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Zali Has Sore Ears

Guest zoolaine

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Guest zoolaine

Zali cries when she scratches her ears and has developed sore, raw spots inside both ears. She won't let me look in her ears but for a second - when I try she cries, pulls her head away &/or grabs my hand - lol. But the glimpse I get I don't see anything besides the sores. I am hoping she doesn't have allergies, she was licking her feet the other night as well. The odd thing is that I don't see her scratching her ears very often it is just that when she does she cries. The only new food she has had recently is a bit of cottage cheese with her dinner and some rye flour cookies. Any suggestions on what to do for her? I think I'll try some neosporin on the sores and keep an eye on her and if she isn't better in a few days take her into the vet.

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Guest Vinnie

Poor Zali - sending lots of get well scritches from us and nosey kisses from Gus. Their Uncle cries out with his ears but that is usually because he has caught it with a toe nail or something and then re-catches it, making it sore. He has a powerful rear foot and doesn't always know when to stop. Hope the vet can give her something to heal quickly.


BTW, love the new siggy - now she looks like a big girl!

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Ooohh! Zali, didn't your Mom tell you never, ever to put anything in your ears except your elbow??? Ouchies! Sending hugs and smooches and prayers for tomorrow's visit to the Vet. Please update when you can.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Dude will GSOD when he scratches his own ear sometimes. I hope she's just irritated it herself and it's not serious.


An infection or allergies come immediately to mind. Have you tried giving her a Benadryl dose for a day or two?


greysmom :D

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest zoolaine


Ear mites - nasty little critters!



:yikes Yikes!!! She goes today at 3:15 to the vet. I am kinda stumped because she really doesn't scratch her ears that much - although in the article it says that some dogs don't. For months she would occasionally cry when she scratched her ears, but it was only happening like once every week or two. I still only see her scratching her ears once or twice a day but now every time she cries. :cry1 I have looked in her ears and haven't seen anything odd or any discharge. But the past day or two her poor little ears are sore to the touch and I can only see the sores in her ears but she won't let me look down into the ear at all. I'll let you guys know what the vet finds, hope she cooperates with them, but somehow I doubt it - lol. Since getting Zali I know why they always say how nice and well behaved my older dogs are.





Dude will GSOD when he scratches his own ear sometimes. I hope she's just irritated it herself and it's not serious.


An infection or allergies come immediately to mind. Have you tried giving her a Benadryl dose for a day or two?


greysmom :D



I haven't tried the Benadryl, it only seems to have gotten really bad in the past couple of days. Briley has bad allergies and he goes crazy with itching, but I really don't see her itching very often, she has been licking her feet and tail more in the past few days as well, so maybe it is allergies.

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Guest zoolaine

Just got home from the vet. Just her ear flaps are inflammed with sores the ear/canal itself looked good. The vet gave (and charged me $27) us animax ointment to put on the sore spots. So basically I think Zali just doesn't know how to scratch her ears. You are supposed to scratch the outside, not the tender inside part - goofball!

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Guest Vinnie

That's good news that there is no inner issues and no creepy crawlies (seen or unseen - ewww, ear mites give me the hebejebe's!). Hope the ointment works quickly for her. Sending extra scritches and hugs.

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Just got home from the vet. Just her ear flaps are inflammed with sores the ear/canal itself looked good. The vet gave (and charged me $27) us animax ointment to put on the sore spots. So basically I think Zali just doesn't know how to scratch her ears. You are supposed to scratch the outside, not the tender inside part - goofball!



That is good news that it is just the outside. Deeper owies are a longer treatment. Animax is a good triple action product and is pretty standard around here for ears. Give Zali a kiss for me.

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Ear mites - nasty little critters!


That's what I was thinking it was. I shouldn't have put the "?". They're gross!


Just got home from the vet. Just her ear flaps are inflammed with sores the ear/canal itself looked good. The vet gave (and charged me $27) us animax ointment to put on the sore spots. So basically I think Zali just doesn't know how to scratch her ears. You are supposed to scratch the outside, not the tender inside part - goofball!


Poor baby. Thank goodness it wasn't mites. Hope she feels better soon.

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Once Zali is better, if she is repeatedly scratching at her ears from time to time you can try the Zymox.


Sally will be really itchy one day and if I don't get after her with it, she does more damage by scratching; although she usually keeps her toes outside the ear. I've tried lots of ear products, but because the Zymox has some hydrocortisone in it-she will sit there and let me put it in her ears instead of being a bucking bronco.

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Guest IrskasMom



Morty always crys when he scratches his Ear's . His Ears ,when I try to look at it are fine ,but he does not want me to

touch them .

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Guest Spencers_Greyt
Just got home from the vet. Just her ear flaps are inflammed with sores the ear/canal itself looked good. The vet gave (and charged me $27) us animax ointment to put on the sore spots. So basically I think Zali just doesn't know how to scratch her ears. You are supposed to scratch the outside, not the tender inside part - goofball!


Excellent news! Glad it wasn't more serious. Keep her nails trimmed as short as possible because I'm thinking she doesn't realize cause and effect.


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Guest zoolaine
I'm glad it's nothing too serious. Hopefully she lets you put the ointment on her without too much trouble.



Last night she was like a wild donkey to get the ointment into her ears, but this morning I smartened up and got out the old peanut butter jar - much easier! I just got a dremmel so I am hoping she will cooperate with that so I can keep her nails trimmed. Because yeah, I don't think she gets it either. I've been watching her more closely and it seems that she always scratches the inside of her ear instead of the outside.

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