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Billy Is Going To The Vet Again....

Guest houndlover

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Guest houndlover
A good place to start if nothing is out of the ordinary is 5 days of panacur.


Sending prayers.


Yes, I talked to the vet about that last nite when I was there and we just did panacur a few months ago but I would not be opposed to doing it again. I just feel like I am running out of options and it is so scary to think that something could happen to him and I couldn't even help him.

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Guest Fasave
A good place to start if nothing is out of the ordinary is 5 days of panacur.


Sending prayers.


Yes, I talked to the vet about that last nite when I was there and we just did panacur a few months ago but I would not be opposed to doing it again. I just feel like I am running out of options and it is so scary to think that something could happen to him and I couldn't even help him.


I've had similar problems with my guy over the last few months. He has PLE/PLN and severe IBD. I did an endoscope versus the surgery that Beau had and I was able to visit within the hour. I see that you live in MA. I had the scope done at Angell in Boston and they were fantastic. I'm sure Tufts, which is closer to you has the ability. As with Beau, if it's IBD prednisone will help and then finding the right diet. Hang in there. I know how scary it is.

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Guest houndlover

We are back from the vet. She said it will be a couple of days to get the results back on his blood work. In the meantime, she sent me home with amoxicillian, prostrata (probiotics), Iams low residue and some bland dog cookies. I am hoping that he will be able to hold onto at least some of the nutrients in the kibble.


Thanks for all of you good thoughts. I really appreciate it. I have been an absolute mess through this whole thing and it is so comforting that I know that I can get the support that I need from you guys.


BTW.....I bought DD 3 pairs of shorts tonite for cleaning up all of the diarrhea in the house. Do you think that will make up for the mess she had to deal with? :P

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I'm sorry I didn't see your threads until now, but you well know how wearing this is, and I've been worn! Our diarrhea problems with Spencer began last July. After months of tests, medicines, and poop firmers, during which we did discover that he has malabsorption syndrome and B12 deficiency, I finally insisted that they do a culture and sensitivity test on his poop and particularly to include a test for Clostridium bacteria. It was positive, and he was loaded with an overgrowth. Flagyl is one of the drugs that should work, but it hadn't. Neither had tylosin. The microbiologist put him on Simplicef for two weeks, and now he's finishing up with clindamycin. The link above goes to our last thread about this, but if you search my topics, you'll find much more. There is another link within this thread, though, called "SIBO" submitted by another poster -- Sweetdogs, I think it was. Very interesting and a great one to give to your vet to support Clostridium testing. (At least my vet was impressed!)


He also had back-end weakness that was attributed to lumbosacral stenosis, which he probably does have. But it was much worse until we corrected this problem, and the B12 really benefited him in this regard. It also seems that carbohydrates, as in veggies and grains in kibble, don't work for him at all. He has been eating steamed chicken breasts for weeks and gaining some weight back. He also regained his confident personality and the light in his eyes!


Please PM me if I can be of any help to you at all. You have absolutely ALL my sympathies and best wishes. This is a scary, exhausting problem! I'll be happy to look up the links to my other pertinent threads for you and send them if you don't have the energy.

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest tumeria33

Sending prayers of love and healing to Billy. My Isis only had diarrhea for only a few days and I was worried about her. She lost 3 pounds in that time. Thankfully a little pumpkin and probiotics fixed her up and she is eating like a champ. I hope you find out what is wrong with Billy and that he is on the road to recovery very soon.

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No experience in this area, but there's LOTS of advice in this thread! Print it out and take it to your Vet! At least you'll have a checklist to work through.

In the meantime, sending prayers and healing light to Billy and gentle hugs to you and DD.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest houndlover

Billy seemed to be doing about the same this morning. DD got home from school and said that he seemed okay. There were no accidents today b/c I left the kitchen door open so he could go out if he needed to (wow...I can't wait till the dog door is installed!). I am going to do some research and read over some of the info that has been posted in this thread and if the blood work comes back negative I think it might be time for a second opinion. I will probably go to Tufts (as a previous poster suggested) for that.


Thanks again for the good thoughts and prayers. I will update later after I get home from work.

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Guest SoulsMom

Might try starting a daily diary of everything that goes on in his life to try to get to the bottom of all this. . . .That's what I've begun doing with Soul, to try and figure out what is triggering his tummy issues.


So far Billy has been on and off Big D (and the bland diet) since November and he's been dosed with Panacur? Was it just one round? Typical protocal is one round and then three weeks later another round of the meds. Did the vet put him on Flagyl at any point in time?


Just wanted to add that I'm not a big fan of Tufts in Grafton, unless you have a specific doctor in mind. When Soul had to spend the night in ICU there the Dr assigned to his case the next day was awesome, but I was less than pleased with the Emergency Room docs and his aftercare.


Instead of the homecooked bland diet you might try one of the prescription foods for intestinal health. They have more calories. Soul lost a LOT of weight on the bland diet, but the I/D diet keeps the weight on him and keeps the tummy issues at bay.


Hugs to you both :grouphug

Edited by SoulsMom
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Guest houndlover

Billy got up a little while ago and had his hind end scrunched under like he was trying not to have an accident. I let him out and he went to the bathroom (still explosive diarrhea). When we went to come back in he could hardly stand up and he was walking very shaky. I have definitely seen some hind end weakness in him in the last few months but this was heartbreaking. He was trying to pull himself up out of a sit but couldn't and ended up dragging his hind end on the floor. I was able to help him get up and supported him with a towel under his belly. This is so hard to see him like this. I can't even stop crying. He finally laid down. I am going to go lay with him for a while..................

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Awww! Sending prayers for Billy! :candle:hope:candle:hope Hope you can get to the bottom of this soon!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest crazy4greys

I am sorry to hear about Billy. :grouphug


Tucker had the same problem awhile ago with diarrhea and loosing weight.


I ended up putting him on Natural Balance Potato & Duck and he is also on Tylan Powder with pumpkin and Beet Pulp. So far so good. Tucker has gained 10#'s back.


I hope you can find out the problem.



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