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Gggrrr Mean Dogs & Stupid Owners!?!?

Guest SLM4956

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Guest SLM4956

I just felt the need to vent! :sbox I am walking Marigot and minding my own beeswax! This Boxer is walking towards us (and I have heard from others in the neighborhood that she is not the friendliest of dogs) so I was unable to cross the street!! I hugged the grassy area with a tight leash on Marigot. Assuming that the Boxer's owner would say hello and walk past, right?!?! Well NO! Of course not! Damn if that Boxer didnt lunge at Marigot and growl!! :angryfire And mind you...the Owner says to the dog "Come on." Says nothing to me!!


I get home and poor Marigot's nose is chopped up! :angryfire OOOH! I am soooo mad! WTH?!?!? We have some Pit Bulls in the neighborhood and those owners cross the street away from other dogs so as not to harm them. If you know that your dog is aggressive....Shouldn't you stay away from other dogs?!?!?! OMG! I am not an experienced dog owner, but I know common courtesy !!!


I am not sure what I should say to aforementioned Boxer's Owner, but clearly girlfriend is a bit ticked about the situation!!! Marigot's nose is okay. DH and I cleaned it out real good. This morning DH said that it looked much better but... :angryfire

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I agree with calling animal control. Also watch for infection. Just wanted to add that dog dog aggression is much different than dog human aggression.


Sorry you have to deal with this. Many of us have though :(

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Guest LindsaySF
I agree with calling animal control. Also watch for infection. Just wanted to add that dog dog aggression is much different than dog human aggression.


Sorry you have to deal with this. Many of us have though :(

What she said.


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Guest Frannie

The same thing happened to me about a year ago with a loose pit bull. The dog came flying out of her side yard and attached herself to Hoss by the jaws. Don't get me started on why a pit bull was loose in an unfenced yard, but the short version of the story is that the owner took full responsibility and insisted on paying the entire vet bill immediately.


He gave me the money that evening in person, along with a generous gift card to Petco.


You have every right, and the owner has every obligation, to pay you for your dog's veterinary expenses on this-even if you only go in for follow-up. Send her the bill with a letter, or hand-deliver it. I am not particularly good at standing up to people, but this is so clearly a case in which it's utterly appropriate. You would do the same if your grey destroyed property or hurt another animal.


I am so glad Marigot didn't get hurt more seriously. I imagine she was very traumatized. Hoss was!



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Oh, don't get me started! We have been attacked by the same Boxer - TWICE! Fortunately no one was hurt in either attack - the dog became so out of control that he threw himself against the front screen door and broke out of the house! The only difference in the second attack was that I ran into the owner in line on Election Day and after asking him EXTREMELY nicely if he fixed the front door, he said, "Oh, YOU'RE the one with the dogs who attacked my dog!" Double GGGrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I reported the incident to Animal Services and they are useless! The only information I was able to get out of them is to get a photo of the offenders committing an "offense". Other than that, it's my word against his.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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I started a thread in soap box several months back " dog on leash, loose owner", it too was about a non friendly boxer and his insanely nasty owner.


Sorry you both had to go through that.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest lynne893
The same thing happened to me about a year ago with a loose pit bull. The dog came flying out of her side yard and attached herself to Hoss by the jaws. Don't get me started on why a pit bull was loose in an unfenced yard, but the short version of the story is that the owner took full responsibility and insisted on paying the entire vet bill immediately.




You have every right, and the owner has every obligation, to pay you for your dog's veterinary expenses on this-even if you only go in for follow-up. Send her the bill with a letter, or hand-deliver it. I am not particularly good at standing up to people, but this is so clearly a case in which it's utterly appropriate. You would do the same if your grey destroyed property or hurt another animal.


I am so glad Marigot didn't get hurt more seriously. I imagine she was very traumatized. Hoss was!


Ditto. Same thing happened w/ an unleashed, uncollared, un-fenced-in pitbull and our grey a couple of years ago. Owner paid, but it was laborious getting him to do so. "She's never done anything like this before..." Uh, yeah. You have a pitbull you idiot.


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take pics and let the owner's know. I had something similar happen and my Floyd was bitten, long story but the owner of the house paid my vet bills and the dog who bit mine (who was 'a friendly' St. Bernard), was not allowed back on the property (complicated story).

