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I'm so sorry for your loss. I agree with what everyone else here has said-you were a wonderful mom to him and

he knew he was loved. That's what counts in the end. He would not want you feeling guilty because there is

absolutely no reason to feel that way. You did everything you could to make his life easier, please remember that.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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Guest GreytMuse

My condolences on the loss of your beloved boy. f_yellow


What a shock for all of you to deal with, but it really does sound as if you were an outstanding mom and took excellent care of him. I am so very sorry for your loss. :(

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Thanks so much everyone. These first few days have been tough and our remaining grey is pretty confused, as our boy was the more dominant of the two (she keeps standing at her food dish looking around, I think waiting for him before she'll eat). I'm working up the guts to talk to the vet...though I don't think I'm ready yet.


I very much appreciate all the comments and advice, it's been a comfort to me.


Thanks again to the GreyTalk community. :paw

Edited by Sundrop
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Guest bigbrindlebunny

Your Vet will understand. They spend their days seeing all aspects of our beloved pets, and our behavior They are there for us in the good times and the tough. They're amazing people.


You sound like a wonderful, caring Mom. Your boy was blessed to have you.


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My greyhound, Daisy, was diagnosed with a heart murmur two years ago, and at that time it was graded as a low 1. Two years later, and she's now at a level of 2. It's something that I keep a watch on as you did with your boy. I'm so sorry for your loss :(:grouphug

Edited by jodyksam

Mom to Daisy (1999-2012), LB (aka Little Bit), and Sammy James (aka Sammy or Buddy)

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I am soo sorry for your loss! Please don't beat yourself up. From what I have read, you did everything you could for him. Just remember all the good times you had with him and how much you loved him and him in return.

Sarah, mom to Stella and Winston . And to Prince, Katie Z, Malone, Brooke, Freddie, Angel and Fast who are all waiting at the Bridge!


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Guest PhillyPups

Oh I so know your pain, your confusion, your second guessing yourself -


My Runner, a handsome, stunning, charming, perfect brindle boy was with me at a Meet and Greet. He was the picture of health charming everyone around him. We were standing, he was leaning on me as I was scritching his ears. In an instant he was gone, when he went over, his knees did not even bend.


That was several years ago - I always wonder if I missed something, it still is painful to write about, I love him so.

SugarBear was home that day (she was older) - Runner was her partner, they had a very special bond. She stopped eating from depression, I almost lost her too. What saved her was bringing another greyhound home - when Stepper walked into the house, within an hour she ate for the first time in 3 days. I am sharing this because you mentioned your older girl is having a hard time. I know I could not have withstood the pain of losing 2 in a week.


:bighug to you, know that Keota is truly loved and went peacefully with those he loved best in the world _

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