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Advice Please Re 2nd Vet Opinion Post Surgery

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I slammed my greyhound's tail in the car door (and will never get over it but that is not the issue) on Tuesday.


The vet I trust that deals with greyhounds was too far away to go to, so I took my greyhound immediately to a near-by vet.


I don't trust the near-by vet because I know a dog who went there and her post-spay stitches were put in too tight so they caused the dog pain and later had to be fixed (re-done). The near-by vet has several vets working there and I don't know whether the vet that saw my greyhound was the one that made the other dog's spay stitches too tight. The vet I saw has over 20 years experience. He said he knew what to do with greyhounds (re anesthesia etc.) when I told him I was concerned he wasn't a "greyhound vet".


It is now Friday - the 4th day after the surgery. The bandages are supposed to stay on until Monday when they will either be changed or removed, depending how things look.


I am worried the bandage is too tight and that the tail will need to be amputated because of that, if they aren't loosened in time (perhaps it is already too late).


I am worried the tail should have been amputated immediately.


I am worried that the sutures/stitches done by the vet aren't "right" and so the tail will have to be amputated.


My question:


Should I take my greyhound out to the trusted vet to have him look at her and see if the bandage is too tight (so he can loosen it)? Or will he not be able to do anything anyway since the bandages (according to the other vet) shouldn't be taken off until Monday? If the tail does need to be amputated (either from the car door, or from what the other vet did) wouldn't it be better to have my trusted vet tell me that now and get it over with.


My greyhound does not show any signs of pain (the crying stopped 11 p.m. the night of the surgery) and is back to herself in temperament, eating, walking, playing.


I don't know whether I am wasting everyone's time worrying when this is just a human anxiety issue - or whether I am making things worse by not getting her to the greyhound vet ASAP so he can fix whatever needs to be fixed.


The other nearby vet does have 20 years experience and I am sure the greyhound vet couldn't criticize another vet's work anyway...and would wonder why I was.


Help....I don't know whether to book my greyhound an appointment with the trusted vet for today or tomorrow (Friday or Saturday) - or wait to go back to the nearby vet for the scheduled bandage removal on Monday? Or maybe on Monday I should go to the trusted vet instead???



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Guest greytexplorer

I say trust your instincts and make that appt with the trusted vet! And go asap!

Edited by greytexplorer
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First of all BREATHE and go get an adult drink! If your pup isn't showing any signs of pain or being bothered by the bandage on his tail, I wouldn't worry. I would schedule the bandage removal app with YOUR vet (the trusted one) I'm assuming your pups is eating normally and has his normal disposition?


I'm a freakaziod worrier too, so I understand!




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Guest koolaidnconner

If your grey does not seem to be in any pain, I would book the appoinment with your trusted vet for Monday to do the removal.


Don't beat yourself up, things happen. :grouphug for both of you!

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Guest Energy11

I vote for the deep breath and adult drink! I have had to do that myself with Curfew sometimes!


ME? I WOULD DEFINITELY opt for the "trusted vet!" You know, even though My Dr. B., (former vet and employer) is in Central Florida, I have SERIOUSLY contimplated taking my Curfew THERE! I like and trust Dr. Karen, also OVER 20 years experience, BUT not with Greyhounds! She has all the current literature, etc., and I have suggested she attend the upcoming seminiar here in GA, in Nov., given by Dr. Couto. I think she and her vet tech are going! :-))


Just relax, and as long as your baby isn't in pain ... it will be okay! D

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I worry just like you do .... and if it is a medical issue like this -- I always go with being more proactive than sitting back


I would make an appointment to have your regular vet look at it (today or tomorrow). At the most it will cost you an office visit and a small fee. Maybe your vet will just look at it without rewrapping and say it's fine.





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If you are seriously worried (and it sounds as if you are) do yourself a favour and take her to the trusted vet for a look-see and re-wrap. If it's all okay, then good. If it's not, the trusted vet can do a repair - and will do, no matter if it does mean implied criticism of another vet. You won't have to say a thing, just ask for a quick check and if you like, say it's because you feel so guilty that you have to be sure. ;)


Chances are that if she isn't showing any signs of discomfort and is eating normally and is bright and cheerful, all is well, but there's no need for you to spend the weekend fretting and losing sleep.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest boondog
If you are seriously worried (and it sounds as if you are) do yourself a favour and take her to the trusted vet for a look-see and re-wrap. If it's all okay, then good. If it's not, the trusted vet can do a repair - and will do, no matter if it does mean implied criticism of another vet. You won't have to say a thing, just ask for a quick check and if you like, say it's because you feel so guilty that you have to be sure. ;)


Chances are that if she isn't showing any signs of discomfort and is eating normally and is bright and cheerful, all is well, but there's no need for you to spend the weekend fretting and losing sleep.



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If you are seriously worried (and it sounds as if you are) do yourself a favour and take her to the trusted vet for a look-see and re-wrap. If it's all okay, then good. If it's not, the trusted vet can do a repair - and will do, no matter if it does mean implied criticism of another vet. You won't have to say a thing, just ask for a quick check and if you like, say it's because you feel so guilty that you have to be sure. ;)


Chances are that if she isn't showing any signs of discomfort and is eating normally and is bright and cheerful, all is well, but there's no need for you to spend the weekend fretting and losing sleep.





Edited by LuvEarsies

Bernadette with Jak, Horizon, Kota, Barnaby, Madison, Earl, Tiggy, Finney, Tommy, Woody, Tyler and Lincoln all at the bridge

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If you don't go to your vet--and it turns out there's really something wrong--you'll never forgive yourself. And this is true even if there's just something "odd" that's wrong--and nothing the other vet did wrong.


Worse than the not-forgiving-yourself, your dog will have to suffer if there's something wrong.


And there's a weekend coming up, with vets being harder to reach.


I really hope you took your baby in. You'll have a better weekend if you did.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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The trusted vet isn't in until Tuesday - I asked the office if anyone else worked a lot with greyhounds there and what about waiting the extra day for the bandages since they are supposed to be off Monday - the receptionist took my number and called me back in an hour after checking. The other vets recommended waiting for Tuesday for my greyhound vet and for waiting the extra day on the bandages.


I might still just take her somewhere tomorrow anyway to have the bandage opened and redone - the receptionist said yes, that could be done...rebandaging.


I think I may go back to the nearby vet on Monday so he can look at the work he did and then, even though he looks at it...take her to my trusted vet on Tuesday so he can look at it anyway.


Thank you for all your feedback and for letting me know I am not just being silly for worrying.

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Guest Greensleeves

You're not being silly for worrying.


You're not being silly for wanting a greyhound specialist.


HOWEVER, it's important to note WHEN a "greyhound specialist" is really needed (like for cancer, tick-borne diseases, maybe anaesthesia), and when any good vet will do. And sutures really don't fall into that category.


I am worried that the sutures/stitches done by the vet aren't "right" and so the tail will have to be amputated.

This sounds *very much* like irrational panic (I've been there! Know the signs! ;)), particularly since you don't actually have evidence that the vet who put the sutures in did anything wrong. Calm your fears, go see your regular vet.

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