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Sherman Has Developed 2 Small Limps And Is Losing Weight

Guest Shermanator

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Guest Shermanator

Over the summer, Sherman developed a lump on his chest. It looked like a bug bite, so I brushed it off. No behavior changes, and no eating/drinking changes. He was completely is normal self. Last month I noticed it was a little bigger, so I mentioned it to the vet, who has not too concerned. Sherman also lost 3 pounds since his checkup last year. I was a little concerned over that, but the vet was not. He was getting older, we had just come off the summer months, and there are no behavioral changes in him. Just keep an eye on him.

Over the past month, I could swear he was losing more weight. DH said he looked ok- don't stress over him. :rolleyes: I'm an overprotective mommy, and worry about their health as they get older. :)

Last week DH admitted his hip points were more visible, and his lump looked more defined. Sigh, back to the vet.


Since last month, Sherman has lost 3 more pounds. I swear, I have not seen any eating changes from him. (We are free feeders here, and I have noticed no changes in their levels of food throughout the day. We also work from home, and have not noticed Sherman not eating.) No behavioral changes. Also, a 2nd small bug-bite like lump has formed. The vet definitely did not like that, and they took blood, and cells from the bumps for testing. She said they could be limpomas, but they did not look for feel like them. :(



Anyone ever see this?


I am very hopeful, since Sherman is still his normal playful self. He is still happily chewing on his bones, and continues his mission in life to take every single toy outside. (We have an ongoing war- Sherman takes them outside at night through the dog door, and I bring them back in during the day, since Patton will pee on them. Its an ongoing battle- ha.) :colgate But, I digress.


I am trying some wet food (Nature's balance) which he inhaled immediately last night. So, I am going to try to supplement that when his kibble, to hopefully get some weight on him. Today, I'll give him a little more, and watch his poop to make sure its not giving him the big D. Blood work should be back today, and the tests from the cells they took from the lumps should be back at the end of the week, to help us understand what we might be dealing with.


Sherman will be 9 in February. He is my heart dog. My first greyhound, and I love this dog to death. We do not have kids, so he is like my 'first born.' I am terrified. I adore Sherman, and am terrified to lose him. I cannot grasp that concept, a life without Sherman.

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no advice, but I understand completely how you are feeling! :( my babies are the world to me. I will pray that it is nothing!!!! :hope :hope :hope :hope

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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Guest Energy11

If he wants to eat, then, I'd feed him, like Burpdog says, three times a day or so, and maybe give him some high quality treats inbetween. Couldn't hurt.


Let's hope the lump is nothing! Something as simple as a fatty tumor. Many greys and other breeds get these.


Love, hugs and prayers from the mountains to you and your familly!

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Sending good thoughts for Sherman, hopefully the lumps are fatty tumors, my 9 year old boy has 2 of them that I have checked every few months just to be sure. My vet said they are fine but it puts my mind at ease hearing that from her at each visit. Please let us know his results.

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Guest MorganKonaAlex
I would do what you have to do to monitor food intake. Free feeding when a dog is losing weight is not a good idea. Can you feed him twice (or three times) a day so you know how much he is getting?

When I needed to track my free eater, I would refill the dish with small measured portions and keep track of each refill.

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No experience here, but others have given good advice. Sending healing prayers and hugs of comfort.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest Shermanator
I would do what you have to do to monitor food intake. Free feeding when a dog is losing weight is not a good idea. Can you feed him twice (or three times) a day so you know how much he is getting?

When I needed to track my free eater, I would refill the dish with small measured portions and keep track of each refill.


That is a fantastic idea! I will do that!

I got the test results back today, what a FAST turnaround, and the news is GOOD! I think.


First, his blood work: all his levels were ok; however his thyroid is super, super low. However, his liver and kidneys were good, so that is positive.


We are starting thyroid meds today. Interesting, since there have been no behavioral changes in him. The only change that I have noticed, is over the past month his coat lost its luster, and became dull, dandruffy (ew), and not as soft. I thought it was from the change in weather, and baths, brushing, oil supplements did not help him at all! So, I assume that could be from the thyroid? We'll see.

The results from his cells came back as well. This is what they told me: there were some abnormal cells; however, they are attributing that to the trauma of him laying down hard. (They are right on his chest where he lays, and hits the ground when he 'sphinxes.' He is also the most non-graceful boy, and flops on his bed. There were more normal looking cells than bad ones. They believe they are limpomas. Since his blood work looked good, they are optimistic. They said I can have them removed, and biopsied, but we are taking the wait - and - see approach. I do not want to put him through the trauma of surgery. Not yet.


I need to keep an eye on him, and if the lumps grow, he looks like he's dropping more weight, bring him back asap. I trust them, so I am okay with this.

We'll head back to the vet for a weigh-in, and a quick check up in a month. After 8 weeks of thyroid meds, we go back for blood work, to check his levels.


I want to take a Sharpie and outline his bumps, so I can see if they grow. Is that wrong? (He hehehehe.) I am a nervous mommy, and watch him like a hawk.


So, its cautiously good news. We have to keep an eye on him. He ate a lot of dinner (yogurt mixed with kibble,) I watched them eat. Sherman ate a good portion, which I am happy about.

Sigh, I love that doggie. I hope we found the problem. Yay Shermey!


I do not like facing his mortality.

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Guest trevdog

Did they take any xrays by chance? Glad to hear his bloodwork was good. Definitely keep a close eye on them. The fact he is eating and still losing weight and his coat not looking so shiny would worry me.

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Guest Shermanator
Did they take any xrays by chance? Glad to hear his bloodwork was good. Definitely keep a close eye on them. The fact he is eating and still losing weight and his coat not looking so shiny would worry me.

We didn't do xrays, but I am taking him back in another week to weigh him. He's eating more than previously, since I am supplementing wet food with his kibble. We have 2, and they are free feeders. I would supplement an egg or yogurt for breakfast. He'd eat his egg or yogurt, a little kibble, and that's it. Now, with the wet food, he's eating more kibble to make sure he gets all his wet food. :)

I am seeing no behavior changes in him, none whatsoever. He's still playful and social with Patton, and us. That's a good sign.


I am taking him next week for a weigh in, and if he drops more weight, xrays are next, I think.

I watch Sherman like a hawk. He's great, he's my stoic, quiet boy. When I'm loving on him, or checking his bumps, he snorts and snuffles as if to say, 'Mooooommm, stop smothering me. I'm fine.' Hee hee. He's great.

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It sounds like all pretty good news! I'm monitoring a boy who has lost weight right now. His thyroid is ok, so the next step for him will be xrays/ultrasound. I know how scary this has been for you.

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