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Tarmac's Acting Weird

Guest mhall

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Since Sunday, Tarmac has seemed very detached from everything going on around him. He's still eating okay, but other than that doesn't seem to enjoy most of the things that he usually would - being petted, sniffing around the yard or laying in the grass, going on very short walks, etc. Since his change in behavior coincided with starting him on Rimadyl I sort of suspect the two are connected, but the vet I spoke with (a different vet in the practice we go to, not Tarmac's usual vet) said Rimadyl wouldn't cause this sort of behavior change.


For anyone who hasn't seen the other H & M thread I started, Tarmac has osteosarcoma. He had been on 150 mg of tramadol 3x per day. We bumped it up to 4 x per day last Thursday, and then added in Rimadyl on Sunday morning. He's also taking gabapentin. Is this the Rimadyl? A delayed reaction from the higher dose of Tramadol? Some sort of interaction between all the medication? Or is this just a normal part of dealing with cancer and he's simply winding down?


I am hoping to touch base with his regular vet today, but would appreciate any thoughts/suggestions anyone has. A vet tech friend mentioned trying to cut back slightly on the Tramadol and see if that makes a difference.


It's perplexing because he seems to be in less pain, but he also seems a lot less happy than he was just a few days ago. Obviously we want to keep his pain under control but we also want him (and us) to enjoy the time he has left.



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Guest BiancasMom

I doubt it is the Rimadyl. I'd agree it is proabably the Tramadol. I have seen some dogs act quite "drunk" on it. You could try cutting back just to see if it changes anything. Unfortunately it could also be his way of handling the effects of the OS. It sounds like it is as comfortable as you can make him as far as the medications go. <hugs for Tarmac>

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Some dogs have strange reactions to Tramadol so it is the likely suspect. I would worry though that it is pain. Has your vet mentioned trying gabapentin (Neurontin). It is often used for nerve pain & used in conjunction with other meds for chronic pain. Can be combined with meds he is already taking. I take it & it helps tremendously.


Prayers for keeping you baby feeling as good as possible.

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Bumper has the same symptoms on Tramadol. I minimize the dose as early as possible during treatment and watch for discomfort. We also use gabapentin and rimadyl and neither produce the same effect as tramdol on Bumper.


Good luck to you and Tarmac.

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

Give Tarmac a kiss from me :beatheart I don't know much about the meds even though my huonds have been on all of those before, I hope that he gets to feeling better. Enjoy every moment

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Thanks for all the replies! I'm just worried about my guy. I spoke with Tarmac's vet and she thinks the Rimadyl is more likely to be the problem, since he's been on Tramadol for over 3 weeks without any adverse affects. According to her, nausea and other common Rimadyl problems can sometimes manifest this way. She recommended cutting it out for 24 hours to see if his mood improves. She said if he does seem happier off it, we can either switch to another NSAID or go to a half dose of the Rimadyl.


Has your vet mentioned trying gabapentin (Neurontin).


He is on gabapentin - it got kind of lost in the post in amongst all the tramadol and rimadyl dosage information.


Unfortunately it could also be his way of handling the effects of the OS.


That's our worry. I do think he's in less pain than he had been since he's putting more weight on the foot and is not needing help to get in/out of the house anymore but he kind of seems like he's shutting down. Tarm's vet said if going off the Rimadyl doesn't help this is likely him trying to tell us something. :(

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Jake does well on Tramadol, but when given the Rimadyl as well, he acted very odd. Kind of like he didn't know who we were and looked mad. Once it wore off, he was his ownself again. He does fine on Metacam and Tamadol though.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Guest CajunWind

Sorry to hear Tarmac is having such a struggle. Maria told us today.


Cajun and I have missed seeing you guys and have been gone a lot this summer.


We are sending good thoughts to you and Tarmac - it just so very hard to see them struggle. :(

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Hey Meryn, :sad1


Gus was on Gabapentin too. He became really twitchy and withdrawn while on it. I'm not sure, it could be the tramadol too, high doses of tramadol can cause personality changes, becoming withdrawn, and hallucinations. It's so hard to know, because they just can't tell us. Wishing you guys much peace.

Give Tarmac scritches from us.

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