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Guest brit1

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Guest brit1

Just wondering if any of you have dealt with this in an adult dog? My non grey is 3yo and showed no signs of it but every year I have a stool test done and did so last week, vet called me to say there were a just "few" coccidia whatevers in his stool. She felt it best to treat him for 10 days. Now I am worried about where he could have picked it up and why as I read that only dogs with poor immune system get it (other than puppies). He does get some skin allergies (no meds) but otherwise seems to be very healthy. He was put on Albon. He doesn't eat his poop but did see him eating some bunny poop recently. Any tips? Doesn't take much to freak me out as I had one of my dog's die last year (auto immune disease) and still not over it so very fearful of anything happening now. Thanks :) anne

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I think when they say that only dogs with compromised immune systemd get it, they're talking about the dog getting sick. It doesn't sound like your dog is sick if they just found it on a routine stool sample. Coccidia is common in many environments and easy to pick up. Wouldn't hurt to treat, but I wouldn't be too worried.

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Guest brit1

Thanks for the encouraging words, I appreciate them. Yes that is right he is not sick and doesn't have diarrhea etc so hopefully caught it in time. Funny, last night I was reliving the death of my dear little dog that died of supposedly auto immune disease (at the end one of the specialists said could have been a hidden cancer) and I had a horrible night sobbing myself to sleep and then when I got the call about this it frightened me more than it should have. anne

I think when they say that only dogs with compromised immune systemd get it, they're talking about the dog getting sick. It doesn't sound like your dog is sick if they just found it on a routine stool sample. Coccidia is common in many environments and easy to pick up. Wouldn't hurt to treat, but I wouldn't be too worried.


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Guest brit1

wonderful to hear from you and your sweet words. How are things going for you? I haven't been keeping up with things so almost afraid to ask :blink:

:grouphug to you Anne. I still think about your girl a lot :( and wonder how you are doing. Hopefully this is just a little hiccup and nothing to worry about.
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Guest lilly5

A litter of feral kittens had it and there was diarrhea EVERYWHERE ALL OVER EVERY SURFACE. Have you tried giving feral kittens medicine? <_<


I am pretty sure they were on Albon too. It cleared it up just fine.


I hope everything is ok with your buddy!

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Guest LindsaySF

Only dogs with compromised immune systems will get sick. (Coccidia is a concern with puppies and kittens for this reason). You see cysts often in fecal samples. I'm surprised your vet chose to treat it, usually the immune system takes care of it. I wouldn't worry. :)


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Guest speedoketo

Coccidia is no big deal for a healthy hound, no worries! I'm guessing your vet chose to treat it because otherwise your dog would be spreading coccidia all over the place putting other dogs at risk.

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Oh boy, we had coccidia at our house. ALL OVER our house. It co-occurred with hookworms and giardia and was a friggin nightmare (two dogs had everything, and the situation was messy). Bunny poop sounds like the culprit, or even picking it up on a nose or paw that gets licked from other dog droppings.


We did a massive treatment for everything when our dogs got it, because we couldn't be sure that their problems were just the giardia and/or hooks and it was easier to do the nuclear solution. If your dog isn't having a problem, I'm glad! We saw no ill effects of treatment for all three, so I'd choose to treat (for now). I don't like the thought of spreading things to neighbor dogs.

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Guest brit1

Thanks to everyone for replies. Would my dog be spreading it through his feces to other dogs or some other ways? Thanks anne

Coccidia is no big deal for a healthy hound, no worries! I'm guessing your vet chose to treat it because otherwise your dog would be spreading coccidia all over the place putting other dogs at risk.


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