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Hello From Philadelphia 'burbs

Guest eccoNreesie

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Guest eccoNreesie

Hi Everyone! I have been a longtime lurker of the board, finding it before I adopted my first grey in Sept 2008. What a great resource! I wanted to take this time to intro (finally) our pups etc. :)


My name is Christine and myself along w/ my partner Michelle own two wonderful grey-girls: Ecco and Reesie. We are proud participants in GAFNE and are thoroughly enjoying our new pups.


Ecco came to us as a wee youngin, at just 2 yrs old, with fair warning from the GAF folks that she was very puppy like...and she is! What a clown! We love her energy, spunkiness, bad girl attitude. After always owning a very spry cocker spaniel and growing up showing Collies, her energy is muted by far! But for a grey I guess she would be considered spunky. She is very smart and has already gotten her therapy dog cert and i will soon be starting obedience with her hopefully (we will see if my schedule allows!). My baby girl will be 3 in August.


Reesie was also another perfect match for us from GAF. We had expressed our interest in "another " (who doesnt?) to Marilyn and after not having much luck in the cat friendly department, Reesie came into our lives. Shes a 7 yr old girl- has yet to match her new sisters energy level- but since shes new to us we feel that that can change. Already she is running around in the yard when the excitement of a meal is mentioned! Poor girl was a bounce (not from our group originally) and I think she knows now that we are her forever forever home! LOL :blush


So....hopefully I can figure out the picture thingy, any help is appreciated!!










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Guest eccoNreesie

Hi PhillyPups- yes, we did meet at the picnic! You were babysitting the foster xpen and my girls were right next door in the middle pen. Michelle was babysitting them! I had to keep an eye on my Ecco girl as she was barking at everyone and being a general pup! I didnt realize who you were until I saw the pic online here with you and marilyn!



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Guest TBSFlame

Welcome from North Carolina. Can't wait to see a picture of your pups. I just adopted a young one, Riley. She is different than my racers that did race. :)

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Guest eccoNreesie

can anyone offer me advise as to how i go about posting a picture on this fandangled GT? LOL.


and yes, Marilyn is awesome. I met her that Friday at Nancy's and just had to give her a hug. i had tears in my eyes doing so- I am such a sap- but I couldnt help but feel a tremendous amount of respect for what she does and what she has been through- and still doing it! Wonderful woman! :yay

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Welcome from Iowa! (I'll be visiting the Philly burbs this weekend for my college reunion, I'll wave to you in spirit!).


Most of us use Photobucket for pictures -- it's really easy to put them on there, then you just paste the image link URL in your message here.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest eccoNreesie

oh yeah photobucket! ok, well here is my first attempt:


This is Ecco - she never raced or was trained, even her ear tatoos are messed up- they both are her birthday/litter order!


http://<a href="http://s653.photobucket.com/albums/uu254/csting74/?action=view¤t=P9210041.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i653.photobucket.com/albums/uu254/csting74/P9210041.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>[/img]



This is Reese............my older girl! She is just learning the ropes here at the Inn, and doin just fine!!!

(dont mind the legs in the picture, this is usually where she is plastered against us- she has the best lean i have encountered thus far. great when you need something to lean on yourself, but kinda hard when you are trying to , well....move.......at all!)


http://<a href="http://s653.photobucket.com/albums/uu254/csting74/?action=view¤t=reesiehead.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i653.photobucket.com/albums/uu254/csting74/reesiehead.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>[/img]

and last but not least, both of them........here you can see how puppy like Ecco looks......


http:// <a href="http://s653.photobucket.com/albums/uu254/csting74/?action=view¤t=eccoreesie2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i653.photobucket.com/albums/uu254/csting74/eccoreesie2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>[/img]




Hope that worked!!! :D


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Guest eccoNreesie

thanks Jeff that helped a bunch!


ok, here it goes again!


Ecco being very cute and cuddly w/ her greybaby!







oh and one more of Reesie laying in the Susquehanna river yesterday for our memorial day hike in MD!





ok pls let this work!!! i feel really computer dumb these days!


Edited by eccoNreesie
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Hi from Wilmington!


I was at the GAF-NE picnic as well... I was selling jackets and a bunch of other cool items-- next to the check-in tent... Pat watched things for me once so I could do some shopping of the auction items, but I never made it back to the x-pen, so probably didn't meet your sweeties... :)



Greyhound Fleece Jackets


Greyhound Pack: EdWin, Jethro. and Lucky; Foster Jinks; Angels Janet, Faster, Blake, Navarre, Murray, and Festus.

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Guest CaseynovasMom

Hi there Christine! (& likewise Michelle)


Welcome from NY! Ecco and Reesie sound like quite the dynamic duo. We're so glad you de-lurked and we'll get to know you and your hounds better. And the photo of Ecco and her greybaby is priceless. :welcome


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Hi from upstate Pa!! I have relatives in Philly-Jersey area who like to tell me all of their "I saw a greyhound today" experiences (since I've gotten mine). I don't think they understand how many greyhound people there are down there!




Waiting at the bridge: Buddy James, Cookie Dough, Shelby, and Mac. My angels :angelwings:angelwings:angelwings:angelwings

New dog mom to dachshunds Ginger and Ruger :banana:banana

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Guest eccoNreesie

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! :blush


Hi Debbie- I wanted to laugh when I saw dear ol Flossie at the picnic. I think Reese will give her a run for the money in the big ear department ! i just couldnt get her to put them up at the picnic...i think i needed a squeekie!


there are a lot down here in the burbs, those greyhounds. there is one lady with one right around the corner from me, and several more "in town"..........but I still get everytime i walk ecco especially "is that a whippet"................ :eek ! LOL


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Guest PhillyPups

Ah I remember your pups, isn't that how it always is??


My AnnaBanana and Gremlin were in the x-pen when the fosters were out. :lol AnnaBanana got softest fur, and I think she would give Flossie a run for her money in the earsies department too, if only someone threw in a small squeaky thing or two. Gremlin, not so much with the ears, but that was her 3 weeks off the farm celebratory debut, so I think she did quite well. :)

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