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Very Weird, Gross Tail Issues

Guest Giselle

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Guest Giselle

Ughhh. Just got back from vacation to see Giselle's tail swollen and red. I don't know how else to describe it other than the fact that it's ridiculously disgusting.


Background: For a couple weeks, Giselle has been losing fur on her tail at the bony bumps. Because it was only the bony bumps, I figured it must be a contact allergy or something. So, I washed her, washed her bedding, and was relatively sure that it wasn't food related. For a while, the bumps got less red and seemed to cease. Then, today, I come back home to see that her tail fur is pale red from bleeding and the end of her tail is very red and swollen, even almost black.


Needless to say, I'm taking her to the vet ASAP tomorrow, but does anybody have any idea what this is?! Giselle does have a tendency to hit her tail on objects but she definitely does not have "happy tail" the way some other dogs do. I've seen happy tails before, but Giselle doesn't seem to be a happy tail type of dog. But her tail looks so gross, I'm worried we might have to amputate it regardless :( It's that gross. *sigh* Poor baby girl!!!!


Edit: OOPS! wrong forum! Mods, can you please move this to Health?

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Sure she didn't get bitten by something?


Never seen hypothyroidism do something like that as the primary cause. Not saying it isn't possible, but unless she has other symptoms, I'd look hard for something else.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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My collie would get sore spots (hot spots) on his tail. It never got swollen or turn black though. He did have hypothyroidism though, and my vet said that it sometimes happens when they are hypothyroid. Good luck at the vet!

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If the tip is black, that means something interrupted the blood supply, doesn't it? Never heard of hypothyroidism causing this sort of issue--there are other very obvious symptoms, so absent any of those, highly doubtful that's the issue.


Could be she broke one of the bones?


Good luck.


Don't fret too much if she has to lose the tip. My old dog had a "trim," and once it healed, you'd never have know any of it was missing!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Sure she didn't get bitten by something?


Never seen hypothyroidism do something like that as the primary cause. Not saying it isn't possible, but unless she has other symptoms, I'd look hard for something else.



I agree with this. This does not sound like hypothyroid symptoms. While hypothyroidism would cause the fur to be lost, there would not be any blood associated with it. This sounds more like an infection especially since there is some blackness at the end. Any chance that the tail was caught in a door or maybe another animal got at it when the dog was outside? You also mentioned you were gone, how long and who was caring for the dogs?

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Guest Giselle

Okay, back from vet's.


She said that she doesn't think it's hypothyroid, either, but we will do the extensive TSH/thyroid test as a next step if the general bloodwork can't tell us anything. She seemed a lot more worried about Giselle's water consumption (it's been increasing lately) than the tail. She just gave us some antibiotics and told us to check in next week. I asked her about the black tip, and she said it's most likely just an infection with bruising. Like I said, Giselle does have a tendency to hit things with her tail, so bruising isn't an unlikely possibility. Because the tail itself is warm, she doesn't think that blood circulation is affected, either.


Sooo, right now, the Dr. is thinking more along the lines of diabetes or something. But if the general bloodwork isn't indicative of anything, then we'll test the thyroid because the extreme hair loss along the tail is unusual and she thinks it *could* be thyroid if it's not anything else. So, until the bloodwork comes back on Thursday, the general consensus is: "We don't know yet" :rolleyes:

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If it is a possible case of diabetes, then I would be concerned about the "black tip" because diabetes can affect the extremities and make them more susceptible to infections and to subsequent gangrene.


If this was me, I would keep this "on the front burner" and bring it back up to the vet if the sugar comes back high...

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How is Giselle?


Just FYI - my Indy has a thyroid-related bald patch on his tail (but it causes him no distress). Not a big deal.


However, several years ago Indy got his tail caught in the door (at the vet's office, of all places! long story, my fault ... ), which eventually resulted in a partial tail amputation. The tail wasn't broken but because of the limited blood supply to the tail, the nature of the injury must have crushed the vessels and impaired blood flow. Although the vet tried hard to save the tail (frequent dressing changes, antiobiotics), the tail started to turn dark -- so amputation was necessary.


Just keep a close eye on your baby girl. I hope it's nothing too serious.

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Guest Greensleeves
Because the tail itself is warm, she doesn't think that blood circulation is affected, either.


That's good news!


Flint chews on the tip of his tail when his allergies are bad, sometimes to the point of making the flesh almost necrotic--and bits of it will turn black. But it has never gotten *swollen,* although I had a cousin whose cat was stung by a scorpion, and her tail absolutely swelled up....

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Guest Giselle

It's still black and gross. It's just sort of scabbed over now. I can't tell if it's improving or deteriorating, but she will be on antibiotics for the next two weeks.


The vet called while I wasn't home and the message was very soft but I think she said everything came back normal. I wasn't able to call her before the clinic closed, so I will let you all know the details of the bloodwork tomorrow.


