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I have lots of white light, positive energy and very hopeful thoughts coming your and Maggie's way.. I am so glad that Greytalk is here as a resource, THANK you to all the wonderful posters.


I would absolutely have a talk with your vet about the vet tech.. I don't care that she's known Maggie for 9 years - who tells you to put a beloved family member to sleep without even seeing them? I would be flaming mad about that, let along the lack of a suggestion for e-vet, or for contacting the vet for you.


Healing hugs all around :grouphug

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So glad to read that she's better by the time I got to the end of this thread!


What stuns me is that, with the nearest emergency vet 150 miles away, the vets in your community don't take turns being "on call" for emergencies, especially if there's four of them. That's only one week/weekend a month each! Gheesh!




This is farm land around here and I think the other two vets do mostly farm animals , and years ago we went on vacation and took our boxer to be kept at the vets when we droped her off we told them she had to be kept in aircondition we returned and found they lied to us.


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Guest sheila

I am surprised too that you can't get adequate after hrs vet care even in a rural area. I live in a small farming town and my vet has been willing to come in at all hrs of the night and on weekends. When my Kiowa had a seizure I called the emergency number and the vet came to his clinic at 1 AM! Even farm animals sometimes have after hrs emergencies.

Honestly if it was me I couldn't wait until Monday to have my dog seen. There are a heck of a lot of hrs between now and Monday and I wouldn't take the chance of having her seize again between now and then.

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Guest Energy11
I am surprised too that you can't get adequate after hrs vet care even in a rural area. I live in a small farming town and my vet has been willing to come in at all hrs of the night and on weekends. When my Kiowa had a seizure I called the emergency number and the vet came to his clinic at 1 AM! Even farm animals sometimes have after hrs emergencies.

Honestly if it was me I couldn't wait until Monday to have my dog seen. There are a heck of a lot of hrs between now and Monday and I wouldn't take the chance of having her seize again between now and then.

I live in a very small community also. The closest MAJOR E-Vet is an hour away. There is one about 4o minutes away that takes call. They are talking about opening an EVets in the same small strip mall as my regular vets :-) I hope so, because we NEED it, and, I hope to work there.


I would have your grey at the vets first thing Monday morning. Start with bloodwork, and go from there. The bloodwork may, very well, show the cause of the seizures. Valium is fine to use for seizures, per my vet. I have both oral and trans-rectal. Maybe just use it if you need it later on.


Good luck, hugs and lots of prayers! D

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Guest bigbrindlebunny

I was reading this scary thread so fast maybe I missed something...but I don't understand why you can't talk to your regular Vet over the phone?


He/she just went home for the day, they didn't drop off the face of the earth. Your regular Vet knows you, your dog, the situation. This was a real emergency. After talking to you, your Vet could decide to open the office back up, or refer you to the E-Vet, whatever. See if you can get a phone number for one of them off the internet.


You poor person, you must be terrified.

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Guest Energy11
I was reading this scary thread so fast maybe I missed something...but I don't understand why you can't talk to your regular Vet over the phone?


He/she just went home for the day, they didn't drop off the face of the earth. Your regular Vet knows you, your dog, the situation. This was a real emergency. After talking to you, your Vet could decide to open the office back up, or refer you to the E-Vet, whatever. See if you can get a phone number for one of them off the internet.


You poor person, you must be terrified.

GOOD POINT, with no E-Vets in the area, yes, this vet should make him/herself available for emergencies on the weekends.

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Where I live is about as far from a rural area as you get, and on the weekend, you're not going to get your vet.

We have one emergency clinic for the entire desert, that's hi-desert and low-desert, and if you live in the hi-desert, you're looking at a several hour drive to the er.

In my vet's practice, there are only 2 of us who have his cell number and he has a huge practice with mostly(excluding me) wealthy clients.

If it's after hours, you're on your own, so it's not just rural/farming towns


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest IrskasMom



I am sooo glad she calmed down and everything seems peaceful with lots of Prayers and Hugs from GTers .

