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State Of The Art Facility In Pittsburgh

Guest Goldsmom

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Guest Goldsmom

Hopefully no one will ever need to use this facility, but in the event you may. Goldie is going to PVSEC (Pittsburgh Speciality & Emergency Center) for his evaluation for surgery on 7/2......they feel it is his Achilles tendon....Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts he is my old fella!


Those around Pittsburgh, W. Va, Ohio, and points north, most likely know of this facility, but for those who do not here's the web site: www.pvs-ec.com

After much consideration on the best place to take my boy I have heard nothing but GOOD THINGS about these people.

Easy to find (not in Pittsburgh proper), 24/7 emergency care.....MRI, state of the art in Vet. care.

Just thought may be good having this info....incase!

Ph: 412.366.3400


Good info to file away for future reference! Hopefully never needed! By anyone

Will pass along the info I receive about Goldie on the 2nd......

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Guest greyt2love

Quite a haul for us for emergency care, but good to know about if something out of the ordinary came up that needed more care than is available locally. Thanks !

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I'm thrilled that they have opened where they are too. Working at Animal Friends shelter, it's good to know that this facility is now less than 1/2 a mile away! They are going to have an open house soon---I think it's July 12, but I'll have to make sure. Everyone can tour, and see just what the excitement is all about. Co-workers who have seen it say it is amazing.

Hope Goldie's appointment goes well.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest Goldsmom
I'm thrilled that they have opened where they are too. Working at Animal Friends shelter, it's good to know that this facility is now less than 1/2 a mile away! They are going to have an open house soon---I think it's July 12, but I'll have to make sure. Everyone can tour, and see just what the excitement is all about. Co-workers who have seen it say it is amazing.

Hope Goldie's appointment goes well.


I'll let you know how it goes.....When a person shares there home with Greyhounds and other furry critters, one can never have too much medical information available..for themselves or others....


Keep your fingers crossed for my Golden Boy!


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Is this the new one up on Camp Horne Rd?

Melissa, Penelope (LC's Wild Rose)

Missing sweet Bell (EMK Bolivar Bell). I'll never forget you.

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."

- Mark Twain

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Guest Goldsmom
Is this the new one up on Camp Horne Rd?



Yes!..Goldie goes 7/2.....I am praying they are everything I am hearing they are!.....I'll post info, as I get it....

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Guest DoofBert

Thanks... not too far from my sister and her wonder dog, Bandit (he's a wonder dog cause we wonder what breed he is!)


Best wishes to Goldie!

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Guest Goldsmom
Thanks... not too far from my sister and her wonder dog, Bandit (he's a wonder dog cause we wonder what breed he is!)


Best wishes to Goldie!

I have had a few "wonder dogs" in my life also!!!!......Loved them all! :colgate



I live on the wrong side of Pittsburgh. Everything for greys is north.


We are about 70 miles to the SW of Pittsburgh, there is nothing like this facility around home....I am just happy not to have to make the trip to OSU or U. of Pa.......they are 4 hours in either direction........

I am just praying God guides this Vets hand, for Goldie....

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Guest Redpack

I know where the Laurel Highlands are, and you have a LOT farther to go. I do wonder though, why both of our local rescues and so many of the businesses that cater to greyhounds are in the North Hills, but that's another thread.

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Guest Goldsmom
Good luck tried to open up the thread that was posted but I had no luck. Have to check that vet out as we go to Wexford for our vet care

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Try this, not sure I did the link insert correctly...

Actually there are several Vet.s in this practice...I'll post any info I get Wednesday for those in and around Pittsburgh and surrounding areas.

My Vet is in Somerset (close to me) and he recommended this practice.

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I was just on the site, but the pictures are all of the old place in Shaler. I'm interested in seeing the new one. But one thing I can tell you for sure: they will be expensive!!!

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest Goldsmom
I was just on the site, but the pictures are all of the old place in Shaler. I'm interested in seeing the new one. But one thing I can tell you for sure: they will be expensive!!!



They are telling me $1,600-2,000 loads of cash, but what can I do.....OSU and U of PA are not much cheaper, however the savings would be eaten up with gas and or overnight hotel......Maybe I can get a second job! :blink::eek

I just have to dig deeper to help my old guy out....I wish it were me instead of him..