Janet & Liddy

Katy, Texas

but been all over

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Guest shannon252

Oh my gosh, you poor things!!!


One of our adopters is dealing with something similar right now. They were on a walk with two of their greys and an unleashed German Shepard came after both dogs. The adopter was then bitten while prying the G.S.D. mouth off of one of his greyhounds. They called 911 immediately but, the police are claiming that it's Animal Control's problem and A.C. is saying that they won't do anything because A) the human wasn't attacked (because apparently if you are bitten while prying the dog's mouth open it doesn't count) and B) the offending dog doesn't have previous complaints against it. I am not even kidding that A.C. wouldn't even help our volunteers find out if the dog was current on rabies shots or not...it wasn't. There is much more to the story but, those are the highlights. The GSD owner DID pay the emergency vet bill but, there are still ongoing vet bills for the 12 year old greyhound that was attacked. His wounds aren't healing very well.


Sadly, this is exactly why I don't walk my dogs. My neighborhood is notorious for off leash dogs. The neighbor that used to live across the street always let her Pom off lead to potty. One day it came over to my house and managed to wiggle under MY fence while two of my greys were out. They just happened to be muzzled that day but they still did a bit of damage to the Pom. This neighbor had a fenced back yard but, do you think she used it after that? Nope! Stupid, stupid, stupid!


You guys will be in our thoughts.

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Guest jerrybird

Poor Marigot! How are you treating her nose? They can be kind of nasty places to heal up. If there is any sign of infection, perhaps a vet visit is in order. I would also take pictures of the injury just in case your vet bills start to mount up. And I would definately report the offender!

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ac is useless just about everywhere. You learn after being attacked how to jump up and down and scream like a banchee when you see a loose dog coming!!! It works and people WANT to stay away from you b/c you are the crazy gh person!! LOL I tell ya, people are dumb. I used to have so many loose dogs come after us, or up to us and I would ask the owners to restrain them. If they did't respond I would say been in a dog fight and if your dog gets too close I will kick it away!! You had been warned.

Janet & Liddy

Katy, Texas

but been all over

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Guest SLM4956
ac is useless just about everywhere. You learn after being attacked how to jump up and down and scream like a banchee when you see a loose dog coming!!! It works and people WANT to stay away from you b/c you are the crazy gh person!! LOL I tell ya, people are dumb. I used to have so many loose dogs come after us, or up to us and I would ask the owners to restrain them. If they did't respond I would say been in a dog fight and if your dog gets too close I will kick it away!! You had been warned.



DH said that he would snap the @*#(%&* Boxer's neck if it came near Marigot again!! LOL And here I thought DH was a cat guy!! :rolleyes:


Marigot's nose has healed quite nicely! We put Hydrogen Peroxide on it that night and also the next morning. I put a bit of Neosporin just to be on the safe side and it has been clear of infection and healing!!


Ironically, the Boxer's Parents have been avoiding me like the Plague! I will give them a piece of my mind as I am a very ocal individual! I have heard that the Boxer has had other problems with some of the dogs in the neighborhood. I considered Animal Control, but they wll only fine 25$. I will avoid the dog in the future and consider it a lesson learned. I have to be responsible because others are not!! :angryfire

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Guest chaoran22

It seems like, since there are more than one of you who have had experiences with the Boxer that reporting to Animal Control is worthwhile. It's frustrating when it's their word against yours but at least on this thread, there are two people whose dogs have been attacked by this same boxer and if you report, then you're sort of backing duncan41 up and since you seem to be friendly with others who have experienced the same thing in your neighborhood, then maybe you can tell them to report as well the next time you see them. i think this is more than just about how much the owner will get fined, even if they don't get fined at all, in the case of someone like this owner (who would turn around and accuse another's dogs of attacking when it was the other way around) there needs to be a record on file. What if this happened to someone else except that the dogs really got into it and the boxer got hurt even though the boxer instigated it? I would think that the jerk owner might acutally file against the other dog owner. But if there are records on file, then it's not one person's word against another's. I'm not saying you're wrong for not filing or anything but just throwing this idea out there as a reason you might want to file. a responsible dog owner with a dog-aggressive dog who takes appropriate measures is one thing, but a jerk with a dog-aggressive dog is a whole other thing and they need to be held accountable for their behavior when it comes to not controlling their dogs and not even trying to (the not trying part is the worst).


glad your little girl is fine now :)

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