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Using Manuka Wound Honey

Guest GentleHugs

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Guest GentleHugs

My senior girl Ashley ended up with an injury on her front leg last weekend. She got slammed up against a chain link fence (thanks to my next door neighbor's annoying little yapper dogs) and it took the skin right off the area above her "wrist" about the size of a half dollar. There was not enough skin left to stitch or staple close. We have to let it heal and close on its own.


Anyway, it's been healing nicely - just slowly with no signs of infection. It's about 50% healed now but there's still an area that is open in the middle. I flush it out using sterile saline solution, use neosporin with pain reliever and have been keeping it bandaged until my order of manuka wound honey came in.


So, the manuka wound honey arrived a bit ago - just in time for a flush and bandage change.


My question to all who have used manuka wound honey before is: once it's applied and bandaged - does it cause the wound to stick to the bandage? If so, what kind of bandage did you use? The sterile non stick kind or just a plain sterile gauze square? I need to know so I can be prepared for the next bandage change. I'd hate to have the scab on the already healed area to be pulled off again. Ashley is very good about not chewing at bandages and she tolerates the cleaning of her wound well. I just don't want to cause her any pain if I can prevent it.


Thanks in advance!

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Therese...Just in case you don't get an answer soon, I have forwarded your message to the Wine Country Greyhound message board as I know several adopters have used the manuka wound ointment but not many of them are on GreyTalk. I have given them your email address...didn't think you would mind!



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Guest GentleHugs

I got an answer from Diamond's mom late this afternoon.


She said to use the non stick sterile bandage pads. If you use plain sterile gauze bandage pads - the honey oozes out. It's very sticky and will make a mess. She said to apply an even layer of the honey AFTER you wash the wound out. Make sure the wound is dry before applying the honey.


I guess it's close to what EMT gel is like only EMT gel dries because it's pure collagen and the wound honey is a sterile manuka honey.


So, now it's on to the healing part..... :rolleyes:


Sorry it took me so long to reply tonight. We were re-arranging our living room and I had a little girl that was clearly disturbed over things being moved. We moved her bed over about 2 inches and you would think her whole entire world fell in! It wasn't Ashley either. It was LuLu who has a few fries missing from her happy meal anyway. :P I finally had to shove her butt out the back door for a potty break to get the room vaccuumed and to get the furniture moved around. Patrick slept through everything.


Have a greyt nite everyone!





Therese...Just in case you don't get an answer soon, I have forwarded your message to the Wine Country Greyhound message board as I know several adopters have used the manuka wound ointment but not many of them are on GreyTalk. I have given them your email address...didn't think you would mind!




Thanks Janet. My email address is not a secret :ph34r I don't mind at all.

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You got your answer but here is a link with some photos (not too gory) & some more descriptions. Scroll down to "July 24th". Heal well Ashley & ignore those little yappers - dere nuttin butt trubbel! :rolleyes:


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest GentleHugs
You got your answer but here is a link with some photos (not too gory) & some more descriptions. Scroll down to "July 24th". Heal well Ashley & ignore those little yappers - dere nuttin butt trubbel! :rolleyes:


Thanks sweetdogs... that's about what happened to Ashley only not near as severe. Ashley never did have any swelling or any signs of infection so I'm hoping here in a few more days - her leg will be completely healed.


And those little yappers next door are nuttin but trubbel....... they bark and charge at the fence to get my three going then they run back to their back door once they see my dogs start going at each other because of the excitement. Luckily, I muzzle all of my dogs. The moment they see me though - they stop barking and run for cover. Of course, I'm not as scarey as the big neon pink squirt bottle full of water in my hand is! :lol

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