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Kaylee In For Dental Today

Guest FLT

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Kaylee was in for a dental a few months ago, but after being under long enough to pull 16 teeth, her heart rate started to slow enough that they didn't want to try and keep her under any longer. They had a few more teeth they wanted to remove, so we are back today for another round.


I hate putting her under again - so good wishes are appreciated.


Drake has his next bandage change for his front paw today at 2:15pm (at the surgeon's office) - so we are paying two different vets today! (yeesh - my AMEX card is reeling!)


While Kaylee is under they are going to take a look at a weird spot on her elbow area that the vet looked at and thinks is just a callus from laying on that side - but she always has padding, so I don't know if that's really what it is. If he doesn't like the looks, he'll pull a sample at the same time.


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Spoke with the vet tech who did the scaling on Kaylee - she did fine, and Dr. Bob removed 2 more teeth (I'm betting one was a pre-molar and one was a molar - but we'll see). She is waking up okay, they figure she'll be good to go in a couple of hours.

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Standard Poodle Daisy (12/13)
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Just back from picking up her (expensive) self. She's eating dinner (I bought some canned EN - which is essentially beef and rice) to make a nice "soup" for her dinner. She was starvin' she tells me.


She's still a little off balance, but looks okay otherwise. She's panting and stressed, but she is already much more alert than she was when we brought her home from the last one (she was under much longer for that one).


She got some injected Metacam there, and I'm giving her some Tramadol.


The price.. ::cough:: expensive! Total of $935.45 - with my 15% discount for her being a therapy dog with Fidos for Freedom. Of course we go for the full monty on blood work (Chem 10), CBC, did a poop sample which was due, paid for the electrocardiogram to be done, as well as monitoring while she was under.. She did fine though, and hopefully we don't have to pull any more teeth for a while.


Thanks again for everyone's positive thoughts today.



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Guest LeanneSchatz
Just back from picking up her (expensive) self. She's eating dinner (I bought some canned EN - which is essentially beef and rice) to make a nice "soup" for her dinner. She was starvin' she tells me.


She's still a little off balance, but looks okay otherwise. She's panting and stressed, but she is already much more alert than she was when we brought her home from the last one (she was under much longer for that one).


She got some injected Metacam there, and I'm giving her some Tramadol.


The price.. ::cough:: expensive! Total of $935.45 - with my 15% discount for her being a therapy dog with Fidos for Freedom. Of course we go for the full monty on blood work (Chem 10), CBC, did a poop sample which was due, paid for the electrocardiogram to be done, as well as monitoring while she was under.. She did fine though, and hopefully we don't have to pull any more teeth for a while.


Thanks again for everyone's positive thoughts today.




Hope you girl is ok and is feeling much better now! How many teeth was it that they took today? My girl is having teeth out on Friday. two that I know of not sure of others.


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Guest LeanneSchatz
She only lost two today - which is good - I expected three. They took a pre-molar and an incisor (just behind the big canine tooth).


Is $900+ what you have paid in the past? My vet could not give me an estimate till they got in her mouth. However, she had bloodwork last week and that was $200. The cost of the dental alone is $185.00 here.

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Yes - that was $935 plus the approximately 1k we paid 3 months ago for the other dental. It's been an expensive year for dog care for us. Chester's last few days (we lost him to Hemangiosarcoma in early April) was about 2k, Kaylee is in at about $2600 including two dentals and normal annual visit, Drake is.. umm.. maybe 7k so far this year? It's sort of hard to calculate off hand.


She only lost two today - which is good - I expected three. They took a pre-molar and an incisor (just behind the big canine tooth).


Is $900+ what you have paid in the past? My vet could not give me an estimate till they got in her mouth. However, she had bloodwork last week and that was $200. The cost of the dental alone is $185.00 here.



I've love it if dentals were only $185 here! I think a lot of it has to do with the area, but I don't think my vet is on the cheap side of the heap either, LOL.

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I got home from biking with hubby today to find some fresh and very large drops of blood around the living room.. tracked it down to Kaylee's mouth. I'm not sure if she popped a stitch out of the pre-molar extraction, or if she blew the clot despite the stitches.


I couldn't look in her mouth at first because she SCREAMED and acted like I was going to rip her face off her body when I tried to gently lift her lip to take a look. I drugged her up on Tramadol and let it take effect for 30 minutes before I was actually able to get in there and look, poor girl.


Will go back to soft foods, keep her calm, and call the Vet on Monday. If it worsens we'll do the E-Vet - but since she stopped bleeding I don't think we want to spend the $500 to walk in the door there this weekend.


This does mean that we probably won't be going to our local group's greyhound picnic tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be beautiful too! Between gimpy Drake who can't walk very far - and Kaylee who needs to stay calm to avoid blowing her clot again.. I think we'll just stay in.



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Yes good idea, and I'm sorry I didn't mention that. We had been moving her onto water softened kibbled as of this morning, but I'm back to canned EN food (bland in a can, basically - beef and rice that I don't have to cook). We sometimes moosh it up into a soup with some water, but she actually spends so much more time licking the bowl that I think I'll opt to give her swallowing sized chunks in the hopes she just swallows them without trying to chew and it doesn't cause her to work too hard to get 'em down her gullet. All that licking the bowl can't be good!


I appreciate the advice!!





Good Luck! Yes, I'd keep her home, too. Also, I am sure you are already doing this, but I'd feed her soft/canned foods for a while, too. Hugs to all of you!


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