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Crying Out When Laying Down Or Getting Up

Guest missecho

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Guest missecho

Any advice on what would make a grey cry out when laying down, especially on her right side, or when she gets up? Everything on the outside appears to be in order...she is moving very slowly, and not her usual perky self.

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Guest bigorangedog

It could be a pinched nerve in the neck/spine. My boy Crisco used to get these, and he would yell especially when getting up from lying down flat on his side. It would come and go for him. We tried various things including a doggie chiropractor, acupuncture, and NSAIDs like Deramaxx. Whatever we did, it would generally go away after a few days, so I don't know whether anything worked better than anything else... Might be worth a trip to the vet to figure out where the pain is at.

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zimsmom is right. You need to get some x-rays ASAP. Whatever it is it needs to be checked on to make sure it is not something serious that will be life threatening without treatment. They can actually suddenly go down/collapse with certain types of neck injury.

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Guest KennelMom

Could be anything from a pulled muscle to a neck injury to osteo....you really need an exam from the vet. How old is she? Any unusual activity lately or did this come "out of the blue"...though, regardless of your answers my advice would still be to see a vet. Soreness/stiffness in a young, active hound might be something I opt to "wait and see" for a day or two...but the yelping when getting up and depressed mood could indicate a great deal of pain that I'd want a vet to take a look at so, at the very least, the dog could get some pain relief. I do not give drugs for pain unless I know what I'm giving them for, so I would hesitate to just give her "something" for the pain w/o having her seen first.

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I agree with the above. Vet time.


My Chancy had lumbosacral stenosis, and when she'd have painful flare-ups, she was unable to lay down or stand up without yelping. Thankfully, with pain meds and acupuncture, the flare-ups didn't last more than a few days.


But again as Heather said, your pup's pain could be could be any of a number of things. Hope it's minor. :goodluck



~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest Energy11

Could be anything from arthritis, to a pinched nerve, something muscluar, and, yes, OS. But, don't think the worse, please. Dasher had bad arthritis, and he did what you are describing a lot.


I'd get her to the vet, get some x-rays and go from thre. Love, hugs and good luck!

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Yes, I agree with all the above opinions regarding seeing the vet. It will put your mind at ease at the very least. My boy went through what you described and whenever he got up from laying down would cry out (not like him). I thought the worst, of course, and was a wreck. After going to the vet, it turned out he had a pinched nerve in his neck, was put on meds, and he is now totally fine. This was a few months ago and it has not returned. Good luck and wishes.

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Guest NewGreyOwner

This same thing just happened to our boy about a week ago - crying out for no apparent reason, tentative movements, couldn't shake his head... we got an x-ray and the vet sees possible herniated disks. He was put on anti-inflammatories, pain meds, and restricted activity. After a day or two, he's back to normal (I'm using this term loosely!) and seems to be his usual self. No cries at all and can shake his head and body. We're going ahead with a consult with a neuro doc and an MRI just to get a clearer picture of what we might be dealing with. But for the time being the meds seem to have helped a lot, and we've now taken him off the pain pills.

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