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Looking For Med Advice

Guest GoJakeGo37

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Guest GoJakeGo37

Good morning Everyone,


It's been a long night for my 11 year old greyhound Jake and myself. Symptoms...restlessness, vomitting 2X-after drinking water, possible elevated temputure (I don't have a doggie thermometer. He has been panting most of the night since midnight). He's quietly napping now. I spritz him with cool water and have a cold hand towel on him. I thought after he vomitted the first time that would be it. But after a nap he drank some water and threw up again.


Any ideas of what could be the cause? He has always been very healthy. But he needs pain med to manage his arthritis. My theory is the Deramaxx he took Wed and Thurs morning only 1/2 a pill. He was fine during the day Wed and Thurs it wasn't until overnight this occurred. Has anyone else had issues with Deramaxx?


Thanks for your concern!


Lisa and Jake

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Guest Energy11

Yes, Deramaxx is know to cause stomach issues, and I give it with a Pepcid AC and yogert when I do give it. I would call the vet though, just to be sure. Something else could be going on.


Good Luck and lots of love to you all!

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Guest GoJakeGo37

Update on Jake


He has finally settled down and is resting. Water is staying down too. Phew! I think the storm has passed. What a relief! Hopefully there isn't any permanent damage. Deramaxx is bad news for my hound!


Thanks for your advice!!!


Lisa and Jake

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Any one of the anti inflammatories can cause stomach upset. Some dogs handle them with no problems and others don't.

Good idea to talk to your vet about what's going on, the sooner the better.

Good luck and I hope Jake feels better


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I agree 100% with Diane - even though Jake seems to be feeling better now, contact your vet immediately. Your vet may want to get Jake onto sucralfate in addition to pepcid/zantac or prilosec. I'd watch him like a hawk, especially for blood in the stool, or black, tarry stools (both signs of GI bleed).


Please get the vet involved sooner rather than later. I lost my Arielle to a massive GI bleed within 24 hours of one dose of Deramaxx.


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Jazz went into kidney failure from Deramaxx, one of the other bad side effects associated with these NSAIDs. I would contact the vet, too, and though he seems to be feeling better, not give this to him again. It's possible his body was giving him a warning before something worse happened. I hope he is OK.

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You cannot assume this is a Dermaxx reaction; first of all, it's not likely that it would happen 2 days after taking a half a pill. You need to take your hound to the vet for some routine blood work if nothing else.


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Dogs have died from one dose of rimadyl (it's rare, but it has happened) and had perferations from only a few pills of deramaxx. One of the problems with NSAIDs is that if you do not recognize the adverse side effects and stop them immediately, you have a chance of losing your dog.

Diane & The Senior Gang

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