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Greetings From Colby!

Guest SandOSU98

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Guest SandOSU98

Hi! My greyhound Colby is a 3 y/o sleek and shiny black boy that chose my husband and I five months ago at an on-track rescue in New Hampshire. During his racing career, his name was Axe Handle The rescue renamed him Brady (after Tom Brady) but seeing as we are NOT Patriots fans that had to go, so we chose the similar-sounding Colby (which essentially means "black"). We had been matched with five different greyhounds, and Colby was the last one we were to see. He was so excited/scared he wouldn't come out of his kennel, but when the rescue volunteer did finally entice him out, he went right up to me, kissed my face, and right away stole my heart. :) My husband and I have had cats and dogs before, but this is our first greyhound.


Colby's personality has blossomed. He will do anything for a Greenies treat. Sometimes I will go to the closet and before I even have the treat out he will whip out his bag of trick and do them all in succession to see which one "works." He loves the woods and has been on many hiking and camping trips with us. He is also a great traveler and likes to go for car rides or on trips. He is very friendly with people and has favorites... he greets them by running back and forth across the house to show off his warp speed. Colby loves to cuddle and will cry at my husband's side of the bed right before his alarm goes off so that he can take his warm spot and curl up against me. All in all he is such a kind, beautiful and proud creature.


Colby wasn't fostered before we adopted him, so there was a lot of initial training and adjustment. The first few weeks we had to half-carry him up and down our stairs... I really thought we had gotten a "defective" greyhound and he was NEVER going to learn... but reading all the posts here I found out we were not alone! He finally learned and now clears an entire flight in 3 bounds! This site was also great for giving me tips on teaching "down" and "sit." He know does both and also has "off" and "crawl" (he can do a great Army crawl) in his repertoire. So after months of using this wonderful site for guidance, Colby and I decided to join!





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Guest p51crazyhorse

What a cute and personable boy!!! he is so cute!!! i saw his mane and immediatly thought "WOW another dog named after cheese!!!" (Cabot) Welcome to GT!!!



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Guest IrskasMom

I belief , I Welcomed you on another Thread . Neverthless WELCOME again and Colby :wave:wave:wave:wave

Colby is Beautiful and the Joy to be with you show's . :wub::wub::wub::wub:

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What a greyt introduction. Welcome from Alberta Canada.

Deb, and da Croo
In my heart always, my Bridge Angels - Macavity, Tila the wannabe, Dexter, CDN Cold Snap (Candy), PC Herode Boy, WZ Moody, Poco Zinny, EM's Scully, Lonsome Billy, Lucas, Hurry Hannah, Daisy (Apache Blitz), Sadie (Kickapoo Kara), USS Maxi, Sam's Attaboy, Crystal Souza, Gifted Suzy, Zena, and Jetlag who never made it home.


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Welcome from Southern New Hampshire, Colby is beautiful and looks like he is loving retirement!

Roberta & Michael with Furkids- Flower (Shasta Flowers 6/7/06) & Rascal the kitty - Missing our sweet angels - Max(M's Mad Max) 10/12/02 - 12/3/15, Sara (Sara Raves 6/30/01 - 4/13/12) Queenie & Pandora the kitties - gone but never forgotten

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Guest SandOSU98
What a good looking boy! That's so cool he gets to go camping with you :)


Thanks! He's very spoiled. He even has his own doggie sleeping bag (I had no idea that such a thing existed until I started researching online).

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Guest greytbuds

He is a stunningly Handsome boy and sounds like he has found his forever place in your home and heart!!


Congratulations and welcome from North Carolina!!



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Hi there Colby and family! :welcome from Gainesville, FL!

Colby, you are so handsome and it sounds like your new life is a blast!!

Our first GH, Toby, came to us straight off the track so I know just what you mean. Isn't it amazing to see their personalities blossom every day? :heart

Edited by fsugrad

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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