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Greying Muzzle

Guest LeanneSchatz

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Guest jziegler

Morgan is three, and has greyed since we got her about 10 months ago. Her muzzle was almost all black then. Now, you can see the grey.


We got but Saturn and Zephyr with some grey in their muzzles already.



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Guest RocketDog

Rocket came with white eyebrows (age 3) but at 4.5 he's about 50/50 white where the black smudge on his face is, and his black eye patches have gotten whiter and whiter. He's even growing in white hair in the black on his ears and chest! Cassie is turning four in a month and has just a teensy bit of graying on her chin, but since she's fawn brindle it's not as noticeable as Rocket's.

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Guest sheila

This is totally off topic but I recall a few yrs ago an April 1st prank post. It was titled 'Getting rid of the Gray' (which of course ppl opened because they thought someone was going to get rid of their dog) Then the subject was asking if it was OK to put 'Mennen Just for Men' product on their dogs muzzle to get rid of the grey. The responses were hilarious.

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Guest tumeria33

Thanks for posting this topic. Isis is only 2 1/2 and her muzzle is going grey. She does have a white bib, tips of her paws and a white tipped tail. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. We were walking her and this man passed by and commented on the "Old Girl"! I told him that she was only 2 years old! Don't judge a book by it's cover.

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Guest romeosrents

Romeo, like his brother Merlin is also very white. Even since last July when we adopted him, his muzzle has gotten more white in it.

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Guest nanzi

My beautiful black boy Khan started when he was 2. His legs are very salt & pepper, more salt than pepper, and his face is almost white. His underbelly is quite light now, and the feathers near his tush are showing more and more white, and he is just 6.

He has more white than either of his predecessors put together!! But he is soooooo beautiful.

Viva la grey!!

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Guest fatesrelease

Sarah is 2 1/2, almost three. As a little black girl I'm sure the grey shows faster, and she already has some signs of it under her little chinny chin. :) Hehe. I think it's sweet.

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Guest EMcElfresh

And his face about 4 months ago at age 6. I didn't notice that he'd gone grey until I looked for pics from when I first adopted him...I swear he gets WAY greyer when we are on vacation - we left for a week in FL last month and when I came back I was like :eek HE GOT GREY while we were GONE!!

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Guest EMcElfresh

I just found my first (and second! :eek) grey hairs the other day...I'm 26...I have dyed my hair since I was 13, my mom said I am probably pretty grey, but am not seeing it due to dying...she went grey in college, and her brother was completely silver before graduating highschool... uuurhg. :rolleyes: yay genetics.

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Neyla was very black when I got her at 4 1/2 and now, at 10 is quite gray, her face, and all up her legs, now creeping onto her body! Zuri was 2 1/2 when I got him and is now about to turn 5 and has grayed tremendously in his face. I attributed his to his anxiety - laying around barking all day doesn't necessarily do a body good. Although now seeing all of these other early graying dogs I feel a little less like a crappy mom. :P


I don't know though, stress does cause early graying in some people (think of how gray most presidents get over their one or two terms), but it's obviously not the only reason people get gray early.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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  • 1 year later...

So glad you posted This! I logged in to post this exact question. My boy is 3.5 and I thought something wad wrong because it seems lkke hus muzzlr has turned gray over night

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