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Greyhound Health Mystery

Guest packman

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I am in need of anyones immediate assistance regarding my Greyhound's recent health issue...


Initially: 2.5 weeks ago

Back foot was swollen. Thought maybe arthritis/sprain. We were able to clear that up...just as the front Rt. paw swelled up. (for no reason) This time he went to the vet where xrays and lab work was done.

-Everything was normal. Labs perfect. RT and LT xray paws normal. No arthritis etc. He was put on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.


Conditioned worsened:

As of about 1 week ago he is in SEVERE pain and was unable to get up out of his bed. Back hind legs were not able to push him up and when I lifted him he screamed so loud it was awful. He was/is extremely unstable when walking and is unable to lift his legs even to step over a curb. This all happened in a matter of days.


I took him to the Sugarland Animal hospital Friday before storm and Dr. Quick did total spine xrays and a cervical myelogram thinking it was a disc problem.

Again- everything normal. No disc, tumor or arthritis in the spine. He is currently on pain pills and is able to get up on his own barely, but he can. He is drinking lots of water and eating VERY little. He is extremely lethargic and does not move off his bed until I call for him to go outside. Sometimes he was even peeing on my floor before I even got him outside. This is not like him.


I am seeking a second opinon ASAP and thought if anyone in the Greyhound community has ANY thoughts on this....PLEASE.....PLEASE let me know. I am at a loss as to what this can be.


I can't have him in pain and taking pain pills everyday. This has to be something that the vets are missing. He has been extremely healthy, no health problems his 10 yrs.


I encourage anyone that reads this to please email me at - packman@brooksit.com


or forward this off to other Greyhound resources that I may not know of.


Thank you all for reading.


Breeze and Family

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Guest longdogs

He has had a full blood panel and his kidneys are OK? Have they checked his cerebro-spinal fluid? Is there a veterinary teaching hospital near you? Obviously there is something badly wrong here and pain killers aren't the answer. I hope you get an answer very soon.

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He has had a full blood panel and his kidneys are OK? Have they checked his cerebro-spinal fluid? Is there a veterinary teaching hospital near you? Obviously there is something badly wrong here and pain killers aren't the answer. I hope you get an answer very soon.


He had a CBC with I'm assuming a "full" workup. They did not draw any CSF fliud. I'm taking him to another vet tomorrow for as much blood work as possible. I've seen some posts about "Tick Panel"...something else to consider.


Thanks for your response. If you think of anything else, shoot it my way.


Thanks Again!

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How awful. Has he been tested for tick-borne diseases? Whenever greyhounds have strange symptons such as this, TBDs should be ruled out. Even if he hasn't had a recent tick bite, the TBDs can lie dormant for years. Lyme typically presents as arthritis-like symptoms.

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Gosh, the poor boy. I would definitely get him to another vet....they have to be missing something and maybe a new set of eyes would find it. I hope you get some answers soon. Is there any visible swelling in his hind limbs? Is he reactive when you palpate anywhere?

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I would have him checked for TBD and ask if they could start him on Doxy while you wait for the results. Sending my prayers and white light for your sweet baby. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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I would have him checked for TBD and ask if they could start him on Doxy while you wait for the results. Sending my prayers and white light for your sweet baby. :grouphug


Funny ALL you guys mention TBD's......I have posted on other dog wedsites and I'm getting the same feedback almost from everyone. Tomorrow, regardless of what the vet wnats, I am getting a full workup for TBD and Doxy started.


Thank you all......Thats why we love our "Greys"! :) Awesome Grey community.....

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My immediate thought was Valley Fever. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers that you get to the bottom of this and get your boy feeling better. What's his name?


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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My immediate thought was Valley Fever. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers that you get to the bottom of this and get your boy feeling better. What's his name?


His name is Breeze.


Valley Fever associated with TBDs? I'm not familiar...

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My immediate thought was Valley Fever. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers that you get to the bottom of this and get your boy feeling better. What's his name?


His name is Breeze.


Valley Fever associated with TBDs? I'm not familiar...

No, but I would include testing for it as well. We're keeping Breeze in our prayers!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Valley Fever is coccidiomycosis. What part of the country do you live in, and where was the hound from- original kennel and places raced, if known. The disease is local to some parts of the American Southwest- and probably northwestern Mexico.


With cryptic, weird stuff- always suspect TBDs.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Look for a thread titled "15 month old greyhound is very sick".




Hope the link works.


There are two dogs discussed in there. One of them (Annabel) is mine. She has been sick about 4 months now. But is finally doing better. Her early symptoms were joint swelling and peeing in the house. We thought it was a UTI and a physical injury. She jumped a baby gate one day is why we suspected the physical injury.


We spent about a month with the regular vet, then started going to a specialty vet. He diagnosed an infection that was pooling in the joints. They have drawn joint fluid, but couldn't get a culture to grow to ID the infection. She is responding to antibiotics, and tests have ruled out tick and other illness. The vet thinks it is just an entrenched infection that will take a while to kill.


On bad days she is weak and has trouble getting up and down. She's lost about 10 pounds, a lot of that muscle in her hind legs. I think that's why she is having trouble getting up and down.


Anyway - that thread covers things in more detail. Some of the symptoms sound like yours.


Good Luck - It's tough when they are sick.






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You or your vet should contact Dr Couto at OSU's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program. They will do a free consult and give you t5heir recomendations. greyosu@osu.edu


Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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I am in need of anyones immediate assistance regarding my Greyhound's recent health issue...


Initially: 2.5 weeks ago

Back foot was swollen. Thought maybe arthritis/sprain. We were able to clear that up...just as the front Rt. paw swelled up. (for no reason) This time he went to the vet where xrays and lab work was done.

-Everything was normal. Labs perfect. RT and LT xray paws normal. No arthritis etc. He was put on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.


Conditioned worsened:

As of about 1 week ago he is in SEVERE pain and was unable to get up out of his bed. Back hind legs were not able to push him up and when I lifted him he screamed so loud it was awful. He was/is extremely unstable when walking and is unable to lift his legs even to step over a curb. This all happened in a matter of days.


Clot in a back leg? How are Breeze's femoral pulses? If they don't match or if one is missing, that could be it. I hope it's not.


Marcia in SC

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Guest jurishound

Definitely shoot Dr. Couto an email - he has likely seen it all in greyhounds, and might be able to point you in the right direction. Could it be vascular? Our GH developed swelling in a hind leg and it turned out she was throwing blood clots, which can be very painful. Good luck figuring this out, and I hope your hound is feeling better very soon.

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Definitley test for TBDs.


:nod Swelling that moves from one leg to another is one of the main syptoms of TBD.


Do a full panel through NC State. In the meantime, I would start treatment with doxycycline. It's the treatment for the most common TBDs with the exception of Babesia and is also a general antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory properties so it could help even if it's not a TBD. Babesia requires treatment with Imizol, which can be tough on a sick dog so I wouldn't recommend treatment for that unless the test comes back positive. Anyway, again, I highly recommend putting him on doxy now while you wait.




Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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