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Urination Question And Sulking

Guest Gemma

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I realise I'm probably worrying unduly but I would appreciate advice from more seasoned grey owners.


Our boy, Peyton, has always had great bladder control. He's never had an accident with us and he's good about asking to go out. Before we got hit with huge amounts of snow, I had him on a loose schedule and usually he wouldn't need to go outside of that schedule. Since we've been inundated with snow, he doesn't like going out as much (the novelty wore off fast!) and he's been holding it for extended periods of time. Now, during the night, he goes 10-11 hours without needing to pee. That seems like a lot to me! During the day, he'll go up to 7-9 hours. He seems totally fine, not uncomfortable or anything, but I'm wondering if this is bad for him in the long run? Should I insist he go out more, or just not worry until the snow melts and we're back to normal?


Also, recently my SIL stayed with us and Peyton was spoiled rotten. He got to sleep in her bed and was almost constantly loved on. She left 2 days ago, and today my husband left for a science convention out of state, so it's just me and Peyton. He has been sulking all day; acting very despondent and hard done by. He is eating normally, toileting normally, and is still wagging his tail and happy to see me, but just generally low energy otherwise. I'm pretty sure the upheaval has just thrown him for a loop but is this something I should worry about if it persists? Obviously, if he stops eating or shows physical symptoms, I'll take him to the vet, but in the meantime is some level of sulking normal after a busy holiday?


Thanks in advance! I am a worrywort, I know. ^^;;

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Sounds like he's sulking because of the change. You'll know if it's something more than that. Peyton, you are one handsome boy


This is what I thought. :) Thank you for the reassurance!

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My Nevada had a bladder of iron & would normally hold her pee-pee for 10-12 hours a day-even as she aged. Never a problem. I think your boy is just reacting to the schedule change.

Carol-Glendale, AZ

Trolley (Figsiza Trollyn)

Nevada 1992-2008...always in my heart

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I was always surprised at how long Sugar could go between "pees", and I have a dog door, so she could go out whenever she wanted! She often went from 6/7 p.m. to 6 a.m., her choice, so I wouldn't worry about that unless he starts showing physical symptoms.


As for his behavior, it's probably post holiday letdown, I know I feel it :lol He'll get back into his routine soon!

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Sounds like the schedule change to me, and I'm sure he misses all the extra attention your SIL gave him.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Thanks for all the reassurances. :) I do think he's feeling the loss of so much human interaction; he's a very personable dog. He seems a bit more cheerful today, however, and I let him up on the bed this morning so he is definitely getting attention! Hopefully he'll be back to normal soon.


I'm also relieved to hear other greys have iron bladders!!

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