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Asti Has Surgery Tomorrow (thursday)

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She weighs 35lbs already! We got her when she was 12lbs. Good news is she no longer fits through my pool gate. :P


35 lbs ... she has more growing to do, right? Boy do I feel like I have an elephant and not a puppy! :lol :lol Good to know that she won't fit through your pool gate anymore though, now there won't be any unsupervised pool slides!


Glad to hear that she is doing well and that you can bring her home. I liked the comment about knocking her energy level down a few notches - wouldn't that be nice?


Sending scritches and gentle hugs.

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Guest redreed

I'm so glad she did okay!!!! Hope all goes well tomorrow and Spydie and I send some really gentle snuggles. Well at least I do, Spy doesn't quite get gentle yet, so he's sending some terribly inappropriate bouncing kisses!!!! Guess it's the thought that counts.

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Okay, here are some photos. Sorry, when they brought her out I laughed. That is not a lampshade. They turned her into a flower!






And the girls checking her out.



She is doing well this morning. Wants to lick her belly. When the lampshade is on she takes to scratching it with her back legs. How do I stop that???? She was oh so HUNGRY this morning! Last night she got a little food and Shanti looked at it and Asti got mean. Don't mess with a drugged hungry puppy!

The Girls

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The eyes in the second photo made me laugh out loud - poor Asti! Does Shanti still have a nose left after daring to look at Asti's food?! Hope today goes easily and that she is not hurting too much. Hugs & scritches.

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Can you say dilated!!! She is sleeping on the tile just outside the office, flower off. :) I think Shanti was as surprised as I was at Asti last night. :P


If I can keep her calm for several days we are set. That will be the biggest challenge. I have 2 crates. I will wean her off them after she heals. She is starting to get reliable finally. She is a big girl now! :D She should only get to 45-50lbs. Gus weighs more than Shanti!!!!



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Guest charmsmom

A little oozing is normal, but if it gets to be a lot, you can't stop it, or it's bright red, call your vet.


Glad she's home and well enough to be crabby. :)

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Oh my goodness, the title gave me heart failure! I thought she had been a puppy klutz again and something had happened, so glad that is not the case. :):blink:


Me too, and then the lightbulb went on, oh, it's probably for her SPAY!


Glad to see her little flowery head is doing alright. If she's oozing a bit too much for your liking, if you've got some vet wrap and some gauze you can put the gauze (w/some triple antibiotic ointment) on the suture area and then wrap her midsection with the vetwrap, but make sure to check it often so it doesn't get infected. Of course if it's bleeding more that just a little you'll want to see the vet.


We had to use the "cumberbun" method on a few of our grey girls at the kennel after their spays. Usually they just need it for a day or so.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Oh my goodness, the title gave me heart failure! I thought she had been a puppy klutz again and something had happened, so glad that is not the case. :):blink:


Me too, and then the lightbulb went on, oh, it's probably for her SPAY!


Glad to see her little flowery head is doing alright. If she's oozing a bit too much for your liking, if you've got some vet wrap and some gauze you can put the gauze (w/some triple antibiotic ointment) on the suture area and then wrap her midsection with the vetwrap, but make sure to check it often so it doesn't get infected. Of course if it's bleeding more that just a little you'll want to see the vet.


We had to use the "cumberbun" method on a few of our grey girls at the kennel after their spays. Usually they just need it for a day or so.



She definitely has vet wrap :lol :lol And she's gotten very creative with it too! In all seriousness - hope Asti is only oozing a little bit which would be normal and not a lot in which case you are probably back at the vet. Please keep us posted - will say a few extra chants and prayers.


Oh, and by the way - Shanti is tiny then! Gracie is still heavier than Gus (not by much) - she is very muscled as she loves her zoomies! And now that Gus can run he is starting to muscle up too. Gus sends Asti a nosey kiss to help her heal.

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Okay, you have me laughing! And SHHHHHHH!!!!! That wrap is umm.....acquired from the fire station these days. We were going through too much for $5 a roll. B) She is active, we are crating her to keep her calm and contained.


And Shanti weighs on a good day 60lbs - 62lbs. On a skinny day 57lbs. :)


Asti is doing well. A bit of oozy stuff here and there. Blood here and there but not much in the big scheme of things. If it gets to be more we can have it glued if I remember right. The funny thing is it must send a funny sensation on her. She kicks her rear leg a lot! I won't get concerned on this yet.


Thanks for all the good wishes! We appreciate them!!!


Tonight we had "pizza night" at my grandpas. A weekly thing. I stole the cork and topper that said "Asti". I showed her and she wanted to eat it. Should have known. :P

The Girls

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Checking on active Asti and her slight oozing - how is she today/this morning? Sending more nosey kisses to help her heal quietly (yeah, right!).


And Shanti - who I swear I think is Gracie half the time I see your siggy - does she have special food requirements or can she have treats?

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Checking on active Asti and her slight oozing - how is she today/this morning? Sending more nosey kisses to help her heal quietly (yeah, right!).


And Shanti - who I swear I think is Gracie half the time I see your siggy - does she have special food requirements or can she have treats?



Asti is feeling good...almost too good. No more oozing. Her stitches are metal which I don't like. They are not soft, but pokey. But sturdy! Shanti had her spay surgery there and they used the disolvable ones. Our vet did not trust Asti and knows how much she likes water. Metal it was.


Shanti is a pansy with food, but she can have treats. Just a little at a time. I think I am spoiling her cooking for her to make her eat while on the VF medications. If she thinks I am going to do it forever, she is so wrong! :lol

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