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Even After The Vet, I Don't Know What This Is

Guest javelins

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Guest EmilyAnne

Depends on your dogs tolerance for pain and how tender the lump is. I had a pointer mix who had several needle aspirations done and did not even flinch. He had a high tolerance for pain, and his lumps were not tender. My Riley has a low tolerance for pain, and his lump was quite bigger, and very tender. First time Riley had a needle aspiration done of his lump, he screamed and then cried for several minutes afterwards. :( The second time, when the study people wanted to do a needle aspiration, I was adamant that Riley be given something for pain first.

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Guest myGreyHeart

Since I've had her, there's been nothing like this. From what I know I really can't compare. like she's good for vaccinations....I don't know how to tell. I could just be safe and ask they give something.



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Guest DylanGospel

Hi, We're pretty new to this board, too, so I can't use the pm option with my e-mail. However, if you live anywhere close to us (PA/NY border- between Binghamton and Elmira), I can recommend two Cornell educated vets who have a practice in Candor, NY.


The husband is an excellent surgeon who also does chiropractic and acupuncture, and his wife is well-versed in homeopathy, as well as traditional medicine. We have taken our greys as well as other pets to them for the past five years. Their prices are nowhere near what you have been quoted. If it works geographically, you could look up their number and do a phone consultation.

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Guest myGreyHeart

no, it's a quite a drive from where I am. Thank you though. I'm never the one driving when it's long distance because every time I have become so lost. I am happy though that they listened to me and I went from the 19th to the 16th to the 4th. That is something

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Guest DylanGospel

I hope that things work out for you. It's good to stay on top of these things. One of ours had a strange sore on the top of its mouth. We had a biopsy done because it was so odd and just wouldn't clear up. Finally, it did with the help of pregnisone (sp?) and has never returned.

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Guest Fasave

Glad you have an appointment soon. My grey has had two soft tissue sarcomas removed in the last year. The first was on his leg and we needled biopsied it several times and never showed anything. I let it go for over a year when I noticed it was growing so my regular vet went in. He was unable to remove it completely because he's not a specialized surgeon. So, I had to take him to a second vet surgeon who explained it was wrapped around a vein that would need to be removed. Thankfully they got clean margins on the second surgery but not large ones so it's monitored. I'm in the Boston area (can you say great vet care but at a high price). The first surgery was about $800 ($95 for the biopsy reading) and the second surgery was $2,700 due to the complexity of the surgery and the need for overnight stay. Second lump appeared less than two months ago on his back. Thankfully, I decided not to take chances as it was STS again and they got huge margins so no more worries on this one (cost again $750). In fact, he just had his stitches removed today (4 inch incision for a lump less than the size of a peanut). Soft tissue sarcomas are relatively slow growing but can be very serious if they get too big. Hopefully this provides some perspective. Be sure to provide updates and let us know how things are going. Paws crossed that it's not cancer at all and is easily removed.

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it looks just like a wart like growth that my terrier had on his toe. i asked my vet to have it removed, he too did not want to remove it since it was benign and the root is pretty deep. it occasionally bled due to it's location on his toe or when it bothered him he chewed it. but that was it. it grew a tad, but did nothing terrible and he had it for 3 or 4 years. it just wasn't pretty and i had to watch out for it when i groomed him.

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Guest myGreyHeart

Glad you have an appointment soon. My grey has had two soft tissue sarcomas removed in the last year. The first was on his leg and we needled biopsied it several times and never showed anything. I let it go for over a year when I noticed it was growing so my regular vet went in. He was unable to remove it completely because he's not a specialized surgeon. So, I had to take him to a second vet surgeon who explained it was wrapped around a vein that would need to be removed. Thankfully they got clean margins on the second surgery but not large ones so it's monitored. I'm in the Boston area (can you say great vet care but at a high price). The first surgery was about $800 ($95 for the biopsy reading) and the second surgery was $2,700 due to the complexity of the surgery and the need for overnight stay. Second lump appeared less than two months ago on his back. Thankfully, I decided not to take chances as it was STS again and they got huge margins so no more worries on this one (cost again $750). In fact, he just had his stitches removed today (4 inch incision for a lump less than the size of a peanut). Soft tissue sarcomas are relatively slow growing but can be very serious if they get too big. Hopefully this provides some perspective. Be sure to provide updates and let us know how things are going. Paws crossed that it's not cancer at all and is easily removed.



