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Dogs On The Couch

Guest Maddyr24

Do you let your Grey on the Couch?  

568 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you let your dog on the couch?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
    • Undecided

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Guest carolxi
Sagan has been with us for just shy of 3 months and he is starting to come out of his shell (its so cute!). He has lately been trying to snuggle with us on the couch and I am all for it. My hubby is all for it too, but we just want to make sure we aren't letting him get away with too much...meaning..once we start giving into his requests...what else will he want?


So, comments, thoughts, and any funny stories.


M, J, and S


What else will he want? his own room, an allowance, to borrow the car - it never ends!!

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Guest Shermanator

We said no, since with 2 big boys, there would be no room for us!

Also, the cats would completely freak out. :)

However, I do let Patton sit on the futon with me in my knitting room. It was sweet for awhile, he'd nestle his head in my lap, and sigh, looking content. {{swoon!}}

However, that did not last. Soon he began to completely stretch out. Then, he started the incessant shoving. Then, he'd try to wedge his nose behind my back to move me off. :) Its now the dog's futon. Ah hahahah!

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Guest my3greys

We have had three greys, now two, and neither has ever made an attempt to get on furniture....They lay at our feet with legs wrapped around our ankles when we sit....we seem to be their security blankets...

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Guest pennmorgan

We let Olivia on the couch periodically, but only if we invite her. She clearly loves it, however. The minute I pat down on the couch or say "up!" she jumps right up there and settles down. To my knowledge, only once has she gotten up there without us explicitly asking her to. It was actually very cute--I was sitting on one side working on my computer, and she kept standing up and spinning around in front of me, like she couldn't get comfortable (her bed is right in front of the sofa). Finally, she was standing and STARING at me for a good couple minutes. Then, she casually put one paw up, and then another, and then streeeeeeeeeetched her way up on the couch and laid down next to me.


I said "Who do you think you are?" in my accusatory voice, but I let her stay up there, because she was so darned cute. Nevertheless, she's on her bed on the floor 99% of the time.

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Yes, and I keep a blanket or throw on the couch to catch the drool and dog hair. I boot them off when the humans need it, and I boot them off if they fight with each other over who gets the couch. If there's room I will allow them to come up and hang out with me. Shortly after Tiny came home he growled at me when I tried to sit on the couch. I booted him off and he didn't get to come near the couch for weeks. He has never done it again. He figured out that the couch belongs to the humans, who allow him to use it--not the other way around--and all is good.

Edited by GreytNut

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Guest DarkHorse

Mine are allowed the upstairs "computer room" couch but not the downstairs living room couch (we share the couch so no dogs allowed). However, if I ask for them to get off and they don't within a reasonable amount of time (gotta let them streeeetch first!) their furniture privileges are revoked for two days.

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Guest Mom2Shiloh

I didn't Have a couch for years. My living room was always the "safe space" for the cats when I had cats, baby gate raised high enough the cats could get underneath... When my old couch wore out I didn't replace it, figured I'd reclaim the living room some day. Then we moved everything from the kitchen into the livingroom when we were replacing our kitchen and hallway floor. We got part of it moved back, and then my husband died --- needless to say, between his death and my parents' who had passed away in the 3 years prior to that -- the living room was filled to the brim with boxes to sort, furniture I couldn't move... and many etcs.


I've just reclaimed the living room and gotten a couch. Still needs a fair amount of work, but it's getting there. And you know what my primary motivation for that couch was? Was it so I could sit comfortably and watch TV? nope Was it so I could entertain more easily, again, nope. It was, in large measure, so that my dogs could become the couch potatoes they are supposed to be! How can you live as a respectable Greyhound mom with 45 mph Couch Potatoes, and No Couch! I actually found that embaressing!


(Ok, now that everyone knows how wierd I am... I voted Yes! ) :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would have liked NOT to allow dogs on the couch but Hugo who arrived on Saturday morning, headed straight for the sofa when he arrived. Perhaps we are softies but I didn't have the heart to tell him to 'get off!'. So...last night Hebe & Hugo were stretched out on the big sofa whilst Steve & I huddled on the smaller one. The lunatics run this particular asylum! :)

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Guest GreyFan09

Comet is not allowed on any furniture or beds in the house, and has never shown any interest in them anyway. He likes his own soft bed upstairs in the computer room, or to lay on the carpeted floor at the top of the steps where he can command a view of the whole house and watch what everyone is up to.

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Guest eaglflyt

One of my favorite things is when I'm sitting on the couch and Ady Bea climbs up and lays down beside me and chooses to rest her head on my lap. I love it! :D I watch TV or work on the computer and Ady Bea just breathes slowly and lowers my blood pressure with her relaxed calmness. I love rubbing her soft head and little velvet ears, too.

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We tried it. Shanti got snotty and snapped at my kids so she got banned. She briefly had bed privileges too. Until I went to get my then 5 year old up for school and he was not in his bed. Shanti was and would not let him back in after going potty in the middle of the night. I found my kid on the couch. BANNED! Now we snuggle on the living room floor and it works for us all.


Now when we are gone...she helps herself to the couches.

The Girls

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Our girls are allowed on the couch and the bed, but they are rarely on the couch together, they also know they are not allowed on the couch if the comforter is not on it and they know they are not allowed on the couch if we have company. Chauncey usually gets in bed with me in the moring after DH gets up for work and she will get in bed with us at night if she is cold, but that is not too often, Tess never gets on the bed but that is because the bed is too high for her and she can't jump up that high with her bad leg. The girls also know they must get off the couch when they are told and since we don't have company too much we see no problem with them on the couch.



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Guest MeandHoss

When I knew that I was going to be fostering Hoss (which is turning into adopting), I actually moved a love-seat from my back bedroom into the living room. That has now become Hoss's couch and that is fine with me. He makes no move to get on the other couch, or in my bed, places I don't want him to go. This is working for us and is making us both happy.



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