I really have no Experience with any of that like Kidney or Seizures. I am just sending some more gentle Hugs and

Prayers for Maggie :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

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Guest sheila
I live in a very small community also. The closest MAJOR E-Vet is an hour away. There is one about 4o minutes away that takes call. They are talking about opening an EVets in the same small strip mall as my regular vets :-) I hope so, because we NEED it, and, I hope to work there.


you have a vet in a strip mall? That makes you more city than I am! My vet is in a little pre-fab bldg in the middle of a prairie about 2 miles from town.

My vet has regular office hrs but is available 24/7 for emergencies. I just call the office number and get the msg of the paging number for emergencies and he has always called me back within 10 minutes. He's also a 'one man show'.

This guy one performed an emergency tracheotomy on a dog that was having an allergic reaction to a spider bite (at 7 PM). He has stitched up 6 wounds after a dog fight on a Sunday during high school graduation ceremonies, he has come in at 1 AM for a seizure dog, not to mention coming in at 6 AM on a Sunday morning for an euthanasia for a dog that was wounded beyond help.

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Do you think it would be a good idea to give her 5 mg. of Valium twice a day until we can get to the vet on monday.


No reason to.

Something caused the seizure. Get to your vet on Monday.

If she has another seizure before then, CALL your vet or call the evet. I'd skip the vet tech if a description of a seizure to her sounds like a dog is dying and she tells you to have the dog put down.

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Guest Energy11
I live in a very small community also. The closest MAJOR E-Vet is an hour away. There is one about 4o minutes away that takes call. They are talking about opening an EVets in the same small strip mall as my regular vets :-) I hope so, because we NEED it, and, I hope to work there.


you have a vet in a strip mall? That makes you more city than I am! My vet is in a little pre-fab bldg in the middle of a prairie about 2 miles from town.

My vet has regular office hrs but is available 24/7 for emergencies. I just call the office number and get the msg of the paging number for emergencies and he has always called me back within 10 minutes. He's also a 'one man show'.

This guy one performed an emergency tracheotomy on a dog that was having an allergic reaction to a spider bite (at 7 PM). He has stitched up 6 wounds after a dog fight on a Sunday during high school graduation ceremonies, he has come in at 1 AM for a seizure dog, not to mention coming in at 6 AM on a Sunday morning for an euthanasia for a dog that was wounded beyond help.

Wow.. cool vet! It really isn't a strip mall, per say, but it is in a plaza type situation by a feed/country store. We are rural, BUT being a vacation area for Atlanta, helps with "conveniences."


Where I live is about as far from a rural area as you get, and on the weekend, you're not going to get your vet.

We have one emergency clinic for the entire desert, that's hi-desert and low-desert, and if you live in the hi-desert, you're looking at a several hour drive to the er.

In my vet's practice, there are only 2 of us who have his cell number and he has a huge practice with mostly(excluding me) wealthy clients.

If it's after hours, you're on your own, so it's not just rural/farming towns

WOW! that IS interesting.

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Hi this is Sharon. I really need to clarify something here. After Maggie had the seizure I called our vet tech, because I knew that the vets office was already closed for the day. As I was talking to her I told her that Maggie was having a seizure and I THOUGHT she was ALSO having a stroke, Because her EYES were Twitching and trying to roll up into her head. she was doing this for a long time, maybe 10-15 minutes......so she said well if she is having a seizure AND a stroke then to take her to this other vet and he would probably have to put her to sleep. she ONLY said that Because I THOUGHT she was having a STROKE AT THE SAME TIME AS THE SEIZURE...... luckily she was NOT having the stroke!