IndyandHollyluv, did the entire affected part of the tail turn dark or were there certain "spots"? I just think it's so weird Giselle's tip would be black. I'm half expecting some mutant worm to burst out and crawl out of the tip at any moment :lol At least it's not bothering her and she's still as happy and dopey as ever!


Edit: While my thread is still in Food (LOL), a part of me wonders...Could this just be allergies...?

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Dear Giselle's Mom - Indy's tail got caught in the door about 4" from the end. Of course, after a very painful what-the-#%!! yelp, Indy started happily wagging his tail and the blood went a-flyin' in the vet's lobby. It looked like a crime scene! :lol:


Initially, Indy's tail didn't look that bad (again, it wasn't broken) and they cleaned, sutured, and bandaged him. Put him on antibiotics. I had to take Indy back for frequent dressing changes so the vet could monitor the tissue and healing. If I recall correctly, after 2-3 weeks of trying to salvage the tail, unfortunately, blood flow was compromised such that the tissue was dying (the concern being gangrene, sepsis). They have to amputate above the necrotic tissue so Indy now sports a 1/2 tail. (sorry, I don't have a digital photo to share).


Oh, halfway between the top and end of his new 1/2 tail is the bald "rat tail" thyroid area. It's just a narrow rectangular-ish area about 1-1/2" long. Naked and hairless. :lol


By the way, Indy also has a l-o-n-g history of allergy treatment. I would doubt this is allergy-related. Frankly, what you're describing doesn't sound all that good (but I hope I'm wrong!). Is the tissue firm? Is there an odor? I don't know how many blood vessels extend down to the tip of the tail but I don't think there are that many?? I don't have any experience if Giselle's problem is diabetes-related.


Just as you mentioned about Giselle, Indy didn't seem at all bothered by his tail (although he was understandably quite sensitive post-amputation).


Although I hope Giselle's situation doesn't result in an amputation, if it does -- I used Glad Press'n Seal to wrap around Indy's tail dressing to keep it clean and dry. What a life-saver of a product!


Hugs to Giselle - and her mommy! :heart



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Guest Giselle

Thanks for the info!


I'm getting a little frustrated. I called the clinic and the Dr. isn't going to be in until Tuesday. Giselle's tail is as black and crusted as ever and I'm getting worried. It looks a little misshapen, as in - I think we may have to "snip snip". SIGH. They told the standing vet to call me tomorrow, but they say she'll be extremely busy on Saturdays and probably won't be able to call me until, well, Tuesday!! At least it's just a tail tip. I just want to know WHY this is.

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Thanks for the info!


I'm getting a little frustrated. I called the clinic and the Dr. isn't going to be in until Tuesday. Giselle's tail is as black and crusted as ever and I'm getting worried. It looks a little misshapen, as in - I think we may have to "snip snip". SIGH. They told the standing vet to call me tomorrow, but they say she'll be extremely busy on Saturdays and probably won't be able to call me until, well, Tuesday!! At least it's just a tail tip. I just want to know WHY this is.



Ugh. I can understand your frustration. If I were you, I'd call the vet again. I personally would not be able to sit and wait until Tues. for a return call. Busy or not, that vet needs to speak with you today.

We're thinking of you.


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That really sounds like gangrene going on there. I would want a vet to see it and probably remove it ASAP -- you don't want the whole thing going septic and threatening her life.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest ChasesMum

hee, if you show up on their doorstep they will have a hard time getting rid of you!


Can you drop Giselle off and have them look at her between appts?

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That really sounds like gangrene going on there. I would want a vet to see it and probably remove it ASAP -- you don't want the whole thing going septic and threatening her life.


I absolutely agree. Personally, I wouldn't fool around with this. I hope Giselle is still on antibiotics - if not, she should be. From what you say, sounds like the end of the tail needs to be removed as soon as possible. Be very persistent.


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Guest gennygrey

I had a greyhound who was a foster who had a track injury where her tail was injured in a starting box and her wound was infected. The vet and I tried everything and we could not get her tail to heal. We ended up amputating her tail and she was just as cute as ever. She was so happy that we did. She felt better immediately.

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Guest Giselle

Yeah, she is on antibiotics and will be for two weeks. The standing Dr. called me today to discuss her bloodwork and the only abnormality is a little protein in her blood, but they did a cystocentesis so the Dr. suspects that some blood may simply have been drawn into the syringe. She wants me to collect another sample and I said "okay" and hung up before I realized that Giselle is on antibiotics and the urine culture would then be pointless. I also asked her what she thought of the tail and she thinks it sounds like necrosis and may have to be amputated, as well. Our re-check is on Tuesday, so I think the antibiotics can tide her over for 2-3 more days.


If Giselle were a Happy Tail type of dog, I wouldn't care too much. If I'd seen her hit it or get it caught in a door, I wouldn't mind. But the thing is this started as red rashes on her tail and it seems very much internal, so I don't know what's going on. AGH. I HATE not knowing!! I'm also worried that the tail issues are simply secondary and that the red rashes will spread or something.

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