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Zoe Isn't Feeling Well Today - Update Post #23

Guest 4baddogs

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Guest 4baddogs

I'm the biggest worrier in the world. I keep telling myself that when "it" happens that I won't be shocked and I'll expect it. Of course, every time Zoe gets a little bit sick, I think this is "it".


So this morning she woke up, ate her breakfast, played and everything was normal. About an hour later she wanted to go outside and I notice she had diarrhea. A few minutes later she had to go out again and then again and again and it's been going on all day. The volume isn't a lot, it's more like an orangey mucousy kind of consistancy now. She's been panting a lot as well. I tried to convince myself that it's because it's 87 degrees here today, but that's not it. In case it is, I turned on the central air.


I gave her an Imodium around 10:00 and another 1/2 just a few minutes ago. She would NOT lie down so I thought about giving her a Torbi so that she'd relax for a bit. She just this moment lay down so we'll see how long it lasts.


I'm trying to not panic because I had foot surgery yesterday which has me in incredible pain and limping/hopping on one foot. Two hours before that, I had an upper-GI and have horrible abdominal pain because the crap I had to swallow must have hardened like cement in my intestines and I, unfortunately, am not "going" like Zoe is. My husband is out of town so I'm dealing with this all alone. If I need to take her to the E-vet in Pittsburgh, it's going to be quite an adventure.


I'm praying she's just got a little bug of some sort.

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Guest EmilyAnne

Oh my goodness, that is so much to deal with all at once! It is possible Zoe's diarrhea started out of stress because I believe greys are sensitive to stress in loved ones around them, and my understanding is once they have a few episodes of diarrhea, it can be hard to get that good bacteria back to normal balance as it gets flushed out with the diarhea, thus paving the way for a true episode of diarhea where the bad bacteria gets out of hand. With Henry I do bland diet. Boiled and pureed low fat meat, with cooked rice. If not better within 48 hours, we go to the vet and get antibiotics. If the diarhea is accompanied by any other symptoms such as vomiting, hard/distended tummy, or etc, we go to the vet sooner.


Praying that both you and Zoe feel much better SOON!



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Try to keep her drinking if you can so she stays hydrated. If they won't drink, I'll offer 50-50 milk and water for those who can tolerate milk; alternatives are 50-50 milk and lower-salt broth or bouillon or apple juice, water with a tablespoon of honey or teaspoon of molasses added, etc.


Hope she has it all out of her system by now. And hope both of you heal quickly!

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest Energy11

YES, DO, keep her hydrated!!!


50% water/50% Gatorade, any flavor .... IS GOOD. Cutting it with water, gets it into the cells FASTER than just straight Gatorade, and the dogs see, to like it! Just like we humans, dogs/greys, ... get dehydrated with diarrhea. IF she won't DRINK the 50/50 mixture, you can use a 10 cc syringe, turkey baster, or get a commercial children's medical dropper in the pharmacy, to force the mixture. IF she isn't better by Monday, YES, do Vet her, OR, OF COURSE, if she gets worse over the weekend.


SHE MIGHT have a GI tract infection and need fluids and Flagyl.


DO GET THE FLUIDS INTO HER, THOUGH, and, remember, Gatorade or Powerade, have all the electrolytes they/we need!


Good luck! Dee and the Five

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Guest 4baddogs

Well, she's started walking in that odd "squat" so it's probably her kidneys which I was afraid of. Damnit. She just went off antibiotics for her elbow a few days ago - it seems every time she stops antibiotics the kidney thing flares up. I only have cephalexin on hand and I don't think that will do anything. Plus, she's so agitated right now that getting them into her would be traumatic. I also finally broke down and gave her a torbi so she'd rest and she's semi-sleeping. I hope she sleeps most of the night because she's exhausted.


My husband's flight gets in at 10:00 tomorrow morning. If she's not doing any better, we're taking her to the hospital in Pittsburgh. I'm not waiting until Monday.


Oh, she is drinking water but thanks for the tips on fluids- I'll have to remember those.

