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Homeopathic Seizure Treatment

Guest snakes

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FedX has been on Potassium Bromide for 1.5 months, but it is really not settleing well with his insides. So I am looking to alternatives. I would rathr not go to Phenobarb unless really necessary. Luckily my vet is a homeopathic vet as well and i am awaiting a call back from him.

I was just wondering if anyone here had any experiences good or bad with homeopathic treatments?

Thanks from FedX and my floors!

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Ketogenic Diet in dogs , unfortunately.



One thing you might want to try is Sodium Bromide rather than Potassium Bromide. The Bromide is the seizure treating drug in the compounds and Sodium Bromide is essentially interchangeable with Potassium Bromide but is much easier on the canine tummy. The dosage is somewhat different, but NaBr is not harder to get and generally resolves the upset tummy issues.


Good luck.



Edited by LBass

Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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Guest EmilyAnne

Henry can't handle the Potassium Bromide either. Phenobarbital is working well for Henry, and if he ever needs more meds or a different med, I would go to Sodium Bromide. Henry is on Pheno because he really needed meds that would kick in FAST. He was in cluster and had to stay on Valium for several days till the Pheno kicked in enough.


You can check out my blog link at the bottom of my siggy if you would like to read about all the things we tried for Henry. Feel free to pm me or e-mail me if you like.

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Guest manymanyhounds

We also used acupuncture and chinese herbs with Dancer. He was on Potassium bromide and phenobarb too but I think the acupuncture helped with his movement and clarity and the herbs as well.


We also kept him on the Healthy adult diet Healthy Adult Diet



Sadly we lost him last July but we didn't hesitate to try both Eastern and Western medicine. It's worth looking into.



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Before aksing this question, let me first say that I know nothing about seizures.


I have seen acupuncture work for my dogs, but how does acupuncture work for a seizure dog? I mean, why would it work?


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Dylan had horrible seizures after he raced, that's why they retired him. He had a few after we adopted him. We consulted a homeopathic vet in Pennsylvania and he put him on Cuprum 30C. We started at 4 pellets, crushed 3 times a day for 10 days. I am so pleased to say he has not had another seizure in 2 years. I know people poo poo homeopathics, but it really worked. You can get Cuprum Metallicum 30C at most health food stores for about $7.00 per vial. I always keep a vial with me at all times, but have not needed to use it..Good luck

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Guest manymanyhounds

Quoting from healingwell.com


When "needles inserted at key points along the body to access the twelve channels or meridians where qi flows through the body. (For a person with epilepsy, this would certainly include points that influence brain energy, to increase the flow of blood to the head.) This manipulates the energy flow, to either increase or decrease a person's qi at various points in the body, to help clear energy blockages. To help ensure that the correction in energy flow lasts, many acupuncturists make dietary recommendations and prescribe herbs."


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Several things we have done for Tanner have been to eliminate all corn from his Diet.> Currently he is on Merrick BG Chicken food.. Its Grain Free and works well.. Also make sure treats have no Grain as well... Also we used DMG for a while and it also helps... My vet is Holistic as well as traditional.. Tanner is doing well and we have noticed a big difference with watching food he is eating..

<b>These of course are just my humble opinions and in no way express the thoughts or ideas of the management, staff or members of this or any other board.. </b>
James River Greyhounds, Richmond VA
Homer, Gunnar and Scarlett,... Bridge Kids, Belle, Toby, Tanner, Pumpkin, Dimples and Tyrone, Willis, Duncan, Clea,Cable and Gracie

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thanks guys!

I have long suspected some sort of food allergy so diet is going to be one thing I try. I will mention the soium bromide to the vet (we have a telephone meeting today).

Right now we have him on Slippery Elm Bark to help him tummy and that seems to be helping a bit :)


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FedX has been on Potassium Bromide for 1.5 months, but it is really not settleing well with his insides. So I am looking to alternatives. I would rathr not go to Phenobarb unless really necessary. Luckily my vet is a homeopathic vet as well and i am awaiting a call back from him.

I was just wondering if anyone here had any experiences good or bad with homeopathic treatments?

Thanks from FedX and my floors!





I would like to have any information you can share about seizures. Our new dog, age 3 1/2, has been with us 10 weeks. During this time she has had 3 slight seizures (that we know of). I am reluctant to start her on Phenobarbitol if there is an alternative to this. I guess part of what I want to know is, since they are slight and last only about 5 minutes, is treatment necessary?


Thank you for any help you can give me.

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Guest EmilyAnne

FedX has been on Potassium Bromide for 1.5 months, but it is really not settleing well with his insides. So I am looking to alternatives. I would rathr not go to Phenobarb unless really necessary. Luckily my vet is a homeopathic vet as well and i am awaiting a call back from him.

I was just wondering if anyone here had any experiences good or bad with homeopathic treatments?

Thanks from FedX and my floors!





I would like to have any information you can share about seizures. Our new dog, age 3 1/2, has been with us 10 weeks. During this time she has had 3 slight seizures (that we know of). I am reluctant to start her on Phenobarbitol if there is an alternative to this. I guess part of what I want to know is, since they are slight and last only about 5 minutes, is treatment necessary?


Thank you for any help you can give me.

You should start a new thread, describing what the seizures are like, and explain that you are interested in homeopathic treatment. You will generate more replies that way. :)

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FedX has been on Potassium Bromide for 1.5 months, but it is really not settleing well with his insides. So I am looking to alternatives. I would rathr not go to Phenobarb unless really necessary. Luckily my vet is a homeopathic vet as well and i am awaiting a call back from him.

I was just wondering if anyone here had any experiences good or bad with homeopathic treatments?

Thanks from FedX and my floors!





I would like to have any information you can share about seizures. Our new dog, age 3 1/2, has been with us 10 weeks. During this time she has had 3 slight seizures (that we know of). I am reluctant to start her on Phenobarbitol if there is an alternative to this. I guess part of what I want to know is, since they are slight and last only about 5 minutes, is treatment necessary?


Thank you for any help you can give me.

You should start a new thread, describing what the seizures are like, and explain that you are interested in homeopathic treatment. You will generate more replies that way. :)




Thanks for answering. I'm completely new to this site and am finding it a bit confusing. How does one start a "new thread"?






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Guest EmilyAnne


Thanks for answering. I'm completely new to this site and am finding it a bit confusing. How does one start a "new thread"?



Scroll up to the top, and on your right will be a blue rectangle that says "New Topic". Just click on that and post away! :) Welcome to GT!

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Guest RooCroo
Dylan had horrible seizures after he raced, that's why they retired him. He had a few after we adopted him. We consulted a homeopathic vet in Pennsylvania and he put him on Cuprum 30C. We started at 4 pellets, crushed 3 times a day for 10 days. I am so pleased to say he has not had another seizure in 2 years. I know people poo poo homeopathics, but it really worked. You can get Cuprum Metallicum 30C at most health food stores for about $7.00 per vial. I always keep a vial with me at all times, but have not needed to use it..Good luck



Wow, I've never been able to get a recommendation for an effective homeopathic for epilepsy. Thanks for the tip!



Grain free diets have been shown to have benefit in some dogs. Hoovie can tolerate rice, but not wheat or corn. We also can't give him food with nightshade plants (tomato, potato) or rosemary. A lot of epilepsy diet management is trial and error. Read labels and eliminate suspect ingredients one at a time. :)


NaBr is a good alternative to KBr. Do you squirt the bromide directly down the throat? That can cause some GI problems. We mix Hoovie's KBr with a little plain yogurt, and have had no GI side effects at all.


:grouphug Good luck!

Edited by RooCroo
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