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After-care For Neutering Surgery

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We are (hopefully) picking up our new boy (no name yet, see that thread: "Help me choose a name!) on Saturday. His appointment to get fixed is Friday.


Now, assuming all goes well with his surgery on Friday and we are able to bring him home on Saturday - what can we expect? Both of our other hounds were fixed well before we brought them home, so this is our first experience with a newly-neutered dog. The director of the adoption group told us that he will need to go out more frequently because it might "burn" or be uncomfortable for him and it might prompt him to go in the house. I work from home, so I can let him out whenever (was planning on every 1-2 hours?).


I also read online that he might lick his stiches? Do we need to get him a collar so he won't lick or just keep an eye on it? Also, I know we need to try and limit his activity so he doesn't rip a stich.


Will we need to clean the incision? How should we do this with a dog that doesn't know us? Should we make a follow-up appointment with our vet? Will they be dissolvable stiches, or will he need them taken out? Are there any other considerations that we haven't thought about?



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Guest KennelMom

A neuter is much easier to care for post-surgery than a spay...it's not nearly as invasive. Basically, just keep him quiet for a day or two and make sure he doesn't mess with the stitches. Keep an eye on the surgery site to make sure it's healing nicely and not becoming inflamed or angry looking. I've always just held the dog and looked at the stitches....no big deal. It may be helpful to have someone hold his front end and pet/distract while the other person does a quick check. You shouldn't need to clean or mess with the stitches at all until they're ready to come out. I've never used an Ecollar...I've never really had a dog mess with them too much, but a muzzle with stool guard will do the trick...or you can put some boxer shorts on the dog and sometimes that is enough to dissuade them.


I've never noticed a neuter making a dog need to go out more...


My vet sends home pain meds for the first couple days, though not every vet does. I can't recall if we had to take Primo's neuter stitches out of if they were dissolvable....I know we've had to take them out of neuter sites before though.

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Never heard of needing to go out more because of neuter, but you never know. Ask your group if the vet uses dissolvables, most but not all do. If the stitches are purple in my experience they are dissolvable, however I have had to take dissolvables out of a couple of guys when they didn't dissolve -- something in their body chemistry or such. If the stitches need to be taken out the vet who did the surgery should do it for free. I don't think you need to make a follow up at your vet.


Like Heather said, just watch him and make sure he doesn't mess with the stitches. Other than that he should be fine.


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Are "gentle" walks okay if he is up for it? We take our girl for two walks per day, but we don't go far with her, or too fast, because she's an old lady and she just can't move like a young'un anymore! If he settles in okay and is able to walk with us, would that be okay?

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Guest KennelMom

I wouldn't do any walks for the first few days after the surgery, at least. I think I waited two weeks after Primo's neuter but he seemed fine and ready to go after just a week.

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Guest RocketDog

Another little bit of advice - his 'coin purse' will look a little swollen for a few days afterwards, and don't be surprised if it takes a few months to shrink up after the neuter. As long as there isn't a lot of bruising or heat or a bad odor coming from the incision, he'll be fine. My boy Rocket was pretty quiet for a day or so after his neuter, but within a few days he was back to normal. Good luck with your new boy!

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i leash walk my dogs after altering. initially it looks as if the vet forgot to collect the jewels! if your dog is persistent at trying to lick it, i make a bite-not collar out of corrugated cardboard and tape. look them up on the internet and then save a bundle of $$$ and make one. it's not at all uncomfortable and will stop the chewing or licking, he can't bend his neck to get there. e collars don't work for greys since they have to be soooo large.


remember you will have a new hound, most likely he will be quiet since his life has just changed. be loving and patient and the short walks will get him in your routine and he will be house broken very quickly. two weeks of leash walking is what i have always been told after neutering- just long enough for you to bond and start feeling secure w/ him.


remember if you have questions and things look wierd do call the vet who neutered him.

enjoyelmo- that is his name isn't it?


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