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My Jack

Guest GreytfulJack

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Guest GreytfulJack

I wish to thank everyone for their kind support. It means a lot to me. :heart


Jack had bumped his leg a few weeks back. He often did that when he raced around the yard...nothing to worry about - he'd limp for a few days and then all would be fine. This time, it wasn't. I massaged the leg and hip area, applied heat and gave it some time to heal. Then he began lifting his leg and not using it at all....and I knew. I knew it was cancer. That Monday night, the xray showed that his knee was completed eaten away. We said our goodbyes,


So, there it is. And we move on. The New Year is coming in with a big snowstorm tomorrow. Jack would have loved to run in the snow. Now, he'll be watching it from above. :angelwings

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Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you. St. Francis de Sales

He will be running in the snow; look for his paw prints.



Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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