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Just Thinking About My Big Buddy

Guest diggerspeed

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Guest diggerspeed

its been a little over a year now since my big buddy Digger went to the bridge. it was may 10th to be exact. i was just sittng here looking through some pictures and remebering all the good times we had. i sure miss you big buddy, there will never be anyone who will take your place, i still remeber how you would spread out accross the bed or couch or lay your head on my shoulder as we watched tv. you were and always will be my big buddy.4.bmp

Edited by diggerspeed
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Remembering with you. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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The problem is that they can't stay as long as we would like them too. We miss them all.



Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Guest diggerspeed

i think sometimes it seems like life moves on and all the memories fade, and then out of no where something or someone will trigger that memory of that special something or someone or that greythound who we were lucky enough to have come into our lives. when digger left and went to the bridge one of my biggest fears was would i forget the little things about him, like how his fur felt and how he would do little things that were unique to him, some worriesome some just down right funny, and some that just let you know that for that little moument in time evrything was okay because my big buddy was there with me. when i got dash and alex i was very afraid of that and it took a little time for me to let them into my heart for fear of all that. i guess when i sit and think about it, i may not remeber exactly how his fur felt or his big head laid on my shoulder or those big paws reaching up to get my attention when he wanted something, i realize that the fact that i know those things are different about dash and alex means i do remember those things about him. he was and always will be my best friend and will never be replaced. i realize more as time goes that dash and alex were and (i never thought they would be ) a replacement for him, but they are an addition to that special bond that was made by my big buddy. i still miss him so much and somedays i will see or remember something and it makes me smile or sometimes cry, but i finnally realize that that means that all those things i was afraid i would forget are still there in my memory and heart. each day i look at my dash and alex i realize that all though the time with them is never enough there is no replacement for the time that we have with them and we a so lucky to have that chance be with such great creatures who unconditionly love us back in return asking for nothing. i miss my big buddy everyday, but i know he is and always will be with me in my heart.

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Guest JillinMichigan
i think sometimes it seems like life moves on and all the memories fade, and then out of no where something or someone will trigger that memory of that special something or someone or that greythound who we were lucky enough to have come into our lives. when digger left and went to the bridge one of my biggest fears was would i forget the little things about him, like how his fur felt and how he would do little things that were unique to him, some worriesome some just down right funny, and some that just let you know that for that little moument in time evrything was okay because my big buddy was there with me. when i got dash and alex i was very afraid of that and it took a little time for me to let them into my heart for fear of all that. i guess when i sit and think about it, i may not remeber exactly how his fur felt or his big head laid on my shoulder or those big paws reaching up to get my attention when he wanted something, i realize that the fact that i know those things are different about dash and alex means i do remember those things about him. he was and always will be my best friend and will never be replaced. i realize more as time goes that dash and alex were and (i never thought they would be ) a replacement for him, but they are an addition to that special bond that was made by my big buddy. i still miss him so much and somedays i will see or remember something and it makes me smile or sometimes cry, but i finnally realize that that means that all those things i was afraid i would forget are still there in my memory and heart. each day i look at my dash and alex i realize that all though the time with them is never enough there is no replacement for the time that we have with them and we a so lucky to have that chance be with such great creatures who unconditionly love us back in return asking for nothing. i miss my big buddy everyday, but i know he is and always will be with me in my heart.


wow this is how I feel about Magic & Birch and "replacing" my bridge kid Blast....couldn't have said it better myself

Edited by JillinMichigan
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