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Poor Spencer!

Guest Spencers_Greyt

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Poor Spencer - it never ends with him. I noticed yesterday that his urine looked a little dark and he was having controlling himself. This morning he was urinating dark brown urine which freaked me out and then was dripping light blood. Okay so off to the vet he goes right when they opened so I could drop him off. This is the 3rd time he has had a UTI in a close amount of time so the vet sent out his urine for a culture to get to the bottom of the problem. He also x-rayed his bladder to check for bladder stones - no stones thankfully. Spencer is also getting weak in the back end again. It's almost like he can't tell where his back left leg is as he will kick it out a few times like he's looking to put it down but can't feel it. He also will lay down to scratch himself but he's only scratching air as he can't tell he's not touching himself. I just love him so much and I HATE that he has all these problems. So right now he's on Primor until the culture comes back to determine if another course of treatment is needed.


So does anyone know what a culture could show?


Forgot to add that the vet did a prostate exam on him too. He said neutered males rarely have problems there but it doesn't hurt to double check. All was well apparently.

Edited by Spencers_Greyt
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Guest Energy11

A culture will show lots of different bacterias not found in a regular Urine Analysis. This way, you know EXACTLY what to treat, and with what type of medication. Good Luck! Poor Spencer! Send a huge hug to him from us!

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If the urine was a sterile catch, the culture should not have anything growing -- if it does, means infection. If something grows they will then check to do what is called a "sensitivity" which will tell them which antibiotics the bacteria doesn't like.





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If the urine was a sterile catch, the culture should not have anything growing -- if it does, means infection. If something grows they will then check to do what is called a "sensitivity" which will tell them which antibiotics the bacteria doesn't like.



Poor guy sure has had his share!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Second the accupuncture if you can swing it. Can't hurt and might help.


What IS it with dogs named "Spencer"?! :rolleyes: Do they all have as much stuff go on as yours and mine?


Hugs and scritches to all,


Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest Spencers_Greyt
Keeping Spencer in my Prayers :hope:hope:hope


BTW. How is Emmy doing with her Paws ???


Thanks for remembering about Emmy! She's completely back to normal - she is a fast healer. I have a new yard service now and had my gate reinforced so life is good in that respect!


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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Spencer is doing much better today. Last night though he was very uncomfortable and panting and pacing around. He finally settled down and slept until this morning. His urine isn't dark brown any longer so the meds must be working that fast. I'll post again with results from the urine culture when I get it.


Thank you everyone for concern and support!


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Guest Spencers_Greyt

The vet just called me with urine culture results - no crystals but a bunch of e-coli which apparently isn't bad in dogs. Most of the e-coli is resistant to the antibiotic he had prescribed before, sefalexine. But the primor that he prescribed recently should do the trick and clear up this thing once and for all. He said the sefalexine killed off some of the e-coli so that's why Spencer appeared to get better but then would relapse. So all is good in Spencer's world. Now back to worrying about his back leg weakness. The vet said it's degenerative but I always have hope.


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Guest ss556

Glad you found out what is wrong with Spencer and hoping that he feels better. As far as his rear legs, maybe after not going to the vet for a while, you can take him for acupuncture, I know he stresses.

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