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Drops Of Blood In Bile Vomit (we've Been To Vet)

Guest Peanut

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Guest Peanut

Sassy has struggled with vomiting on and off for several months. 2 wks ago we started her on a digestive supplement to help in the aid of digestion. Well, she went about 2 wks before the vomiting came back monday in the night... lots of fluid and undigested food (we feed raw). We feed at 630p and she puked between 10p and 630a. I fed Tuesday morning around 630a. By the time DBF came to walk her at 430, she had puked yellow bile and whole food pieces. I had left at 7a and there was nothing... Put her back on kibble last night because she is so thin I didn't want her to go without. She hasn't had kibble for 2 years... She reluctantly ate it. Last night no puke.... Got home from work, no puke. 630p tonight (12 hrs after eating and at feeding time) she pukes up yellow slime and there are drops of blood in it. I called the vet and they said call tomorrow and watch her tonight. they are going to see her tomorrow evening. if more blood tonight, go to er vet.


Symptoms are:


puking -- on and off for several months

picking eating -- won't always eat the RMBs offered

some foods not digesting

dull coat

thin - won't gain (feeding 2x as much as she should eat and she is maintaining)

shedding like crazy


everything else is the typical Sassy...


She's 9


so here is my question, what could it be???? DBF worries it might be something serious and we have to make the decision to let her go. I know some people will choose to do expensive/extensive treatments, but I won't put her through that for me. It's not fair... IMO


Stomach cancer?


Digestive problems?


Edited by Peanut
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personally, I wouldn't feed raw if my dog had been puking on and off for months...some dogs just don't do well on a raw diet. was she okay on kibble before you switched, or did you switch because that didn't agree with her either?



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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It could be any of the things you mentioned or it could be none of them. :dunno ....I hope the vet can get to the bottom of this...I'm sure it is not much fun for Sassy or you. We will keep our fingers crossed that they find something easily cured :goodluck

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Guest Peanut
personally, I wouldn't feed raw if my dog had been puking on and off for months...some dogs just don't do well on a raw diet. was she okay on kibble before you switched, or did you switch because that didn't agree with her either?


She did okay on the kibble before, but was picky about eating. Became not very interested in it and more interested in Brooklyn's raw. She had done well on raw up until the last 3-6 months.

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I know when Chase's tummy gets out of whack, it takes months to get it straightened out. Maybe she's just a little goofed up yet? She's losing weight because she isn't eating. Maybe she's just not recovered yet. Could it be that she is feeling the household's stress over K? Is she a sensitive pup? Blood in the bile, especially bright blood, could mean she popped a little vessel in her throat when the barf was coming up. Chase did that the other day. He was fine the next :)


I really hope the vet can put her on a couple courses of meds and get her straightened out.

She's Red's 1/2 sister, so I am really, really hoping the vet can get her turned around.

Edited by VinnieAndRexsMom

Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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Guest charmsmom

I would just fast her for a day, then do rice/boiled hamburger for a few days, and THEN start on whatever you plan to feed long term. Sounds like her tummy really needs a break!

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Some possibilities based on experiences with our greyhounds over the last 28 years:


Pancreatitis? Raw is too fatty for some dogs. You could try cooking hamburg or something and feed it with a good kibble or rice and veggies. If her lipase is off, you can tell pretty easily if it's pancreatitis.


In the past we've had dogs who were picky eaters. Some of them developed spleen problems.


A friend had a dog with stomach cancer; she vomited bile frequently. I believe an ultrasound pointed to it.


It's all so vexing. Sorry you're going through this. :(


Marcia in SC

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Addding: WHen Chase is out of whack, he gets Pepcid twice a day. When he really gets super out of whack, we use Kao-pec from the vet (no bad salicilly stuff in it). It calms his gut and settles his intestines. It won't do anything to help the other issues or possibilities alredy mentioned, but this regime does wonders for an upset gut and angry intestines.


