was everywhere!

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Guest mygr8hndz

One of our boys has a real thing for butter. He's not a counter surfer per se, but always knows when butter is out and will come looking for it, even if it's an empty butter wrapper in the trash. He's been known to go in the can in search of the wrapper and will run off with it like he's found a bar of gold. He gets a pat of butter every know and again as a treat and he's always tolerated it very well with no issues. And once or twice he's made off with a half stick or even a stick on the sly and has been just fine. I wouldn't worry at all :D

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I remember when my irish setter, Ember, ate a whole pound of butter (in about 10 second flat!); nothing happened. That said, she also ate two large frozen turkey legs, a container of old chili that was in the garbage, an entire angel food cake (twice), an easter basket full of chocolate stuff (poo-ed colored foil for a few days, lucky I know)...


that dog was a tank...


Hope everything works out in the end :)

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