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Guest Patti604

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Guest Patti604

Hello everyone I thought i would introduce myself and my sweet old girl Sadie. we live in Manitoba Canada. I have a Whippet and a Greyhound. They are wonderful dogs. Sadie, my greyhound is going to be 11yrs. old very soon. We got her from a kennel right here in Manitoba. She only raced a short time then became a brood mama. We have had her for 6 years and she is a real sweet old girl. She plays in spurts but mostly sleeps the day away. She is guite lame with corns and have tried EVERYTHING!!!! Now all we do is dremel to keep them as flat as possible. Love reading everyones posts and have learned so much from all of you.

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Guest Patti604

Yes I did!!! Her name is Northern Cutie. I have been wondering if there are any siblings or babies of hers out there. Did you get yours from them.? They are great people and took good care of their dogs.

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I can't believe it Northern Cutie is my Chances mom!!! He was born in October 2000 his name was Northern Bus he has 2 brothers Northern Auto and Northern Car . He was never registered and has never raced as he had an injury . I adopted him when he was 11 months old . Are you in Winnipeg ??

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Guest Patti604

How cool is that!!!!!! No I live in Minnedosa . I just think this is great. What color is Chance? That is so nice that you have had him from a pup. Can you post a picture? I cant seem to figure it out. I would love to see him!

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Guest Patti604

Thanks for the warm welcome. My family and I just love our girl. We call her Sadie. She is very much the queen around here. We didnt get her until she was 6 yrs. old so it took awhile before she was really comfortable. She has been "clean " in the house since the day we got her. It took her a few months to get used to the "slippy" floors and the vaccuum...but she did.She is very loving and sweet. She loves to spin when she is full of crazies. I wish there was something I could do for the corns. She really limps badly now...better out on the grass.Other than the corns she is healthy and we are very thankful for that.

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Welcome to GT! :wave Sorry your girlie is suffering from corns. :( You might want to look into the hulling technique which some vets use with success. Also, have you tried booties called Therapaws?

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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Guest hamiesmom

Hi, welcome to you, your family and furkids from Ottawa, Ontario. My "Angel Boy Hamie" who passed away in May/08 had corns. We also dremelled to keep them flat and had Therapaws boots for walking outside. They made a big difference. Check out their website (Therapaws). Now, we have a beautiful two yr old foster, who is very timid, shy and extremely shy of men. He is making wonderful progress. We will see what happens.

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Guest Patti604

Thanks for all the great advice!!! I do have dog booties for her and they do help. I think probably the therapaws would work better...maybe give those a try.I have hulled them before but that didnt seem to help very much.

How nice that you have a foster hamiesmom. I loved seeing Sadie come out of her shell and get more confident and outgoing. Just took time.

My husband and 4sons really love the dogs and Sadie is especially fond of my husband. She cuddles with him in bed just about every morning.


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Guest hamiesmom

The Therapaw booties will work much better. They are very cushiony. Hamie and I used to go for very long walks in the evening and weekends. I was always known as "the lady who walked to dog who were the boots".


I do believe that "Charger" my foster is somehow channeling "Hamie" because Charger for a two year old is a very sweet, laid back boy. Also, Hamie's harness and all his coats fit Charger perfectly. He is our protection dog as well. He only barks when he wants to alert us to something outside the house. He never raced, bolted off the racetrack, during his first race. He is learning very quickly and his fears will subside in time and a lot of patience. After dog sitting (greyhounds) during the summer, it is nice to have a dog around all the time and this boy does love to walk, as well.

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Guest Patti604

Glad to hear Charger(love that name) is doing well. Sometimes I really wonder about dogs ...pets in general... and their "senses". I think they are much more tuned in to things than us.

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