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The Nail Quick?

Guest DoofBert

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Guest DoofBert

A friend who has adopted a 6 year old from the shelter (non grey) said her vet wanted to do a procedure to 'shorten the quick' on Roxie's nails.


Was wondering if you have heard of this procedure and what it entails. The only thing I can think of is they intentionally cut the nails too short and keep the feet bandaged for a few days till thing heals over.


What are other suggestions to shorten the quick?


Any thoughts?

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What you're imagining is exactly what they're talking about. They'll cut the nails back, intentionally cutting back the quick, and maybe cauterize it so it doesn't bleed too much. The feet will be sore for a few days, but will be worth it in the long run if the nails had become terribly FAR overgrown.


The only other way to shorten the quick is with frequent gradual nail trimming or filing. This takes a LOT of time, and again, if the nails have been neglected for far too long, it might be better to just have them quicked.

Edited by ZoomDoggy

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest littlesyd85
A lot of times they will do it when the dog is under for another reason. You should be careful though because my mom had it done to her Doberman and they did it so incredibly short that the nails actually fell off and the were infected and the poor girl just kept licking them because it bothered her so much. If she decides to do it she should be very specific to the vet about how short they can go.
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I'd never have that done - it must hurt like hell. Even if they do it under anaesthetic it must be extremely sore once they come round.


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I'd never have that done - it must hurt like hell. Even if they do it under anaesthetic it must be extremely sore once they come round.

I've kinda wondered about that. I accidentally quicked Atty a few weeks ago-she gave a yelp, then bled like a s.o.b until I put some steptic powder on it. Then it never seemed to bother her again at all. But of course made me even more a nervous wreck about ding nails.

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Guest Energy11

Goldie has had that done a few times. SHE WILL NOT let us TOUCH her feet, and, even with a muzzle, she attacks! Anyway, the vets did it under sedation, but didn't cut the nails WAY back. They did use QuikStop on them, though. They need it again, but she is almost nine, and I HATE sedating her. I agree with some of the others, I wouldn't have nails cut TOO far back.

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We had Gee's done when she had a dental. She came with them very long, and she has one that grows faster and longer than all the others. Even bandaged, she managed to get one infected so you really have to watch the feet for about a week or so.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

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Guest budsmom

I don't think any reputable vet would do it unless the animal is sedated. I've heard of this, too, usually in cases where the nails have been severely neglected for a long time.

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Guest DoofBert

Oh yeah, this vet was talking under anesthesia... I just never heard of this procedure before.... My personal vet doesn't do this... he advocates the diligent nail clipping...


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