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Guest Sighthound

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Guest Sighthound

I was wondering if Greys pant much of the time. Cleo pants most of the time she is up on her feet. Once laying down she stops after a short time. It is not a heavy panting like she has run for a while, but she does pant and water is always coming off her tongue. Is this a normal for greys?

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Merlin pants quite a lot but he is very susceptible to the heat. Anything above 68 degrees and the AC has to come on. It can also be a sign of nervous tension or anxiety. Or, of course, there could be something wrong medically, but not necessarily. Can you give us a few more details?


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest Sighthound

It is hard to explain. She pants when she walks around the house, sits and watches tv, comes over to be petted and so on. Her tongue hangs out and drips drops of water when she is panting.The only time she does not pant is when she is laying down on her side or asleep. I am just concerned for her. We want the best for her as we do with our other dogs. I am also a worry wart, a very bad one. Our vet loves us because of us always being there. :lol I have never had dogs in my life until 3 years ago.

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Guest Sighthound

Here she is after 45 minutes from coming in from outside. We have a large backyard that she runs with our other dogs. She was outside for about 25 minutes.



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I'm far from being an expert here, but I believe its just a tad warm. If you can, try and turn it down to 74-75...Nina seems to enjoy it more around there and think yours will too! I'm sure its just a warm problem and nothing else :) but its an easy way to find out

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Different dogs seem to have different tolerances for heat. Sunny will pant if the temperature inside is over 68 whereas Sophie can tolerate quite a few degrees higher.


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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I had a similar challenge with King when we got him; except the drip was from his nose! I was very concerned. I learned on here that he was probably hot as we were keeping the house at 78-79. In an attempt to figure out what a good temp is I did this poll. Given the results I lowered our A/C to 76-77, because if I put it any lower DH and I will freeze and not be able to afford the power bill. We live in FL so it is hot here 90% of the year. I was truly surprised that he was just hot becuase DH and I were so comfortable!


We also have a box fan that we point at him anytime we think he is extra warm. Just last night he moved from sleeping on his bed into his crate for a while then woke up got a drink and laid down on the blanket next to his bed. My analysis: I got hot so I woke up from sleeping on the bed and moved into my comfy crate. Then I got hot in there so I woke up for some water and laid back down on the cooler less fluffy blanket. Then mom turned the fan on me so I could cool off and so I moved back onto my bed and slept there all night! :)


Simplest answer she may just be hot; get her a fan and see if it helps!


Good luck!

Edited by KingsMom

TNT Star Wars X Oshkosh Enigma King's Pedigree
King's sisters: Oshkosh Updraft, Dazie and forever in our hearts Oshkosh Ultra, Lily (3/7/03-2/18/13)


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Mine pant if it's that hot in the house. One pants when she thinks a thunderstorm is coming. But honestly, I'd take her to the vet for a check to be sure it isn't a pain issue.

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Guest Sighthound

I tried the box fan idea. It seems to help her out. She is not panting as much. I will continue to do that for her. I can not afford to go any lower on the ac as our electric bill is already out of sight.

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