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Gabapentin (neorotin) Experience?

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Last night Dusty started on gabapentin. He's supposed to have it 2x/day. Since his breakfast and morning dose, he's been passed out on his bed. I've spoken to the vet who said not to give him any more (ya think?) and see how he is tomorrow. I finally got him to go out to pee at 3:30 but he can barely walk. He wanted a biscuit and went back to lie down. His back end is "crouchier" than usual. I don't think he's in any danger (breathing is okay and I can wake him up).


Has anyone had any such experience with this drug?


Don't know why double post - please delete this one.

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Guest BradyzMommy

As a human who has taken it, I have to say that gabapentin is a pretty nasty drug with horrid side affects. I chose to stop taking it and just deal with the nerve damage the car accident had caused.

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Ryan was on it for a while as a pain killer, but it also helped as an extra seizure med in his body when his liver wasn't processing his normal seizure meds.

I really didn't see any difference in his pain level or anything else while he was on it.

He was still in pain and having more seizures than normal for him.


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Guest FullMetalFrank

I take gabapentin for nerve damage, twice daily (total of 1600 mg a day) my very first day it zonked me out badly after a 300mg dose, the side effects quickly diminished and I was able to tolerate it fine (no drowsiness like at first) after a few days. Now that I am up to 1600 mg a day it does make me a little drowsy sometimes.


You might want to ask your vet about decreasing his dose and working up to it gradually, if you decide to stick with it.

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We had our foster on it for a little over 2 weeks and was combined with Tramadol. Started at 1200mg per day, weaned to 800 then slowly to 0. No visible effects at al (the Tramadol caused drowsiness, which was obvious). Counsel from our vet was to never stop Gaba cold turkey, but to gradually wean given the anti seizure properties of the drug, there is some worry that an immediate stop could initiatiate a seizure.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest knitkass

my Callay is on it right now for some "ideopathic" pain


She's been acting odd, not really wanting food, and I'm not sure if it's because she's still in pain or if the gabapentin is making her nose all out of whack. She'll eat really fragrant things like liver treats, but her regular food, even mixed with wet food, elicits a "meh" response.



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Guest 8fleetfeet

My Phantom is on gabapentin. He takes 300 mg three times a day as well as 75 mg of carprofen twice a day. He's been on these meds since last Saturday morning (he spent the weekend in the hospital because of severe spinal pain which came on Friday night when my dog-walker was trying to get him up the stairs (I live on the second floor). So far, the drugs seem to be managing the pain, and I haven't seen any side effects. The surgeon who prescribed the meds said that I might see some lethargy, but I haven't.

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I almost fell over when I saw this thread's title. My DS was just prescribed gabapentin, but only 100mg per day. So far it hasn't helped his pain. So is this something that is cumulative and will soon start to help? What sort of side effects are we looking for?

Missing my sweet girl Scout. My snuggler, my chow-hound, my kissy girl.
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So strange not living in Atty World. I was a love struck handmaiden to your every whim.

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My Chancy was on Gabapentin for a while to help her back pain. I don't recall the dose, but there were no significant side effects. It did seem to help her pain a bit, but was not a miracle drug by any means.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest Cris_M

My son, Adam, was put on Neurontin after a vehicular accident. The doctors at Mayo Clinic said it only worked for nerve pain. This might mean it doesn't work at all for other pain, or it might mean that it works so poorly on other pain that it isn't worth using. Either way, I figured the Mayo Clinic should know.


Things I learned from Adam:

1. It doesn't stop all the pain. It is an adjunct to other drugs. (Adam was seriously injured so that might make a difference.)

2. It does make you groggy (understatement) in the beginning. That wears off. In fact, Adam ended up experiencing a parodoxical effect. Now it gives him a slight buzz.

3. Dosage does make a difference -- a big difference. The amount he takes now is much, much lower than what he used to take.


Don't know if that helps you. I hope Dusty gets better soon.


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Dusty hasn't had the gabapentin since my original post. He came down with diarrhea a few days later and then seemed to be okay (he frequently has this issue) and after being okay for awhile, we came home one night to a house covered with blood. There were huge puddles of mostly blood and blood everywhere he walked. Being the sweet boy that he is, almost all of it was on the stone floors. Emergency call to the vet - gums and lips not pale - see what happens overnight. He has been fine since that night. (He does take tylan powder and metacam instead of the deramaxx. I suspected that perhaps the deramaxx was causing a problem.) Thought I'd wait awhile longer and make sure he's okay and then discuss lowering the dose of gabapentin and trying again.

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Guest RooCroo

:( Poor Dusty. I pray things will get better for him.


Hoover is on Gabapentin 3x a day for seizure control, and he was lethargic for about a week, but has had no ill effects since. We also have him on milk thistle for liver protection.

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Blood all over the place???!!! Holy cow! How is Dusty doing now?

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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