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It Isn't A Uti

Guest JarBear

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Guest JarBear

My 9 year old boy, Randy, suddenly started urinating in the house last week. We have had him 4 years and he's never done this. We weren't sure it was him because our foster has a UTI but things weren't adding up so I belly banded everyone yesterday and found out he was having a problem. I collected a urine sample at his first out this morning and saw him finish his business after I left him alone. He came in and ate, and within 30 minutes of being out, he got up off his bed and walked over to the back door peeing all the way. Took the sample to the vet and to my surprise, there is no UTI. He is going in Friday for his senior wellness check and to look into this further.

He eats Honest Kitchen which is a dehydrated food so he gets quite a bit of water in that but he's been on it for several months so I don't think that has anything to do with it. He takes 10 mg Pepcid with each meal and also gets MSM, Ester-C, and Duralactin with each meal. He isn't on any prescription meds.

Any ideas what might be the problem? I'm really worried.

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Could be an enlarged prostrate. Also it is better to have the Vet do a direct draw to check for a UTI.


Also make sure he actually had both nuts removed when he was neutered.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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I would insist on a culture if one was not done. I'm just guessing but if you got results back that fast they didn't grow a culture.

So may times they say no UTI and then if they grow the culture, there's the bacteria.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest JarBear
Was the urine cultured?


No, it was just the quick test. I believe they culture if there is any sign of a problem but I'm not sure. I'll ask about that Friday. Thanks!

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I have run into this too, just a quick urine sample test and it comes up negative. They tried to tell me it was a

behavioural issue! I went back and insisted they give me antibiotics because she wouldn't stop having accidents

so they gave them to me and sure enough she cleared right up and had no more accidents. I do not think those

quick urine tests work. If they want to do a culture that is fine but I would still insist on getting antibiotics because

it takes a week or so to get back a culture test.



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Guest Greensleeves

We've had the same issue here--Jasmine starts having symptoms of (in her case) bladder infections before the bacteria actually shows up in the tests. Sometimes a longer course of antibiotics is needed to really clear it up, too.


Good luck!

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If they see bacteria in the microscopic quick test - they will usually ask for a "sterile sample" to culture. If they do not see bacteria (or white cells), the conventional wisdom is that there is little chance that something will grow out in the culture. They will not usually do a culture automatically because the sample most people bring in has not been collected in a sterile container.


It's not usually a good thing to get treated with antibiotics when there is no evidence that there is an infection. There are exceptions like if you have a heart murmur and are undergoing "dirty" surgery and then you typically get an antibiotic pre-surgery. Super-bugs happen when you give an antibiotic that a bacteria is only slightly sensitive to and then what happens is that the bug develops a tolerance for it and is no longer sensitive at all. If you give the wrong antibiotic, you can end up destroying all the good bacteria that's holding the bad bacteria in check and that lets the bad bacteria get even worse. Also, unless you get something to grow in a culture, you don't know what antibiotic the bugs are sensitive to (there is no antibiotic that works on all bacteria).


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