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Koda Has A Limp

Guest meakah

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Guest meakah

Koda has been fine until I just got home from work. She is basically on 3 legs. :( I didn't take her to the park yesterday so I know she didn't hurt herself there. And this morning before work she was fine. She sleeps all day while I am at work so I can't imagine her hurting herself in the house. I am really scared. :( She did eat her supper....laying down....and is sleeping comfortably. But she keeps sitting up once in a while and gives that leg a few licks and then lays back down. I can't find any signs of swelling or 'ouchy' spots nor any signs of heat. I gave her an aspirin and am going to give her one night. If she is the same tomorrow....I think I will get an x-ray done for peace of mind. Please keep your fingers crossed for her.... :hope

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Guest meakah

You know....it is kind of weird.....when she slightly puts weight on it (front left) her nails are digging into the ground. Yet her nails don't touch the ground at all on the other paw. I just clipped her nails a week ago and so I know they aren't causing her a problem. I am just not sure as to why she is pointing her toe like that. I suppose it could be how she is coping with not putting weight on it but still a bit odd. It even looks a tad curled when she is lying on her side in comparison to her other front leg. I have poked and prodded around the knuckles and she `slightly`reacts at one of the joints. But no swelling nor obvious dislocation/break. I guess we shall see what the morning brings....she sure is uncomfortable right now though. :( She is panting a lot but it is hard to tell if it is from the pain or from the fact it is +29C here with no Air conditioning. I have hosed her down outside and she is now comfortably laying in the grass. Poor girl.

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Guest MyBoys

Does she do a lot of blanket fluffing or trying to fluff her bed, maybe she was doing some big time fluffing and hurt a toe or nail????? Just a thought.

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Guest meakah

She does fluff her bed....hmmm....something to consider. Thanks for all of the well wishes....we shall see what the morning brings. She actually looks a bit better now so I am not sure if that is due to the Aspirin kicking in or if maybe it isn't all that serious after all. We shall see..... :goodluck

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Just seeing this now Kathy. How is your spooky little girl this morning? Definitely sounds like she is trying to unweight that side, but so difficult to know where she hurts and why. Such sudden and dramatic onset is unsettling for sure. Easy for me to say don't panic, but try not to panic yet. Find out what you are looking at first. Please keep us posted. Thinking about you and Koda.

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Guest Energy11

Best thing to do is get an x-ray for your peace of mind. Don't worry until you have to.


Many hugs and prayers coming from us!

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Guest meakah

Thankfully, she is limping a lot less today. There is some heat in that foot. I am going to give it one more day....

Thanks for the well wishes!! I feel a lot better today about the whole 'limp' thing.....I hope it continues to improve! :goodluck

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Guest greytloves

I know how you feel and the ONLY thing that eased my fear was an Xray! With all the fear of OS out here and if you have had personal experience with it (I have) you can put yourself into a panic. Try to breathe, not to think to negatively and just go get the Xray. Its probably nothing but a little injury.



eta: I even told my vet that I knew I was over reacting, but please just appease me and xray up to the hip. He gave me a hug and said it was OK to care. Such a nice man!

Edited by greytloves
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