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Guest 4baddogs

It was a LONG night. I was so incredibly miserable from the upper GI that I called my doctor. He advised me to take a laxative and after that I was just like Zoe. :) My mom came out to our house so that she could keep an eye on Zoe when I couldn't. Her tummy was rumbling so loud that I could hear it from my bedroom when she was in the livingroom.


Zoe won't eat anything at all including treats, she's stopped drinking water from what I can tell so when she gets up I'm going to try the broth cut with water. She doesn't like milk at all. I keep Pediapops in the freezer so I'm going to melt one of those for her as well.


I'm pretty certain we're going to take her to Northview when my husband gets home today. Although, I don't know what or how much to do. I know it's her kidneys. She's also 4 months away from 15-years old. She nearly died 5 months ago from this exact same thing and went through hell with it. Do we put her through this again and again? The doctors all told us that when her kidneys finally failed, she would stop eating, get diarehea, throw up and that would be it. I'm not trying to sound so blasé about it, but she's gone through so much with this and I don't want to do this to her over and over.


It's breaking my heart. :(



UPDATE - She won't touch the broth, but she ate about a cup of her dry food. She's the biggest walking contradiction ever. :) Still not feeling well and walking wierd, but at least she ate a little bit.

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Could be she just needs fluids to be back to feeling better. Sending gentle hugs and prayers.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest Energy11

Sounds like she is dehydrated, and yes, with kidney failure, you will have the ups and downs :-( I would still try to "dribble" some fluids into her, via a turkey baster or baby medicine syringe, you get at the pharmacy, and go from there. ...


I hope you feel better, too! D

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Guest 4baddogs

I got a pediapop into her after I melted it, via a syringe. She was less than thrilled, but too bad. She's still taking treat so that's good, right? She also drank water after coming in from outside.


I found 2 Baytril from when she was in the hospital so I gave her one of those. I figured it can't hurt since I'm psoitive it's her kidneys.


My husband is home now, but he has to be at work at 6:30 tonight. We talked about what to do and we're waiting until tomorrow morning to take her to her regular vet. I'm hoping he'll keep her during the day, put her on fluids, get an injection of Baytril in her and she'll bounce back. Actually, that's what my husband wants because he's Mr. Optimistic and says "everything will be fine!" I really anxious about the whole thing and scared to death. I'm realistic and know she can't live forever. I'm just trying to prepare myself, I guess. :(

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Guest Energy11

You are doing the right thing, trying to get fluids into her! Just relax, IF YOU CAN, and yes, the fluids at the vets will help immensly. You guys can give them yourselves, too. It IS pretty easy, actually. I used to do it all the time at my vet job, and with HUMANS, we have to do it via IV, never sub -q.


No, they can't live forever! But, for now, DO relax :-) Take care~ D

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Guest 4baddogs

Last night was the longest night of my life. I went to bed at 10:30 and Zoe woke me at 11:09 to go outside. And that began the in and out parade every 15 minutes that didn't stop until 8:00 this morning.


She didn't have anything in her to poop out, but she sure tried. I felt so bad, because she would strain and get stuck in that position and then slide down the hill she likes to go on. She would hobble into the house and I'd help her lie down, all the while she'd pant like crazy non-stop. I slept on the couch next to her bed all night to try and calm her.


I got her to the vet at 9:00 this morning. He did a full exam, including a rectal. He did x-rays of her abdomen and chest and didn't find anything except a little spasms in her intestines. Besides that, her rectum is inflamed so he's thinking it's colitis again. She had no fever. They gave her sub-q fluids, injections of antibiotics and sent her home with metronidazole and sulfasalizine for a week.


I'm working from home to be with her today. My husband is home but he's sleeping after working 12-hours of midnight and he'd never hear her.


She's still kind of whiney, restless and won't eat yet. I sure hope this does the trick and she bounces back, because I was so scared this was it for her. I pray this clears up soon, because my surgery is on Thursday and I'll have to reschedule if she's not better. She comes first.

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