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Our Sweet Little Timber At The Bridge September 14

Guest lynne893

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Guest LeanneSchatz
Since Lynne is having problems posting pictures of Timber, I offered to post them for her. Here's the lovely Timber. :wub:



Timber in her younger days





at Huntington Beach





enjoying the sun





dressing like a robot with mommy and daddy for halloween





in her babushka with daddy





mommy! you know i hate the camera-- quit it!





frolicking at Morro Bay with daddy Thanksgiving 08





happy family





Timber, buried in her babies





at the park, 9/6, one of our best memories together





kisses from mommy





Timber, September 6, 2009





What a beautiful little girl. I am so sorry she had to leave you, I can't imagine your pain. I have two girls and they are mine and DH life. We love them to pieces, I understand what you mean about being a family, we are a family too. My first girl, went on our honeymoon with us last year because we could not bear to leave her. I hope you find some peace and comfort in knowing that you gave her an awesome life, she looked so happy. Hugs! :(

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Guest sophjoe03

I am so sorry for your lost. I understand your pain. We both had lost our babies on the same day. I hope they got to meet at the bridge and are running free as friends so they arent alone while waiting on us to join them.

Heidie :f_pink

Edited by sophjoe03
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Guest lynne893
I am so sorry for your lost. I understand your pain. We both had lost our babies on the same day. I hope they got to meet at the bridge and are running free as friends so they arent alone while waiting on us to join them.

Heidie :f_pink


To Paula, Heidie and to everyone else,

Thank you for your sympathy and support. Among all my friends and relatives, even those who knew Timber, no one understands like they Greytalk community. Paula, a special big thank you for posting those photos. That was so kind of you.


Thank you for being there. I share in your joys and your sorrows. These hounds mean so much to us!


Thank you for taking a peek at Timber's pictures.


One day at a time...




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Just now seeing this. I'm so sorry to hear about Timber. Your pictures of her are beautiful - it looks like she had a wonderful life with you guys. I'm sure you gave her all the love you could in the 6 years she was with you.



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When they choose you, it's meant to be. Your tribute was lovely and I am so very sorry for your loss. Rest well, sweet Timber and send your Momma a sign that all is good.


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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To Paula, Heidie and to everyone else,

Thank you for your sympathy and support. Among all my friends and relatives, even those who knew Timber, no one understands like they Greytalk community. Paula, a special big thank you for posting those photos. That was so kind of you.


Thank you for being there. I share in your joys and your sorrows. These hounds mean so much to us!


Thank you for taking a peek at Timber's pictures.


One day at a time...




:bighug I'm just glad I could help. Your Timber was beautiful and I'm glad everyone was able to see that.


Paula & her pups--Paneer (WW Outlook Ladd), Kira & Rhett (the whippets)
Forever in my heart...Tinsel (Born's Bounder - 11/9/90-12/18/01), Piper, Chevy, Keno, Zuma, Little One, Phaelin & Winnie
Greyhound Adoption Center ~ So Cal rep for Whippet Rescue And Placement

For beautiful beaded collars, check out my Facebook page: The Swanky Hound

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  • 3 years later...
Guest rness024
Timber (racing name Keystone Triumph) came into our lives September 19, 2003. She lived October 21, 1999 - September 14, 2009.


I've been putting off writing this remembrance because it's so very hard to write and really tell you anything about her. I feel so helpless to express it. And I don't understand how to load photos from a Mac.


Timber was the best dog we've ever been blessed to have. In the last month, after being diagnosed with alimentary lymphoma, she went on Prednisone and had three spectacular weeks. We were so fortunate to have those wonderful days with her. She felt really good. When things took a turn, she told me with her eyes it was time. I doubted myself, I doubted almost everything, but painful as it was, I could never doubt my little brindle girl. She told me. It was the damned hardest thing ever. She didn't suffer terribly. I think we can be pretty sure of that, fortunately, but it hurts us like hell that she's gone. Two kindly vets here in LA came to our home and helped us send her to the bridge. I think they were Timber's angels.


I miss Timber so much. The first two days were largely spent wailing into her collar and her bed. Now I'm feeling so numb and strange. You know the times of day that are hardest: morning and evening walk and feeding times, and coming in the door home from work. The strangest. Her collar and her bed still carry her scent, and I never want that to fade.


Timber was our heart dog. She "chose" me. I had my eye set on another greyhound in a pack of available adoptees, but while all the other dogs just roamed around sniffing things, this little brindle girl came up to me, looked me in the eye and asked me to pet her. She didn't leave my side. I thought, "she must need ME."


I brought her home with me jut two months after I lost my last brindle girl, Gracie. Timber patiently helped me through my grief and worked her way so deep into my heart.


She came to us just after DH and I got engaged, and has been with us ever since we had our first place together, and through our marriage to this point. It's a whole new relationship without her. And a very sadly empty and silent apartment.


She was the belle of the neighborhood. No one met Timber without falling in love with her. She was so gentle and yet so goofy. She went into "hunter mode" whenever she spotted a doggy friend down the street that she wanted to greet, and oh how she loved scaring the squirrels in the tree next door. She took a couple of trips up the California coast with us, took a big surprise splash in the ocean, and was our constant companion. The three of us were a little family.


She had a lifelong fear of pugs, but loved little black dogs. Little dogs in general made her really happy. She loved being barked and yipped at. She was my little sidekick. So happy.


I love you, Timber. Mommy and Daddy both love you so much. You were our light and our life and our heart. You will always be those things to us. I look at the sunset and I feel you.


Thank you so much for all of the love and joy and happiness you gave us over these 6 years. We are so lucky. I hope you felt and knew how much you were loved.


Until we meet again my little B, I love you.


Sorry about the loss of Timber. I realize it was years ago, but this post popped up in my google search. We just lost our little Keystone last week. Saddest week ever.


Anyway... I had to respond because I think Timber was Keystone's sister. The same birthday! And when I look her up in the greyhound statistics, all of her brothers and sisters were named Keystone. And although this is a little confusing, we knew our dog as "Keystone Triumph". In any case, we loved this dog more than anything, and I thought I'd share this. Greyhounds are the BEST dogs and after reading about TImber, I'm sure they are sisters.





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