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Licking A Wound

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Mabel managed to run into a bit of garden fencing last night, and now has stitiches on her inner back right thigh - high up almost in the crease where the thigh meets the body.


She of course wants to lick it. the vet sent her home in a regular e-collar, but it completely stresses her out. She just stand in the middle of the room shaking.



So I currently have her muzzle on her, with tape over most of it so she can't lick. But of course, she can't drink, either.


Any other ideas? Would a bite-free collar work?


Or has anyone used a clear e-collar? Is it the lack of vision that scares her?


She has to wear it for 10-14 days, so I will order something - unless someone in my area (West Orange, NJ) has one I could borrow!


Thnaks for ideas!




Karen with Tessye (galgo b 2017), Fidel (galgo b c2012), and bridge kids Dublin (J's Texmex 1996-12/31/01), Daisy (Assurance 8/8/95-9/26/07),  Bubba (Kelsos Irony b 5/99-8/19/10), and Mabel (Googly Spin  1/06-11/19)



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Poor puppy!


We have avoided the e-collar numerous times by using pants. You can get larger kids' sized sweatpants at any Goodwill, cut the legs shorter, and cut a hole for the tail. You have to take them off when they go out to go potty, but otherwise, it is the easiest solution. You can let the legs go down to her feet to be sure she can't wiggle them up.


I checked the ones we use, and they are large (10-12) or M sweatpants, kid's sizes. I also have a pair of longjohn pants cut off down there with a stitch taken in the waist that I can't quite remember if I used at one time or not--maybe in warmer weather when I hated to use heavy sweatpants? We've had a lot of leg wounds, all the way down the leg, that these have worked with.

Edited by SusanP
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Guest bigorangedog

You can make a Bite-Not collar by folding up a large bath towel the long way (so it is about 8-10 inches wide), winding it around the dog's neck (not too tight) and duct taping it.


I second the pants idea. Men's boxer shorts backwards (with the tail through the opening) work well. The waist will be too big so you can safety pin it, or ball up the excess fabric around the waist and secure with rubber band.

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The Bite-Not collar might not work for a hind leg injury as it won't inhibit their ability to reach that part of them. The pants idea is probably the better way to go.


I used the homemade Bite-Not for Mango after her front leg amputation, but toward the end of the healing, she'd gotten crafty enough to figure out how to bend so that even with the Bite-Not, she could reach the lowest part of her incision! Don't underestimate the determination of these guys when they have an itchy incision. :)

Kate, with Nedra and Holly
Missing Greyhound Angels Mango, Takoda, Ruger, Delta, and Shiloh, kitty Angel Hoot, cat-tester extraordinaire, and Rocky, the stray cat who came to stay for a little while and then moved on.
Greyhounds Unlimited

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Guest ArtysPeople

We have had numerous dogs with injuries at Maine Greyhound Placement Service, and we never use e-Collars, just regular plastic greyhound muzzles. She should be able to drink fine with a larger bowl or a bucket (they know how to drink with a muzzle on from their days on the track, trust me). Best wishes.

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Guest LindsaySF

I would use a stool guard on the muzzle. They can still drink water through that, just make sure the water dish/bucket is large enough for the muzzle to fit.



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I've ordered a muzzle keeper and a stool guard - so hopefully that will work. She's been OK today since we've nbeen around her all day - I've let her be and kept an eye onher - pictures of pants will follow shortly!


Karen with Tessye (galgo b 2017), Fidel (galgo b c2012), and bridge kids Dublin (J's Texmex 1996-12/31/01), Daisy (Assurance 8/8/95-9/26/07),  Bubba (Kelsos Irony b 5/99-8/19/10), and Mabel (Googly Spin  1/06-11/19)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, greyhound in pants!


Our boy Kingsley was also completely traumatized by the gigantic e-collar but he was very good at leaving his surgery alone when we were with him, so we just had someone with him 24/7 during his healing process. (we have amazing friends who would dog-sit him and just be there to tell him "no" if he went for his stitches)

Hope she heals well!

Amy and Tim in Beverly, MA, with Chase and Always missing Kingsley (Drama King) and Ruby (KB's Bee Bopper).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those sound good but my dog will chew off any bandage and in fact managed to eat off a baby sock I had put on his leg. So do you think these could work for him? Thanks


This probably doesn't help now...but we just got a new product in


Anti-lick strips


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