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Tips On Toothbrushing...

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Enza has shockingly good teeth - to the point my vet has said she probably won't need a cleaning for at least a year or two.


I do give her CET chews, which she loves, and I keep trying to brush her teeth so as to keep her teeth up. Note the word "trying".


She won't let me brush her teeth - she either walks away or clamps down on the toothbrush. I've also tried the brush that goes on your finger and owie. I think she considers it a game.


I've tried it standing, I've tried it after long walks, I've tried it laying it down, with a fox, in a box, etc and so on...


The last time I tried, it ended up looking this:




Any secrets would be great.



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Guest Energy11

All mine LOVE to get their teeth done. I used to use a finger brush, but now, use cosmetic puffs, with toothpaste on them, or an oral solution. Your baby will get used to the brushing, the more you do it .... good luck!

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Guest bigbrindlebunny

I bribe my boy. 2 pieces of kibble for letting me do 1/4 of his mouth. Then he snaps shut and I have to give him 2 more. :chow


We do this with him standing close to me, on a leash, and I'm seated with the leash wrapped firmly under my leg. He likes the taste of the toothpaste too, so that helps. I use a toothbrush, I'm braver with that in his mouth than my finger. :yikes I start by pulling his check out a little, slipping the toothbrush in facing the outside of his back teeth, and using gentle circles. Go slow, y'know what I mean, the usual routine. Do a little, reward, then stop. I brush my boy's teeth daily, all the surfaces, but then he's really prone to tartar. I think Vets are usually most concerned about us getting the outside of the back teeth.



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Guest greytkidsmom

I approach from the side. We use baby toothbrushes that you can buy at the dollar store 4 for $1 and CET poultry toothpaste.


I stand beside the dog and hold the snout. From the right side, I reach around and brush the left side and front teeth. I move to the left side of the dog and brush the right side teeth.


Good luck!

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Guest Fasave

I use the human Crest Spin brush (battery operated) on both my guys and they love it. No bribes needed. My first guy just celebrated his 6th gotcha day and he is now 9.5. The last dental he had was when he came off the tracks at the age of 3 prior to adoption. He's been under three times for surgeries and each time I ask to have the teeth cleaned and was told NO NEED. My other guy was almost 6 when I adopted him and he had puss dried along the gum line and ended up having a dental within 6 months and 18 teeth pulled. I've used the Crest spin brush on him since and it's been two years since his last dental. It definitely pays to take care of the teeth not only from a cost perspective but it keeps them healthier as well.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I wrap my hand around the upper jaw and place my thumb and forefinger in between the jaws and gently hold them like that; then you can reach all of the teeth. They will still lick at the toothpaste but you can usually get enough brushing done before they get it all! Now I have been doing the teeth this way for a long time and my dogs are used to it and do NOT bite down hard on my fingers; so attempt with caution.

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i get mine when they are lying down on their beds. i have a small glass of water availabe to rinse the brush out and even use my electric tooth brush on a low speed. my gal lets me scale her teeth and my dental hygenist gave me some pumic to polish them 2 xs a year(i pay enough for my cleanings, the least they can do is hand out a tad of pumice polish). i use peroxide and water and then wipe the teeth w. a paper towel after brushing or scaleing an area.


don't try to do all at once, just a section at a time until your dog gets used to it. you have to keep their mouth closed to get the brush all the way back to the molars.

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I use gause wrapper aroung finger with pet toothpaste on it. I hold the snout on both sides from the top(so they can close it) and brush. Remember you only need to to the outside of the teeth not the inside of the mouth

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Guest KennelMom

To get a dog to open it's mouth, put your hand over the top part of their muzzle and curl their lips under their teeth (be gentle!). This most of the time...


In the past when I've brushed teeth, I've found the finger brushes to be eaiest on stubborn dogs. Thank goodness I discovered the wonders of raw bones and now I just let Nature clean their teeth.

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Guest luvdogs

mine would not let me anywhere near her mouth when we first got her. She actually wouldn't even let me lift her "lips?" to have a look. I started just checking around and lifting her lip up and praising her when she was relaxed and lying down. Then I brought out the beef flavoured toothpaste on the brush and just let her lick it off. Then I would slowly start to get the motion of the brush going back and forth while she enjoyed the beef toothpaste. I have her to the point where I can actually brush the teeth and the back ones I can get between the "cheek" and tooth. Does she "enjoy" the brushing? No, definitely not, but she tolerates it and I give her lots of praise and a treat after!

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I think that is a Great idea with the Spin Brush, I am going to pick up one today! But mine also get raw bones and we were told by a director in the past and it does work, we use a Tupperware container and we fill it half with peroxide and half with water and we keep cotton balls in it, every night before bed we swab their mouths out.

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