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Need Carpet Cleaning Suggestions

Guest Greensleeves

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Guest Greensleeves

...For yellow bile/vomit. We've used Spot Shot and Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxyclean, and I'm not happy with either of them.


Anyone have something that works better?



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Simple Solution. I got it at Petsmart. It is wonderful!


Flying Racine 7/25/08 and Twelve Pack 12/1/2004
At the Bridge- Abenacki Icebox (Kiaba) 4/21/2002-4/1/10 and Wumps Niece (Tehya) 4/21/2002-11/26/2010

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Guest TurnerMiller01

We use 'Tough Stuff' ... buy it at the grocery store... at our local GIANT... it works GREAT!! :)

We tried all the carpet cleaner stuff... nothing worked on carpet stains... but Tough stuff Does.

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Guest Energy11

I had to use Resolve carpet cleaner when we rented in Gatlinburg during Mt. Hounds, cause Cari threw up yellow bile our first day there... worked great!

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Guest Flysmom

409 Carpet foam or Bissell Enzyme Cleaner (Wal-Mart). The Enzyme cleaner worked awesome on our light carpets after Fly threy up green....

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Guest DorasMom

I just bought a "Bissell SpoBot Pet" a couple of weeks ago and it has already paid for itself! The machine was 149.00 @ Walmart, but it costs 75.00 to get my living room and two bedrooms done.

I've had two different boughts of the runs go through here (different dogs) in the last two weeks so there was the cost for the Bissell.

It works greyt! Not a spot left on the carpet from the runs or from bile (that beautiful neon yellow shade). I didn't even buy the shampoo, just vinegar and water and it works fine.

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Guest Dillymom

I bought the low end Hoover carpet cleaner and it paid for itself 20 times over. It was less then $100 at Bed, Bath and Beyond with a 20% off coupon and works wonders on all stains.

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Guest greygirls2

Oxyclean does a great job of lifting bile stains...even old ones. I used plenty of it when my Tessa was sick with chronic pancreatitis and there isn't a stain to be seen on any of my carpets.

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Guest LuvNLennox

I know the yellow bile, almost egg white texture, went through about an 18 month period with it - and we have oatmeal colored rugs. Anyways - if you are not afraid of using elbow grease


I LOVE the Sun & Earth All Purpose Cleaner. It not only removed all the stains but leaves a nice citrus scent.


It even got rid of the urine stain Lennox marked when we first got him home. I use it for almost everything and it is Natural, non-toxic, safe to use around kids and pets. Love their laundry detergent too!!

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Guest myneedlenose

Bissel Heated Steam Cleaner for Pets! We bought it a WalMart for just over 200 bucks and it has more than paid for itself. Less that a week later a bug ran through our guys and we were cleaning bile, vomit and the big D from our cream coloured wall to wall broadloom for almost a week. You'd never know to look at the carpets now.

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Guest Billie

I rent one of the steam carpet cleaners from the grocery store (Harris Teeter store has good ones), costs I think $20 for a rental, and I use a generic version of Pine Sol as the chemical (they say to only use their special chemicals of course, but I took this advice from my friend John and it works GREAT). Once when Buddy threw up some bile/etc like you're talking about, NOTHING got the stain out of our (off-white carpets, it's what the house came with, NOT our choice, for sure!) carpet until that. I rent one of those cleaners once a year, it's back-breaking work to haul it upstairs! :blink:

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Used Nature's Miracle when Suze was sick in February with ARF - the spots were dark gold/almost brown. Poured about a quart on each spot, let it sit 20 minutes, then used white towels to blot the excess by stepping on the spot, moving the towel and repeating. I repeated the soak-and-blot one more time and then used my steam carpet cleaner over and over AND over the spots and they came out. I was amazed! Keep in mind that the spots (two the size of dinner plates) happened during the night and I wasn't able to get to them until the following afternoon!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest MyBoys

Oxyclean or Nature's Miracle, I had the Big D on my brand new light colored carpet and they both worked, my carpet guy said to spray and blot not scrub.

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Google "vomit carpet stain" and somewhere you'll find a series of detailed instructions, it's a progression of cleaning the stain with ammonia, dish detergent, then water. It's a total PITA but vomit is REALLY difficult to get out. I don't think you'll have success with a simple enzymatic cleaner, although Simple Solution is my favorite. Maybe with bile over regular vomit you'll be more successful, for actual vomit that's never been sufficient for me. I also had a bissell machine that I used up until recently which made the job much easier.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest Ourfurkids

I use Club soda and baking soda rub it in good then use the carpet cleaner..It works and is safe to use with kids around ...I hate lots of chemical things.

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Guest sirsmom

windex and water if its a light color rug--worked like magic on the bile spots in our family room: spray right on the spot with a little windex and rub in with water. (don't use too much or your rug may turn bluish)

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