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Acute Hepatitis - Comet Is Gone

Guest Mom2Comet

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Guest Mom2Comet

Last Tuesday I noticed Comet's urine was dark orange and she was lagging behind on our walk. I took a sample to the vet and they called her in to do x-rays. Swelling in the abdomen led us to the referral clinic for an ultrasound that afternoon. ALT was 1300 and the started treating for leptospirosis as their normal protocol.


Wednesday she was fine in the morning at the clinic but then threw up blood although her ALT was down to 880. They decided to do the liver biopsy Wed instead of waiting. She continued to throw up blood and have diarrhea with blood (melanin?) so no steroids could be administered.


Thursday she started retaining fluid and her legs were getting swollen as was her belly. She was lethargic but still wagging her tail and pawing at us. Friday morning, my husband's birthday, Dr. Dalby called to say Comet was in complete liver failure, her kidneys were failing and that she was suffering. We never wanted our beautiful baby girl to suffer and Dr. Dalby said there was nothing she could do. We went in to be with her, gave her lots of hugs and kisses and then she was gone.


Results from the biopsy came in today - no cancer - acute hepatitis and who knows what caused it. Did she ingest a toxin? Did I let her eat something that made her sick? We'll never know. All I know is that my first dog, first greyhound, first daughter is gone at the tender age of 8. I thank God for the wonderful 5 years we had her and because of her, we have two boys (LC's Frank James and WJS Night Snow) and I volunteer as the Adoption Coordinator for Greyhound Adoption of Ohio. Because of Comet, I have helped place over 200 greyhounds into loving homes.


Give your dogs hugs and kisses and cherish every minute you have with them. I gave Comet all the love in the world and she knew how much I loved her. The last thing she heard was us telling her "I love you" over and over.

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