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Squirrel: 1, Shadow:0


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Recently Shadow was bitten IN his mouth by a squirrel. I saw part of the encounter and cleaned up the squirrel fur afterwards. We have black squirrels here that are pretty tough. I grew up with red squirrels that were fast enough to get away from a Greyhound and grey squirrels that were smart enough to stay in trees high enough to avoid a confrontation. The black squirrels here fight back! Shadow bled a bit but I thought he bit his own tongue! Wrong. He has been bitten on his gum around the upper left canine tooth.

Long story - short - we take him to Vet and he is on Metacam and Novo-Bioclav. His Vet can't do a thorough exam of course - Shadow's mouth is kinda sensitive. She wants to do a complete exam in a week after swelling goes down and healing has started. She doesn't think all the damage is due to the squirrel bite and continues with words that include PRE-EXISTING & TUMOUR.


Mind starts racing at this point. You can imagine.


I'm not particularly wanting Shadow to go through a dental ( he is 8 ). Cindy our last pup, died six months after a dental at the age of 12. I know many of you have posted your success stories about dentals for seniors ( if Shadow can be called a senior ) but I am really concerned. He will probably need to be sedated for a complete exam and that would be ideal timing for a dental.....but?


Is there any special blood testing that should be done prior to this?


What other questions should I ask?


Most importantly are mouth tumours possible? My exam ( non professional of course ) didn't see anything like a tumour in his mouth - just swelling from a bite. He won't let me get really close unless I have cheese.


Robin, Judy, and, Shadow



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Guest ChasesMum

Chase is 8 and just had a dental. She had a pre surgical geriatric panel done which I believe included only a CBC, BUN, Creatinine, electolytes and maybe an Alk Phos. her creatinine was a little elevated but I believe that its normal. I believe most vets will require pre surgical bloodwork by 8 yrs old, but you get it at a discount before surgery! YAY!


Its more than sedation though, they get a whole GA for a dental so... its far more costly.





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Guest longdogs

If a squirrel bit him in the mouth as you describe I think it is highly likely to be the cause of the swelling and your vet is probably mistaken. It seems too much of a coincidence. Mouth tumours are also possible and would need to be ruled out for peace of mind. Does he need dental attention? Is there no way you can take look, with or without bribery? I can generally get mine to open their mouths.

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If the tumor IS real, it could be one of a number of maladies; the most common is oral melanoma, which is malignant. Fortunately, a curative vaccine has been developed for this; a third of the time, it does little to stem the progress. A third of the time, it prolongs life significantly. A third of the time, it cures the disorder- when used in conjunction with other appropriate treatments, which include surgery and (maybe) radiation.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Praying this is nothing more than a bite. Our Flashy just had his dental last summer...however he fractured a pre-molar last Wednesday and went to surgery Thursday morning. He had a complete physical...CBC and full Chem Profile pre-op. Our little man did very well...but he can NOT have Morphine. Flashy is 9.5 years old. Of course he was monitored closely and had an IV. Sending my prayers. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest CindiLuvsGreys

My Jesse had a dental at age 9 1/2 and he is just fine. A few teeth had to go so now when he shakes his head his tongue hangs out the side. I try not to laugh to hard. LOL It does seem like a strange coincidence to have been bitten AND have a tumor. Hopefully your vet is mistaken. Better to let her do the dental and be sure nothing more is going on. Just make sure to have a senior blood panel done before the procedure.

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Oh poor Shadow!! Those black squirrels are kind of thugs, aren't they! At 8, Shadow really shouldn't have much to worry about as far as age related issues and anaesthesia go. Max had a dental earlier this year, at 10 and did fine (and many other greys have, as well). The pre-anaestheia bloodwork is very important, and as a senior Shadow should get a discount. If you are worried, there is a vet in Guelph who just does doggie dentals - Fraser Hale, very good. They just deal with one patient at a time, so all there attention is on your dog. And you can stay the whole time, be there when they put him under and as he wakes up. For a control freak such as myself, that is very important! :D If he hasn't had a dental, really seems like a good time to do it, given this injury as well.


Hugs to the big black boy!!!

Edited by maximum

My boys, together again...




A hui hou kakou, my loves

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No experience with black squirrels - thugs! If you're comfortable with your Vet and the anesthesia protocol, a pre-dental blood workup would make sense. Of course, at the end of the course of the antibiotics when all the swelling goes away, perhaps a good "look-see" will allow your vet to determine if there is still merit in the original opinion/diagnosis. Would Shadow be cooperative for a prolonged oral examination? Sending prayers.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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The swelling is down an awful lot. Shadow if half way through the antibiotic dose and the change is remarkable. While roaching last night, I was able to peek inside his mouth. Didn't see any sore or swelling inside there. We are hoping the Vet is mistaken about the possible underlying causes of the swelling, aside from the bite.


Back to the vet next week.


Thanks for all your thoughts and comments.


Robin, Judy, and, Shadow

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