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Foamy Drool--advice Welcome

Guest beerdogs31

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Guest beerdogs31

My sweet boy Lager, who just turned 8, started having foamy drool coming out of one side of his mouth about 1 1/2 weeks ago. He is not normally a drooler, and the foamy consistency of it was odd. I also noticed that it was taking him longer to eat, and that after drinking, his water was cloudy and full of food particles that he obviously didn't get down after eating (this is not normal for him). I thought he may be having trouble with one of his teeth, so he went to the vet last week to have it checked out, our vet is grey savvy. No teeth problems that the vet could find (though he does have some plaque that needs to be removed) but he did notice some swelling around his salivary glands and a possible lump near the base of his tongue. Lager just had blood work (full work up) done a few weeks before this visit, and everything was normal for the most part. The vet suggested many possible causes of the inflammation (some minor and some major), and we decided to rule out infection of the glands or mouth by starting antibiotics (Lincocin). He has been taking the antibiotics as well as Rimadyl for about 5 days now, and there is not a huge (if any) improvement, and to make things worse, the foamy saliva now has a slight tinge of red to it, which I am assuming is blood. If there is no improvement, we are going to run additional tests (e.g., biopsy). Lager does still have his appetite, doesn't turn down food or treats, and is going to the bathroom normally. He does seem a little lethargic, but is currently roaching on the couch :blush He has been very healthy otherwise in the 5 years that I have had him. I am very worried about my sweet boy, anyone else had something like this happen? Any advice for tests that should be run?



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I'd give your vet a call and let him/her know pupper seems worse, not better. Sure sounds like an infected salivary gland or an abscess. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest beerdogs31
I'd give your vet a call and let him/her know pupper seems worse, not better. Sure sounds like an infected salivary gland or an abscess. Sorry I can't be more helpful.



Thanks, yep, I did call the vet earlier and left a message, and he just called me back. There was quite a bit of talk of this being some kind of cancer in the worst case scenario, the best case scenario is an abscessed tooth that they didn't catch in the exam last week. Lager will be going in next week so that he can be put under anesthesia for a more in depth exam and testing depending on what they find is causing the bleeding and inflammation when they are able to take a closer look.


Please keep my gentle boy in your thoughts.

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Guest beerdogs31

Thanks for your thoughts everyone. Lager will be going to the vet on Tuesday for more testing and we are hoping for the best. I will update on what they find then.

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Guest beerdogs31
Keeping your sweet Lager in my thoughts and prayers. Any update on how he's doing? What did the vet say?



Thanks so much for thinking about Lager. He made it through the weekend okay, but continues to have foamy drool mixed with blood at times. He has a lump at the base of his chin that has gotten larger over the last week that is making it increasingly difficult for him to eat and drink. We are unsure if it is related to the teeth, salivary glands, an abscess, or the dreaded cancer. He is going in at 8am tomorrow to be put under anesthesia for x-rays, a dental cleaning and exam of the mouth, and a biopsy of the lump if needed after the teeth are checked for abscesses. Despite it all, he is still eating normally, going to the bathroom normally, and generally keeping his same old routine (which means getting me up at 6am!). I am so worried, but hoping for the best. I will update after his procedure tomorrow. Again, thanks for thinking about him.

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Guest argolola

He will continue to be in my prayers. Please keep us posted on how he's doing and what the vet says tomorrow.


God bless you handsome boy.

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Guest beerdogs31

Lager went for his exam and biopsy today, unfortunately, they found a tumor way back at the base of his tongue. A few weeks ago there was nothing there, and now there is a golf ball sized tumor....The biopsy was sent out and we will hear back in 5-7 days what type of cancer we are dealing with, my poor boy. This was very unexpected and whatever it is, it is very aggressive....The vet sent us home with morphine, rimadyl, and antibiotics for now. When the biopsy comes back we will know more about a prognosis. His tongue is so swollen and is bleeding from the biopsy, he can't even close his mouth, he looks so miserable and we are so sad for him....things are not looking good....

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Guest SusanP

I'm so sorry things seem to be going badly. How soon will the biopsy be back? Could he lick ice cream with his swollen tongue? :grouphug

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Guest paulamariez

Oh your poor, poor Lager! What an unexpected result! I will keep your precious boy in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully the medication will ease his pain and keep him comfortable. I will keep praying though, that it be a simple and easily resolved tumor and a quick, painless healing. Tiger, Bueller and Domino are sending Lager some healing get well doggie kisses. He is such a cutie pie too! I love his picture snuggling in bed!

Edited by paulamariez
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Guest grey_dreams

So sorry to hear the result. Hope that they can find a treatment plan to help him. Sending good thoughts your way.

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Guest beerdogs31
Any word?



Thanks again for your thoughts. Unfortunately, the vet called with preliminary biopsy results today and it is a Grade 3 Mast Cell Tumor, which is the worst case scenario. The vet said that because of the placement of the tumor, it would be impossible to remove it and get wide enough margins without removing almost the whole tongue. With these type of tumors, very wide margins are needed for any hope of success and he is concerned that is has already spread to the lymph nodes. So, surgery really isn't an option. Basically, he told me there were really no options for treatment and we are going to have to make a call for when it is time to let him go. We cooked up a steak for the sweet boy (which was interesting given the myself and partner are vegetarians) and got him some special treats for the weekend, given the rate at which the tumor is growing, it probably won't be long.......Can't believe that this was the outcome. Three weeks ago, we had a dog with no symptoms other than extra drool that we thought would be with us for a long time, now we have a dog who we have to make the hardest decision to let go....Hoping we can give Lager some special last days... :(

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