I am too. Paws crossed, :grouphug and :hope for our Greyhounds and everyone else who is going through any kind of health worries with theirs. She's my first adopted and I keep telling myself "no, it just can't be something serious"..... though logically I know it could.

Please let us know how your Grey is....I will really be thinking of both of you :gh_child

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Guest myGreyHeart
it looks just like a wart like growth that my terrier had on his toe. i asked my vet to have it removed, he too did not want to remove it since it was benign and the root is pretty deep. it occasionally bled due to it's location on his toe or when it bothered him he chewed it. but that was it. it grew a tad, but did nothing terrible and he had it for 3 or 4 years. it just wasn't pretty and i had to watch out for it when i groomed him.



For what it could and could not be, I would be relieved if it were......compared to other things I could face :goodluck

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Good, I am glad you got your appt. moved up. Now let's hope it turns out to be a benign little nothing!

Edited by FullMetalFrank
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Guest LindsaySF

Glad you switched vets. The first one sounds fishy.


Needle aspirates don't usually hurt, though it depends on the dog and the exact location. Clancy has a wart between his toes and the vet aspirated it last month, he didn't even flinch. He flinched for his shots though!



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I'm glad you were able to make an appointment with a different vet. When I looked at the pictures you posted it looks very much like some bumps my non-grey has. She has several around her neck and one on her paw in almost the exact same place as your girl's. I had the vet look at them and she told me they were sebaceous cysts and did not need to be removed. I hope you get a diagnosis of something as benign as that!

Edited by ckruzan

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest SusanP

Our hounds have had needle aspirates lots of times. Doesn't bother them any more than a blood test does, from what I can see. Our Zippy's lumps turned out to be malignant twice, but after getting them removed, she has done beautifully, so even if it's something nasty, there's plenty that can be done.

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Guest lizmego

That is so whacked that they won't do the surgery the same time as the dental. When Power got his tail caught in the storm door, the vet opted to fix it instead of my request to just amputate the tip off. So when the tip of the tail died, it had to be amputated anyway - so the vet felt so bad about the initial diagnosis of trying to save the tail that the vet threw in a dental at the same time, and I asked for a blood blister thing that was on his stomach to be removed too. They did all of that while he was under one anesthesia event. I recommend that you find another vet.

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Guest myGreyHeart

I don't want to hurt her...but it's difficult to tell if this is completely hard or has fluid. Not that me knowing would make a difference before 6 days is up :unsure



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Guest Floyd

Can't believe your first vet, good on you for getting another appointment else where!


Hugs and warm wishes to both you and Rosie :grouphug

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest myGreyHeart

Apologies for not logging in sooner, but it seems to be GOOD news :) Vet was extremely nice and thought the growth to most likely be some kind of corn or wart...Everything was checked and the results came back normal. Her white cell count was a little bit higher but the Dr said she thinks it means Rosie's immune system is being "quiet" and she's fine. If it were anything like "C", her white cells would be much higher.


The 25th she is having it removed. I asked to have it biopsied to be completely sure and she said they would. The vet was very kind to both me and Rosie, which was most important. And I was happy she seemed comfortable with the Dr. and the staff.

Other vet is still sending me reminders that I'm late on her heartworm pills (which I'm not) I never changed a vet before, so I don't know if I send a letter, call or anything. ("Oh by the way, she isn't late on anything :headwall !"??) Or if after a while they get the idea....

I'm very relieved it seems my loved one will be okay :heart:gh_child

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