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Hound Eating Too Fast?

Guest dancemicro

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Guest dancemicro

My hound Carlton has been with me for nearly a week now. His eating is scaring me a little, I can't tell if he's just REALLY excited about eating, or if something is wrong.



He eats every night around 5. He eats extremely fast, and then has to stop mid-way through and "clear his throat". He isn't choking or heaving (I've had other dogs and they've never made this sound), he's making a noise sort of like you would if you started laughing and milk came out your nose. Hope that makes some sense...anyway, he does it after he eats for about 3 minutes too.



Any ideas?

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Very common. Lots of greys gobble their food. There are a bunch of solutions, ranging from special food bowls (the "Brake Fast" bowl) to feeding on a cookie sheet, or putting a piece of chain or a tennis ball or a large, flat rock in the bowl.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

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First a question... do you add any warm water to his kibble? They are used to a pretty "wet" diet in the race kennel.


If you just have a fast eater, lots of people are successful slowing them down by using a bundt pan or something similar.




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Guest Energy11

My three boys do this, as well. I moisten my kibble about on hour before feeding, so it is mushy, so, while they are "inhaling it," literally, they can't because it is all mushy! I would NEVER feed them dry kibble! They eat wayyy tooo fast. Just add some water about an hour prior to feeding, and, that might help. Good Luck!

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Guest 3greysinPA

i add water to all their meals.. soften their kibble... they like it better that way... and it stopped Lilly and Figgy from making that sound... my hounds made that awful sound and then regurged and then ate their food again.. :lol

So, adding water stopped all that... :)

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You might also want to feed him twice a day rather than once so that he is not getting all that food at one time.


With one of my fosters, I wet the food and feed him a tablespoon at a time. After about a week or so, he was eating slower so I was able to start giving him more and more food into his bowl and after about a week - he had his whole portion (watered down) in the bowl and he was eating at a reasonable pace. I did still watch him like a hawk to make sure that he didn't start gulping again.


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Guest myGreyHeart

I had the same problem with Rosie. I was so afraid of Bloat and all of the problems that can happen, I was willing to try anything. There are many things you can do to help stop the gulping and choking on food and/or if it did lead to regurgitation. (She hated the different bowls I tried since they were plastic) I ended up using "blockers" in her own bowl. She doesn't need them anymore, but when I was looking for help, many suggestions were offered. (Tennis balls in the bowl, Puppy Saucer, different sized muffin pans-she would have made a mess!) Most helpful advice was to give separated feedings at least twice each day.

I hope you find the best solution!



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Guest meakah

Good points given already and have covered my thoughts. I was going to say to add water (but I prefer to not soak the kibble....I just add water and then put the bowl down for consumption) and to feed twice a day rather than once. If you still continue to have problems, then I would throw a rock in the bowl or some sort of other barrier that would force your grey to slow down.

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Agreed....I just add water in the bowl minutes before feeding our fosters straight from kennels.


They do tend to gulp their food quickly, and are opportunists with anything edible they can get their paws on.


It will take a little time before he realises it's a regular meal.....generally found after around the fifth week they settle down.

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Is he only being fed once a day at 5:00 pm? Maybe he's really hungry.


If you feed him twice a day that may help him from diving into his food when you put it down.


Try to get his mind in a calm state before you put the food down in front of him. If he is excited, he's apt to bolt down his food.

CORY and CRICKET - Solitary Tremble & CASPER - Pj's Mia Farrow
* With CAPT. GUS - Solitary Trigger, RAINY - Peach Rain, PUP - Red Zepher, DOC - CTW Fort Sumpter
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Jed was a food gobbler. He ate out of a bundt pan and it really helped slow him down and encourage him to chew.

Daisy & Eli, the crazy hounds, and Bella & Zoe, the curly kitties,
and Jed (10.30.98 - 11.28.08) & Ripple (3.25.99 - 8.20.09) together again at the bridge
with Cleo-Kitty (10.8.1988 - 7.26.2007) always in my heart.

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Guest dancemicro

So glad to know Carlton isn't the only fan of "fast food"!!


Thanks everyone :)


He seems to have slowed a bit now that he's used to my feeding schedule and he knows that I will, in fact, feed him. :lol

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