I had seen our boxer have seizures years ago but she never had the eye twitching that Maggie did.! that is why I thought it was both at the same time! Our vet tech is a really nice lady and has never given us any bad info and she did not this time either, she was going on WHAT I HAD TOLD HER! Once I gave Maggie the valum, all the eye movement stopped and so did the other twitching in her shoulders and she rested quietly for a while before she got up. When she got up she was her old normal self! I don't even think she realized that how much time had passed!


but yes we DO live far out in the country and it takes us 30 min. just to get to our vets office. there is another vet here too but we do not trust him at all and I would not go to him for anything.....( long story).


But I felt that I had to get on here and set the record straight on our vet tech.! Our reg vet is recuperating for 4 by-pass surgery and is not back in the office yet and the other vet was working in another town today at another vet office about 1 1/2 hrs. away. (2 hours away from us).


I would trust our vet tech with ANY of our animals, the greys, Korky or any of our cats. Just trying to set the record staight..... thanks for your time, Sharon, Dan, Maggie, Andy, Frannie and Sunny, and Korky too!



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Good to know. Thanks for straightening it out, Sharon. I am also glad Maggie is feeling better. She still may sleep a bunch and eat like a horse later ;)


RE: your vet

If he is recuperating from bypass surgery and you don't klike the other one, who will see her on Monday? (I know, probably driving you nuts with all the clarifying... sorry :blush )

Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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I think she said there are two vets in the office and one was working in another town today. I'm sure that one will be back on Monday and can see Maggie.


I hope she's feeling better tonight.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest LadyChester

I am very relieved to hear that Maggie is doing better. That said, however, I do not think a "vet tech" should be telling you to give an animal prescription medication of any kind, let alone Deramaxx, to a dog who may be having a seizure or a stroke and has kidney disease! Caring or not, I'd find another vet's office if this is the standard of care.

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Guest Tuxsmom

holy moly, my heart was pounding reading this thread.


thank goodness you got on here seeking help :grouphug is this an awesome group or what?


i would like to add my warnings about using ace on dogs too. we use ace on horses around here..some people use it on dogs while playing "vet" and i've seen 2 dogs come out from under it thrashing :(


i am so glad your maggie pulled through. your experience with valium is making me really want to make sure i have some on hand for my seizure girl.


sending lots of prayers your way..anxious for monday to see what vet says.

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We have had lots of Greyhounds and sharon just went threw all our old medicines and found a bunch of 10 mg. valums , we called the vet tetch at home and she said to break one in half and give it to her to prevent a another seizure so we did , we also called wayne again who also works with GPA Nashville and he agrees as he has had the same problem , around here things are a little different than the larger cities , Thank you everyone for your help it looks like we have this under control until we can get her to the vet on monday , PLEASE PRAY FOR MY MAGGIE--Greys Magnet


I am in Ripley TN and yes things are different around here with the vets.



Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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I must have missed where Ace was mentioned. Lenny was sent to me with Ace. I refuse to use it and especially with a GH.

I know there are people out there who do, but I won't, too much controversy with GH's

Hoping for a good night for you and Maggie

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I have Ace on hand for our Andy, he is just terrified of storms! so I give him 1/8 ( one eight-th) of a pill. it just relaxes him enough that we cal ALL get threw the storm. he will even go and hide in my closet too. Poor Baby! he is 10 yrs. old and has been like this since we got him at 3 yrs. old. By the way, he only gets it if we have a BAD storm...... not the quick summer storms.


and our Maggie will be 11 yrs. old this August!

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I have Ace on hand for our Andy, he is just terrified of storms! so I give him 1/8 ( one eight-th) of a pill. it just relaxes him enough that we cal ALL get threw the storm. he will even go and hide in my closet too. Poor Baby! he is 10 yrs. old and has been like this since we got him at 3 yrs. old. By the way, he only gets it if we have a BAD storm...... not the quick summer storms.


and our Maggie will be 11 yrs. old this August!


If it works for you, and it helps Andy, then that's what's important. And Maggie, God bless her, let's hope for a good night


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Tuxsmom

ohhhh...ace pills... the bad reactions i saw were from people using enough injectable ace to bring a horse to its knees on a dog :(


how is maggie doing? Hope all is calm and well...

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