A few I work with have me really ticked off for the past couple days....they are pushing all the "wrong buttons" One guy said, "why the hell are you spending that kind of money on a damn dog?" And of course my Irish temper kicked in and I ask him, "Who the hell worked for this money, and why the hell do you care?" "I pay for my dogs surgery, you pay to bail out of jail, your crack head kid"........should have just ignored him!


I'll post any news later tomorrow when I get home!


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Guest Goldsmom

Just got back from taking Goldie to the Pgh. Vet. Surgery Center in Pittsburgh.....Old Man was fine when we left, they will do the surgery this afternoon, and call.....I am on pins and needles waiting for them to call....Goldie is in wonderful shape for almost 13 yr. old, so they feel he will be fine, and so do I.....

I know God has Goldie in his arms......so think good thoughts for the old man!


Everyone at this center was just so nice and helpful! I felt very comfortable with the entire process. They are so willing to work with us because of the distance and times we both work. They will show me how to change the dressing and I can take him to my Vet for check ups (only 30 minutes away) not 2 hours... then I can bring him to see them once a month.....healing they feel may be 3 months or shorter depending on Goldie...


It is really a beautiful and immaculately clean place....truely state of the art facility, and really not hard to find....considering Pittsburgh road markings, or lack there of!


Will update when I hear back from the hospital! Please keep Goldie in your prayers. Thanks so much!

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I was just on the site, but the pictures are all of the old place in Shaler. I'm interested in seeing the new one. But one thing I can tell you for sure: they will be expensive!!!

I can tell you from first hand experience about the people who were at the Shaler facility that they were greyt - had 3 of my greys there - Hershey for major surgery for a double blockage a few years ago, Shadow who is now a Bridge kid for ripped out dew claw and Phawn another Bridge kid for bites. Just hope that they all moved to their new place.

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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Guest Goldsmom
Checking for an update on Goldie.





Thank you for asking! We took Goldie yesterday, and her received his evaluation, and surgery was indicated. (Achilles tendon reconstruction) He had the surgery yesterday afternoon, and came through with flying colors. We decided to leave him overnight just as a precaution, and I received a call this morning, that he is well and ready to come home. My DH and I will go get him this afternoon, when he gets home from work....I would go get him now but we need someone to pick him and get him out of the back of my Explorer and I can not dead lift him...my husband can pick him up and carry him to the porch...


I can not tell you how great these people are, and the facility is first rate!. They are so very professional and caring, I just wish they were closer to my home.

We are about 70 milke (one way) SW of the Vet's office. But! as terriable as Pittsburgh is marked they are really easy to find...


I can not tell you all how greatful I am for all the prayers and good thought for my old "G"......



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  • 1 month later...
Guest Goldsmom

Today was Goldie's 6 week check up from his surgery. I am happy to say :clap :clap ...he is doing well. Dr Anderson at the Pittsburgh facility, replaced the hard cast with a soft splint and hopes that within 3-4 more weeks we can remove everything. Goldie's leg had NO SWELLING, and to everyones surprise NO broken or irritate skin......only one little rub spot on the inside of his tow, caused by the next toe's nail.....they protected the rub spot and his is "good to go" :bounce1 This facility and these people are just wonderful....I would recommend them to anyone in need of their services....


I take him to my Vet in 10 days for a re wrap and to make sure all is well with this soft splint. and then in 2 week increments until he gets a green light!...

He is such a trooper, starting today in Pittsburgh, was construction (which is never ending in The Burg), they first Steeler exhibition game, and a music festival....so the trip in and out of the city was a little long.....but! he is resting on his multi-layered bed, and his tummy is full of his favorite dinner.....


I wanted to THANK everyone for all the good thoughts and prayers for my Ol' Dude......(they still can't believe he is almost 13)...I appreciate all the support more than I can ever express! Thanks to everyone!

Goldie and me!

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My cat had an Achilles' tendon repair at the same clinic (when they were in Shaler). He did great. It's a great place.


Buddy's scratched cornea was also treated there.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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