Hope you get a diagnosis today and Sassy is on the road to recovery :)

Edited by VinnieAndRexsMom

Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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Guest Peanut
I would just fast her for a day, then do rice/boiled hamburger for a few days, and THEN start on whatever you plan to feed long term. Sounds like her tummy really needs a break!


We've done that and 5 days later the puking was back....

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What foods does she not digest?

What kibble are you feeding and how much?

Have you tried plain defatted COOKED meats?

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest Peanut

Thanks everyone... We didn't get home from the vet until 710p and then I unexpectedly had to go bowl with friends who were bored....


Here's the run down...


NO parasites

Temp is slightly elevated 102.5 (102 is top end of normal)

Lympnods are slightly swollen (been instructed to monitor this)

Everything else looks okay...

Her weight is up, but I don't believe it because she has never been this thin before.

She has a nero blastims (I'm so saying this wrong) in her eye and will eventually loose sight


He really has no idea what is going on. He is suspecting it could be an ulcer or a tumor in her stomach. So, initial plan of action is bland diet (boiled hamburger and rice) in 4 small meals a day for 3 days (Yep... we've done this and it didn't make a difference), medications for nausea and ulcer. They are calling to check on her today, tomorrow and monday. If no improvement, then we schedule an ultrasound or a barium swallow.


We've never been to this vet -- they had late hours and we needed to get in. BUT... I was impressed. He took the time to talk to us. I told him we feed raw and he said that he doesn't necessarly like the raw diet and I told him I didn't necessarily like the kibble diet and explained why. He understood and their was no contraversy. I also told him that we are following the 3 yr protocol on all her vaccinations because of her age. He was fine with this...


Needless to say, we are not further ahead, but we've ruled stuff out. She is not real fond of the rice and ate around it this morning. Little turkey! She usually eats that just fine. She seriously dug through to eat the meat and tossed the rice on the floor!!


$100.95 later and we're still working on it....

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Guest Peanut
You could try pasta instead of rice, it's bland too. and easier for you to pick off of the floor....


Good idea... I just wait for it to dry and vaccuum it up. LOL --- just kidding.


I may try cooking in low salt chicken broth to see if she'll eat it then.

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I use chicken, usually chix breast, and I slow cook it until it falls apart. Then I throw long grain rice and and slow cook it on high for about an hour. The rice is infused with the broth, the chix is broken up into small shreads, and after an hour the rice is sticky and it all sticks together. Even Red can't separate the chix from the rice, and he is a pro :lol


I also use ground turkey or ground chix, but i notice if the tummy is sensitive, these don't work well. Beef always throws my dogs off.


Did he give sulcrafate (carafate) for the ulcer? We had really good luck with that along with pepcid when Vinnie had his GI bleed. Sotopped it in a few days and he did not need to be scoped.


Missing you at BG and hoping Sassy feels better soon!


adding: white long grain rice. With gut problems, the brown went right through without digesting.

Edited by VinnieAndRexsMom

Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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Guest Peanut

yep, that's the med he gave us for the ulcer...


Yeah, we are doing white rice. BUT... the bag with the bugs in it is going back to the store. :sick


I'll email you... we would have never made it to BG tomorrow... thank you disrepectful and out of control 16 yr old daughter. UGH!! I am going on mom strike... yep, that's official!

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eh... you would have had several babysitters for her. In fact, I would volunteer. I babysit about 85-100 15 YO kids that belong to other people for 9 months out of the year :lol I can straighten most of them out. The ones I can't bend, the law does ;) I've been known to chat up their probation officer when he visits school. And then we both tell them I was in ;) Boy do they get P I Double Issed (from one of my kids... too many "i"s dude)


Anyway, cook the rice the way I do, and she should gobble it up :) Carafate is the bomb. It saved Vinnie. BTW, we think the boy stressed himself into an ulcer. If Sassy is sensitive, she might be taking on some of the stress from home (K, job, other kids). And remember, it may take a loooooong time to turn her around, but once you do, she should be good for a long time as long as her regime doesn't vary. :)


We'll just have to see you next year :)



Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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Guest Peanut



Medication ended (all) on Thursday morning. Bland diet ended Friday morning... At that point, she was doing pretty good. Her silly self. Here are 2 videos taken last week when she was being full of it. Oh, they were both hoping to get me to get up and get them food so they actually took off to the kitchen...






