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Remembering My Gracie

Guest gotgr8hnds

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Guest gotgr8hnds

On March 3rd, I wrote a special tribute in this Remembrance forum for my greyhound, Jack, who died last year from hemangiosarcoma. Today, March 28th, I am writing another special tribute for my greyhound, Gracie, who died last year from lymphoma. I'm including photos of both of them, because I didn't know how to upload them when I wrote about Jack (he's my white greyhound).


My remembrance includes some favorite photos, 2 poems that I love (unfortunately, I don't know the titles or authors), the release of a balloon bouquet and a portion of the message that I sent out after Gracie died. In my signature line at the bottom of this message, you'll see the link to a Rainbow Bridge Movie that I found a while back. . . it's really beautiful and provides a lot of comfort. I hope the movie and poems and what I've written can possibly help someone else who is grieving. My heart goes out to all of you who have lost your greyhounds. . . .




The tide recedes, but leaves behind

Bright seashells on the sand.

The sun goes down, but gentle warmth

Still echoes on the land.

The music stops, and yet

It echoes on in sweet refrain.

For every joy that passes

Something beautiful remains. . .




One of my favorite photos. . . made into a Christmas card.

This morning I bought a beautiful bouquet of brightly colored balloons and attached the message I'd written to Gracie. I released the balloons in the park where I used to walk her and Jack and watched them until they disappeared. Our weather's a bit overcast here and the colors really looked pretty and brightened up the sky. Gracie's balloons flew so high that I think they made it to heaven.



My family enjoyed my dogs' birthday parties as much as I did. (My parents and sister and her husband are in this picture)

Part of the fun was taking a 'family photo' and we'd each wear a dog snout or Scooby mask. Gracie and Jack loved having

cake and opening presents and we all had such a greyt time!




Gracie's sofa . . . . She looked so regal in this picture.


Jack's sofa. When I was working in the front yard,

I'd see his head resting on the top of it. He

always wanted to know where I was.



For Gracie to allow Jack to do this. . . . a

special moment.




Jack at Dewey Beach. He was such a sweet and loving

boy. At home he would jump up beside me on the chaise

& then he'd sit down and fall back across my chest and

I'd cover us with a blanket. He was my TV buddy and he

followed me everywhere. Before coming to me he'd been

in 2 homes (my greyhound group removed him from the

last one), 2 foster homes and a dog pound. I was so

thankful that we found each other.




Gracie at Dewey Beach. She and Jack loved

the ocean! She was my little independent

spirit & she could be so funny and ornery.

She was my 1st greyhound......and she taught

me so much and she loved me so much. Adopting

her introduced me to the world of greyhounds

and I've met so many wonderful friends and fellow

greyhound-lovers and greys because of her. Gracie

changed my life, forever, in the best possible way.




The 2 paragraphs below are part of the message I sent out when Gracie died & they tell about the two special gifts that I received that day. I'd had to remove one of her eyes, due to lymphoma ( 4 days after Gracie's surgery Jack suddenly had a seizure and I rushed him to the emergency vet hospital - he was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma - and I had to euthanize him 2 days later). One morning, a few weeks after her surgery, Gracie went blind in her remaining eye and was in pain. My vet wasn't open that day, but I was able to get pain meds for her and schedule an appointment for early the next morning. I knew that I'd have to euthanize her then.


. . . . . "Thursday night I slept on the floor beside Gracie's bed so I could pet and comfort her. I told her how full she'd made my heart, how much she'd meant to me all of these 8 1/2 years we'd been together and how happy Jack was going to be when he ran to greet her. It was hard when she had to get up, because she was afraid to take a step and I'd have to hold her and guide her outside and around the house. It made my heart ache. In the morning, I left her sleeping soundly while I quickly went back to my bathroom to get dressed and comb my hair. All of a sudden I heard a little noise and, there she was, standing beside me! I reached over and hugged her and told her what a good girl she was and how happy I was to see her. What a wonderful gift she gave me......She had managed to quietly find her way from the living room through the kitchen and hallway and bedroom to where I was. As scared as she was to take a step alone, that was an act of courage and it was a gift of love she gave to me. A little while later my sister, Jan, arrived and it was time to go to the vet. I put on Gracie's coat and told her we'd be 'going outside and for a ride' and her tail started wagging a little bit. I hadn't seen that happen in a week and it made my eyes cry. Her euthanasia was quiet and peaceful and she drifted off with me talking to her and holding her in my arms.

. . . . .A little while later, when Jan and I were sitting in the kitchen in front of my fireplace having a cup of tea, she noticed that something very special had happened......There was the reflection of a tiny rainbow on the painted wood on my fireplace. We looked over and could see that it was there because the sun was shining through a crystal that was hanging in my window. Jan had given it to me as a gift a while back. Since I hadn't been looking up at the fireplace, I would've missed the rainbow if Jan hadn't been with me. She said, 'Susan, this has to be a message from Gracie....it's just too unbelievable that it's happening now'.......and she was right. You know, I often sit in front of that fireplace and I've never seen any kind of reflection on it. I think that Gracie wanted me to know that she's able to see and run again and she doesn't hurt anymore."







May you rest in peace, in fulfillment, in love

May you run straight home in God's embrace


Into the freedom of the wind and sunshine

We let you go


Into the dance of the stars and the planets

We let you go


Into the wind's breath and the hands of the star maker

We let you go


We love you, we miss you, we want you to be happy

Go safely, go dancing, go running home. . .


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A very beautiful and loving tribute. They both have left quite a legacy of love.

The pictures are all beautiful, but the one with the rainbow really brings a tear.




Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Jack and Gracie are just breathtakingly beautiful. I'm so sorry they had to pass so soon. Thank you for sharing them with us. :)

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest WarmheartedPups

What a wonderful post....the poem is so touching and so is your story. I love the pictures...Your pups are beautiful

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Beautiful, beautiful tribute to your babies...........their pain ends but ours continues, being without them.


Until all we meet again at the bridge.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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.............stunning. Absolutely stunning. :f_red

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest KyGrey

The pics of Jack and Gracie are just precious. I am so sorry they had to leave. We never have enough time with them. That is one of the most beautiful tributes I have ever read. They were both truly loved and very special hounds.

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Guest greytdog_5



Susan my dear friend,


Your tribute to Jack and Gracie clearly shows the depth of love you had for them. I was honored to have know them and taken care of them for you. I was also hononred to be with you and Jack and Gracie during theirs and your difficult time. I will always be thankful to them for bringing you, such a dear friend, into my life. Any greyhound could not ask for a more loving home than with you. Take care, and know they will always be with you.


All my love, your friend,


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