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I Love My Vet!

Guest SoulsMom

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Guest SoulsMom

As many of you know, Soul has Discoid Lupus. Unfortunately, he’s also recently has problems with GI bleeding. We can’t figure out the cause of the bleeding, and sadly what helps with that serious condition does KNOT help with his DL. It’s a catch 22. The diet that he has to eat to control the internal bleeding exacerbates his lupus symptoms.


Today Soul went in for his wellness checkup and his rabies shot. No other shots due to his autoimmune disorder. The vet and I also discussed how to try to get a handle on his DL in conjunction with managing his GI issues. It’s tricky, because we have to be very careful about what he ingests. And many of the other treatments for lupus are very expensive. We decided on slowly trying to re-introduce the various supplements that worked past and see how it goes in regards to his GI tract. He gave us more Flagyl should Soul begin to bleed internally again . . . .


Well, apparently after we left today my vet started doing more research and consulted with several other vets to try and find something that might work for both issues. He called me this afternoon with a new (and less expensive!) treatment plan.


To me, this was beyond the call of duty. Unlike another facility around here (which, for now, shall remain nameless) he truly cares about his patients (not out to just make a buck!) To anyone who needs a vet in central MA, just let me say that Dr. Schettino at VCA Westboro rocks!!!


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Guest TaraCoachCougar

I found my "I love my vet" vet 2 years ago. I'm so happy you have too and that there is more cheaper options for Soul. (Still loving that tongue in the picture!)

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A great vet is a true blessing.


Like yours, mine researched and consulted colleagues in an effort to diagnose and treat Gabriel. He even went so far as to have a human pathologist read Gabriel's bone marrow because he didn't want to wait for the vet pathology results!


When you find that great one, you have the relief of knowing you are working in conjunction with a caring professional. Nothing is better for our pups - or us.




Hope Soul does well with the new plan.

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Amber that's great news. However in my mind it isn't above and beyond, just , unfortunately not common. That is what any medical practitioner should do. That's what separates an okay doctor and an exceptional one, the interest and intellectual curiosity to find out more about whatever the problem. That and compassion of course. I'm so glad Soul and you found one of the latter.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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That was awesome. This past few weeks there have been a couple of things like this that have restored some of my faith in my fellow human beings. Seems we always run into the ones that makes us wonder about people - it is so refreshing when we meet someone that truly cares, and it's not about making an extra buck. I'm really happy for both you and for Soul.



My little faith refresher was a woman from Ebay..I got a starved foster pup...Dachshund that should have weighed 20 lbs and was 13. Double ear infections and skin infections...anyways, very sick pup and we had negative temps here and not one coat here that would fit the scrawny little guy. I contacted a woman that made custom coats, and told her I needed something in a size for him, explained his story, and why such a long dog needed such a small diameter coat - not only did she make it fast, but she would NOT let me pay a dime, and sent it priority so he'd get it fast. THEN - she sent ANOTHER one, a bit bigger around, so he'd still be warm when he gained a bit of weight!!! Your vet and this woman deserve a special place in heaven in my books. It's nice to have my faith in people recharged.


Thanks for sharing your story, it made my day

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That's fantastic. I've also found my "I love my vet." I have to drive about 45 minutes, and he's a bit more expensive than some, but he's worth every penny. (He also LOVES greyhounds and frequently works with one of the groups here).

Valerie w/ Cash (CashforClunkers) & Lucy (Racing School Dropout)
Missing our gorgeous Miss
Diamond (Shorty's Diamond), sweet boy Gabe (Zared) and Holly (ByGollyItsHolly), who never made it home.

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A good vet is worth his/her weight in gold. My vet is amazing. I can email her with questions regarding vague symptoms in a dog we *might* take in and she might never see, but she researches everything, consults with colleagues and pulls articles for me. She's incredible. :)

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Guest SoulsMom
That was awesome. This past few weeks there have been a couple of things like this that have restored some of my faith in my fellow human beings. Seems we always run into the ones that makes us wonder about people - it is so refreshing when we meet someone that truly cares, and it's not about making an extra buck. I'm really happy for both you and for Soul.



My little faith refresher was a woman from Ebay..I got a starved foster pup...Dachshund that should have weighed 20 lbs and was 13. Double ear infections and skin infections...anyways, very sick pup and we had negative temps here and not one coat here that would fit the scrawny little guy. I contacted a woman that made custom coats, and told her I needed something in a size for him, explained his story, and why such a long dog needed such a small diameter coat - not only did she make it fast, but she would NOT let me pay a dime, and sent it priority so he'd get it fast. THEN - she sent ANOTHER one, a bit bigger around, so he'd still be warm when he gained a bit of weight!!! Your vet and this woman deserve a special place in heaven in my books. It's nice to have my faith in people recharged.


Thanks for sharing your story, it made my day


What an awesome thing to do :beatheart

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Guest EmbersDad

Dr Ian, Dr G, and Dr Sauders were Embers vets. i cannot say enough nice things about them. They always listened to me, and investigated other avenues of treatments for my baby. Ember had an episode of malignant hyperthermia when she had her first dental. Dr Ian was her vet that day and he kept her safe and she recovered. He then went and consulted with the UPENN staff and they devised another anasthetic protocol that she tolerated much better, and we never had another episode. Your guy is a good egg Amber.


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That is really great.

I have to say, my vet, my internist & my orthopedic doctors must have all been cut from the same mold.

When I call to check on one of my pups who may be staying for the day, HE comes to the phone when I call. He's instructed me NOT to go the Evet at night, to call him at home. I have both his home & cell phone.

My orthopedic doctor is so thrilled with my recovery from this fall I had & wished me a Happy Birthday on Wednesday (its today) because he said I hope I don't see you on Saturday. He thanked me for making him look good. I thanked him for putting the pieces back in place. When I thought my co-pay was $20 & the girl said it was $40, Dr. Tabor said Don't worry about it.

My internist is always concerned about my health, am I taking good care, getting rest, drinking enough milk....advising me to use generic vs the name brand to save on money.

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I was so pleased to read your post, Amber. I know how you feel because my vet here, Dr. Katie Erswell, is the same way. She spends so much time with me explaining things, researching, calling me to check up on Merlin a few days after treatment for ANYTHING, etc. I feel so lucky (She met Dr. Couto for the first time last Fall when he came to Portland for a conference, and she loved him and told me all about it :) ). I'm so glad Soul has such a dedicated vet :yay:):yay


That was awesome. This past few weeks there have been a couple of things like this that have restored some of my faith in my fellow human beings. Seems we always run into the ones that makes us wonder about people - it is so refreshing when we meet someone that truly cares, and it's not about making an extra buck. I'm really happy for both you and for Soul.



My little faith refresher was a woman from Ebay..I got a starved foster pup...Dachshund that should have weighed 20 lbs and was 13. Double ear infections and skin infections...anyways, very sick pup and we had negative temps here and not one coat here that would fit the scrawny little guy. I contacted a woman that made custom coats, and told her I needed something in a size for him, explained his story, and why such a long dog needed such a small diameter coat - not only did she make it fast, but she would NOT let me pay a dime, and sent it priority so he'd get it fast. THEN - she sent ANOTHER one, a bit bigger around, so he'd still be warm when he gained a bit of weight!!! Your vet and this woman deserve a special place in heaven in my books. It's nice to have my faith in people recharged.


Thanks for sharing your story, it made my day


This story gave me a serious attack of the leaky eyes... :weep :weep in a good way of course... thank you so much for sharing! :)


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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