Last night she had her first normal meal (raw). I feed her a boneless, skinless chicken breast, and some ground turkey with veggies/organ meat/bone in the mix. This morning she ate a small chicken back with bone and the same ground turkey mix. Tonight, she would only eat some of her meal -- the same ground turkey mix and yogurt. She wouldn't touch the chicken.


Not eating is what we get before the puking begins... She's still her silly self and currently snuggled up on the couch with me. Her lymph nods seem a little more swollen and her eyes are getting more blurry in the week since she was at the vet. Her coat looks the same... dull and falling out.


This was taken last night with my cell phone as she was enjoying cleaning the peanut butter jar:








Tonight I cooked veggies, pasta, and boneless, skinless chicken breasts for her. I can't stand to see her not eat and go back to the puking and all. I just worry how long can she be on a bland diet?? Her poos are AWFUL looking but formed. I know the bland diet doesn't meet all her nutrition needs...



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Could you avoid feeding her any chicken for a while? My last dog was always ill when she had any chicken, even in treats, and it took us quite a while to realise the chicken was what she was intolerant to. She could tolerate turkey or duck better but even they upset her if she had any quantity of them.

Sue from England


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She reminds me so much of Red!!! He does the spinning thing, too, but he doesn't stop and he hits us with his paws on the way around. He is such a love though and has the sweetest disposition. Is Sassy that way, too? I'm wondering if that comes from their sire, Minika Zeke.


We do home cooked here and suppliment with kibble. I know you like Flint River. How does she do on that?

Edited by VinnieAndRexsMom

Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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If a dog has a potential ulcer and has some bloody vomit, I would not feed raw anything, with or without bone. You're adding to the bacterial load, adding to irritation (if feeding bone), and that is the diet that seems to have either caused or worsened her problem.


If you've been feeding mostly chicken/turkey, I would switch to something very different, that she hasn't had. If you don't change anything, seems like you're going to keep getting what you got.


If meds helped her, ask for a longer course. 10 days is short in the scheme of a serious irritation.


Has she had an abdominal x-ray?

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest Peanut
She reminds me so much of Red!!! He does the spinning thing, too, but he doesn't stop and he hits us with his paws on the way around. He is such a love though and has the sweetest disposition. Is Sassy that way, too? I'm wondering if that comes from their sire, Minika Zeke.


We do home cooked here and suppliment with kibble. I know you like Flint River. How does she do on that?


Yep, Sassy's a very sweet, loving, docile, girl. she's been that way since she we got her at 18 months. We met her mom and sister and they were the same way...


Well, i don't have FRR on hand right now. With the swollen lymph nods and the possibility of cancer, i want to avoid kibble if at all possible. Actually, i want to avoid carbs and veggies/fruits. This morning she ate her pasta and boiled chicken just fine. Left the green beans and carrots for Brooklyn... who only ate the carrots. LOL


If a dog has a potential ulcer and has some bloody vomit, I would not feed raw anything, with or without bone. You're adding to the bacterial load, adding to irritation (if feeding bone), and that is the diet that seems to have either caused or worsened her problem.


If you've been feeding mostly chicken/turkey, I would switch to something very different, that she hasn't had. If you don't change anything, seems like you're going to keep getting what you got.


If meds helped her, ask for a longer course. 10 days is short in the scheme of a serious irritation.


Has she had an abdominal x-ray?



i have to call back to the vet this week and they want to do an ultra sound....


Sorry, you wouldn't feed raw anything. Giving her kibble created the blood -- and I won't give her kibble (read response above for why). We were instructed to put her back on her regular diet... that's raw and has been for years.

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